Diphtheria anti-toxoid antibody levels among pre-clinical students and staff in an institute of higher learning in Malaysia: are they protected?
Published 2011“…Recommendations: Level of full protection against diphtheria toxin should be clearly defined by broad population based studies using several comparable detection methods. …”
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Morphological and genetic diversity of Jatropha curcas L. in Malaysia.
Published 2011“…Results of genetic diversity analysis using 14 morphological characters indicated that the presence of genetic variability among the J. curcas accessions. Broad sense heritability of all the traits were high with values exceeded 63%. …”
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Thesis -
Cytotoxic effect of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles synthesized via seaweed aqueous extract
Published 2014“…Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (Fe3O4 MNPs) are among the most useful metal nanoparticles for multiple applications across a broad spectrum in the biomedical field, including the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. …”
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Preparation, characterization and methylene blue adsorption of surfactant-templated mesoporous carbon coated monolith
Published 2012“…This thesis work brings the preparation and characterization of mesoporous carbon coated monolith (MCCM) by using nonionic surfactant as template and its application on adsorption of methylene blue. …”
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Thesis -
Effects Of Government Expenditure, Fiscal Policy And Institutions On The Economic Growth Of Asian Economies
Published 2008“…We formulated a simple growth model which is based on the augmented version of the Solow model in a sample of thirteen Asian countries as case studies using recently developed panel cointegration methods; FMOLS introduced by Pedroni (1996, 2000 and 2001) and GMM estimators developed for dynamic models of panel data, introduced by Arellano and Bond (1991) and Blundell and Bond (1998). The findings indicate that there is a positive and negative coefficient and significant long run relationship between government expenditure, fiscal policy and economic growth. …”
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Comparative Evaluation Of Three Methods For Predicting Traffic Volume
Published 2008“…The study revealed that NNs model brings the best results and consequently has the highest performance for forecasting short-term traffic volumes. …”
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Expression, Purification And Characterization Of Organic Solvent Tolerant Lipase From Bacillus Sphaericus 205y
Published 2005“…The optimum pH for the purified 205y lipase was found at 7.0-8.0 and its stability showed a broad range of pH value between pH 5.0 to pH 13.0 at 37 "C. …”
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Economic Dependence And Political Change In Algeria 1962-1992
Published 2004“…Unfortunately, this effort has significant negative implications, for the military governments installed escalate the economic problems and invite conditions that bring tense social and political stress. The military regime change approach leads to civil war, such as the one that took place in Algeria in 1992. …”
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Rethinking identity through Hindu spirituality in K.S Maniam's novels
Published 2016“…In one of his essays, K.S Maniam, a Malaysian Literature in English author states that his literary works “attempt to bring the precision of the English language to the versatility and depth of Hindu mythology and spirituality” (“Fiction into Fact” 264). …”
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Single longitudinal mode fiber laser with integration of gallium-erbium co-doped fiber
Published 2016“…The issue however, is the complexity imposed by the inherently long cavity length and doped fiber gain medium, which lead to small free spectral range (FSR) and broad gain bandwidth. The experimental work presented in this thesis demonstrates SLM operation using Ga- EDF as gain medium together with several mode filtration techniques in the laser setup. …”
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Thesis -
Effects of institutional factors on Malaysian outward foreign direct investment, locational choice and employment
Published 2016“…The selection of host countries is important as it may bring success or failure to the investing firms. …”
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Monitoring of agricultural land abandonment using remote sensing technology
Published 2016“…Abandonment of agricultural land is a global issue, it is a waste of resources and brings negative impacts on local economy. It is also a key factor in certain environmental problems, such as soil erosion and increasing carbon sequestration. …”
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Anti-inflammatory effect of Ficus Deltoidea jack extract in behavioral and cellular models of depression
Published 2017“…Depression, a worldwide mental disease, brings an enormous burden to the patients and their families. …”
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Data envelopment analysis for resource allocation problems in the presence of radial and non-radial data
Published 2016“…In this way, the modifications will bring about an increase in some units’ efficiency scores.…”
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Thesis -
Using satellite-measured relative humidity for prediction of Metisa plana’s population in oil palm plantations: a comparative assessment of regression and artificial neural network...
Published 2019“…Considering the economic devastation that the pest could bring, an early warning system to predict its outbreak is crucial. …”
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Optimization of vegetative and in vitro propagation for giant reed (Arundo donax L.)
Published 2019“…The fact that it can grow in Malaysia into full flowering stage brings possibilities that it can be cultivated for biofuel purposes. …”
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Translation strategies of idioms in Shakespeare’s Hamlet into Arabic
Published 2019“…The tendency towards the adoption of these strategies has characterized the Jabra’s behaviour as orienting towards domestication rather than foreignization, thus bringing the spirit of the source text (ST) closer to the Arab recipients. …”
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A comprehensive method for evaluating and reducing risk factors for project implementation
Published 2019“…Risk analysis has been broadly used to make assessments for many business sectors. …”
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Production and characterisation of a recombinant cold adapted lipase from Pseudomonas sp. LSK25 isolated from Signy Station, Antarctica
Published 2019“…The in silico study of the predicted structure of the cold-adapted LSK25 lipase further improved the understanding of the stability and molecular flexibility of this enzyme over a broad range of temperature.…”
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Thesis -
Servant leadership, psychological safety, psychological capital, regulatory focus, and turnover intention among nurses in Pakistan
Published 2019“…Furthermore, within the healthcare sector, nurses play an essential role because of their job description which brings them in direct contact of patients and caretaker of the patients care at healthcare sector. …”
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