Differential games problems described by system of infinite differential equations in Hilbert space
Published 2018“…In this game, pursuer attempts to bring the state of the system toward another the evader’s purpose is opposite where we study pursuit game problems with negative coefficients. …”
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Thesis -
House price determinants and their impact on consumption and fertility
Published 2017“…The role of housing market in an economy is important in modern era as it brings a huge impact to an economy. Substantial increase in house values over recent years (2000 - 2013) have led to an economic policy debate on its effects on economy. …”
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Preparation and characterization of poly (lactic acid) / poly (butylene succinate) / graphene oxide composite
Published 2017“…XRD showed that a new broad peak at 12.9 ̊ emerged with the occurrence of graphite layer oxidation. …”
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Capital structure and impact of debt maturity structure on firms leverage level in Malaysia
Published 2018“…Having too much of debts could increase the firm’s risk level while it might help to take up good investment opportunities and bring in positive cash flow in future. On the other hand, holding low leverage level to maintain lower liquidity risk might cause the firm to sacrifice any great investment opportunity. …”
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Structural and optical properties of zinc borotellurite glass co-doped with lanthanum and silver oxide
Published 2018“…The short range periodic atomic arrangement in the glass matrix that implies the amorphous nature of the glass was confirmed with the presence of a broad hump in the XRD pattern. On the other hand, the three absorption bands observable in the FTIR spectra had proven the existence of BO4, BO3 as well as TeO4 units in the glass network. …”
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Impact of population aging on economic growth, health care expenditure and labor productivity in Malaysia
Published 2018“…Therefore, we can conclude that the findings bring to light that aging can be a burden to the economy. …”
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A cross-country analysis on the effect of religiosity on takaful demand
Published 2018“…Moreover, a cross-country analysis make the findings more robust and bring novelty in takaful research. Subsequently, the study findings contribute to stakeholders’ decision making for better business growth taking into consideration the emotive aspect of the customers. …”
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The effectiveness of the contents of print advertisements in inducing recall
Published 2001“…The effectiveness of advertising has became an undeniable truth in assisting advertisers to promote their brand especially through TV advertising. However, the increasing challenges faced by TV advertising like advertisement clustering, zapping and etc. have made the advertisers seeking for alternatives like spreading their advertising budget over other media. …”
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Nonparametric conditional mean cumulative functions for comparison of random-interval counting processes with applications to panel count data analysis in medical study
Published 2018“…Whenever the event have multiple occurrence, the event process is referred as recurrence process and is treated as a random point process over the follow-up time. A broad range of test procedures have been proposed for continuous observation processes in time-to-event data analysis, but only a few test procedures are applicable for discrete time observations when only panel count data are available. …”
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Do remittances promote human development? empirical evidence from developing countries
Published 2019“…Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the impact of remittances on human development in developing countries using panel data from 1980 to 2014 and to address the critical question of whether the increasing trend of remittances has any impact on human development in a broad range of developing countries. Design/methodology/approach: Usual panel estimates, such as pooled OLS, fixed or random effects model, possess specification issues such as endogeneity, heterogeneity and measurement errors. …”
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Impact of Mg rich synthetic gypsum application on the environment and palm oil quality
Published 2019“…The results showed that MRSG application onto soil cropped to oil palm could bring positive impact in terms of soil chemical properties and oil palm production. …”
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Gender differences in work-family conflict and family-friendly employment policy practices
Published 2008“…These data were gathered using self-administered questionnaires. Three broad categories of family-friendly facilities were studied including work arrangements, family care benefits, and child care facilities and related benefits. …”
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Control Patterns Among Multinational Subsidiaries in Malaysia
Published 2003“…On the other hand, the analysis did not discover enough evidence to support that there is a difference in the usage of output control among wholly, majority or minority owned subsidiaries.Typology of MNCs in this study is divided into two broad categories: global and non-global. Findings indicate that behavioral control and typology of MNCs are dependent. …”
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Response of fabricated germanium optical fibre subjected to low dose neutron-gamma irradiation
Published 2018“…At 71days’ post-irradiation, all the fibres showedless than 30% of signal fading. Moreover, single broad peak can be found for cylindrical fibre and double peak for flat fibre. …”
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An adaptive clustering approach to dynamic load balancing and energy consumption of nodes in WSN
Published 2019“…Once the wireless sensor network swapped the single function devices, it increased a benefit in the protracted variety of detecting, responsibility broad-mindedness, better-quality exactness and inferior cost than its precursors. …”
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Financial Integration in East Asia
Published 2001“…Hence, other alternatives that could bring greater stability in East Asia region have been proposed in order to cope with the more integrated financial markets.…”
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Reflectance aptasensor based on metal salphen label for rapid and facile determination of insulin
Published 2020“…A Nickel-salphen type complex with piperidine side chain [Ni(II)-SP] was synthesized with a simple one-pot reaction, and functionalized as an optical label due to strong π-π interaction between aromatic carbons of G-quadruplex DNA aptamer and planar aromatic groups of Ni(II)-SP to form the immobilized IGA3-Ni(II)-SP complex, i.e. the dye-labeled aptamer, thereby bringing yellow colouration to the immobilized G-quartet plane. …”
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Addition of ZnO nanoparticles on waste rice husk as potential host material for red-emitting phosphor
Published 2020“…The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns revealed that with the addition of ZnO in the silica matrix, the broad halo peaks became weaker and caused a few crystalline peaks to appear. …”
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Comparative conventional extraction methods of ethanolic extracts of Clinacanthus nutans leaves on antioxidant activity and toxicity
Published 2020“…Cytotoxic activity of C. nutans against brine shrimp was evaluated based on LC50 (lethality concentration) after 24 h exposure to the plant extract. …”
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Exploring the potential use of Hylocereus polyrhizus peels as a source of cosmeceutical sunscreen agent for its antioxidant and photoprotective properties
Published 2020“…HPPE also possessed a broad-spectrum shielding power against both UVA and UVB radiations. …”
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