Effect of mixing sequencing on asphalt mixture
Published 2021“…Besides, the benefits of the sequential method in terms of economical are lower asphalt mixture production energy and material cost due to lower bitumen content [1-2]. …”
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Book Section -
Power transfer capacity improvements of existing overhead line systems
Published 2010“…The increased demand for power transfer in combination with environmental and economic issues which set constraints to building new lines, force the implementation of new technologies into the existing system in order to improve its power capability. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Some issues in Malaysia agricultural development strategies
Published 1986“…Emphasis is often placed on agricultural development as a vital component of the Malaysian economic strategies. The outcomes of this policy, without the risk of over emphasised, have been encouraging in terms of agricultural contribution to the gross national product, foreign exchange earnings, and national employment. …”
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The impact of globalisation on the traditional concept of nation state
Published 2014“…The purpose of this paper is to look at a few of the ways that the globalisation process has affected the institution of the nation-state, in particular its ability to autonomously manage its own social and economic policies. Although the nationstate as an institution will not die out in the near future because of globalisation process but its control of power has been greatly undermined, and its hold on populations has been significantly minimized.The nation-state has become just one of several world organisational structures.Sovereignty - presuming such a thing ever really existed in the past.I shall attempt to place globalisational impacts upon the nation-state, national sovereignty, and culture, and the implications of these impacts upon the nation-state of the future.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
A preliminary study on fraud prevention and detection at the state and local government entities in Malaysia
Published 2014“…Issues related to fraud are of interest due to the frequent coverage by the media which has affected public confidence.The findings suggest that fraud is a significant problem, and the main causes of fraud are poor management practices and economic pressure. Interestingly, the study finds that, in most cases, management did not take firm action against the culprits when they were caught and found guilty. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Challenges of private retirement scheme (PRS) in Malaysia
Published 2015“…This paper intend to compare and analyse the private retirement scheme (PRS) and other retirement schemes that exists in Malaysia.PRS is a complementary scheme to the existing Malaysian pension schemes that are Government Pension Scheme (GPS) and Employees Provident Fund (EPF).There are many differences between the three retirement schemes such as the dividend in EPF is guaranteed, the government servant will received their pension after retirement but PRS depend solely on the investment made by contributor; EPF and GPS give death and incapacitation benefits to their members but not PRS; income tax relief are given to PRS contributor and EPF members.These differences lead to challenges in providing PRS to contributors especially during the economic downturn faced by our country today.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Bank efficiency in Southeast Asian countries: The impact of environmental variables
Published 2014“…Since the 1997 financial crisis, the effected countries has implement huge changes by either accepting the financial support from International monetary funds (IMF) or taken an alternative step by stringent their capital policy.Since then, many researchers have taken the advantages by looking into the cause and fewer have look upon the impact of the policy in bank efficiency.This paper will implement a non-parametric analysis on the bank efficiency during the post crisis period of 1999 to 2005 and taken into consideration the implication of environmental variables.The early result suggested that the policy does significantly affected by the environmental variables in assuring the success of each policy changes and transformation as to regain the crisis region economic growth.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
New public management (NPM) in Malaysia
Published 2016“…Since the philosophy and techniques of New Public Management (NPM) have been implemented in Malaysia, the public sector has emerged from being just an engine of economic growth to become a facilitator to the private sector and the public service provider. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Do cross-listed firms report better social responsibility performance?
Published 2017“…This paper investigates the corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure of cross-listed companies in China, to bridge the gap between existent CSR literature and the literature on cross-listing.MannWhitney-U and Wilcoxon ranking tests document the traditional bonding effect regarding reported corporate financial performance.Furthermore, the test results and findings of this study extend the financial bonding effect to other dimensions of corporate responsibility.In addition to better economic returns to owners, the bonding effect marks better reported CSR performance for cross-listed companies in terms of pay raises for employees, creation of new jobs, desirable stock option plans for management, and increased input in environmental protection and energy saving activities.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Predicting Service-Oriented Citizenship Behaviour among Frontlines with Personal Resources Work Engagement: A Proposed Research Framework
Published 2018“…Steady economic performance in recent years has resulted in rapid expansion of the travel and tourism industry.The fast development brought an extensive pressure to the industry’s players in sustaining their market share. …”
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Article -
Interest reduction – A solution for financial crisis
Published 2009“…The paper examines the effects of interest rate and its adjustment to the economic growth. It did mention the theory on supply and demand of credit relate to interest rate movement. …”
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Monograph -
The efficacy of power sharing politics in Zimbabwe: Lessons from Malaysia
Published 2010“…An unprecedented political and economic crisis added new complexities to the future of the country and political rules of the game. …”
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Book Section -
Embedding the concept of service oriented architecture into software sustainability evaluation model
Published 2017“…The measurement mechanism can support to achieve developing software towards sustainability perspective such as environment, economic and social. This paper embedded the concept of Service-Oriented Architecture into sustainability evaluation model to support the measurement criteria in the way to build software flexibility, reusability and agility. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Examining the livelihood assets and sustainable livelihoods among the vulnerability groups in Malaysia
Published 2017“…Until recently, the livelihood vulnerability group such as paddy farmers, coastal fishers and rubber tappers in rural areas are susceptible to economic shock and climate change such as flood and drought. …”
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Article -
The nexus between tax revenue and government expenditure in Nigeria; evidence from Toda -Yamamoto causality test
Published 2020“…Therefore, the paper recommends that long term government expenditure and economic policies that will increase tax revenues are given more emphasis.…”
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Article -
Public Leadership in Times of Crisis: Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic in Malaysia
Published 2020“…The current regional and global Covid-19 crisis, which exerts immense economic and social challenges on various sectors offers an opportunity for a careful analysis of the performance of our leaders in times of crisis. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The Effect of Letter Case of Logotype on Consumers’ Perceptions of Luxury Fashion Brand
Published 2022“…Over the recent decade, the sales of luxury fashion goods have increased dramatically in China due to the overall economic growth. This study examines the influences of uppercase and lowercase letters on luxury fashion brand logotypes and how this impacts Chinese consumers’ brand perception. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The Moderating Effect of Intellectual Capital on the Relationship of Innovation Practices in SME’s Performance
Published 2015“…SMEs are considered as engine for economic growth of most nations. SMEs must be willing to adopt latest technology and incorporate innovation as part of their business strategies. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Parent-child interactions and adolescent misbehaviour
Published 2011“…Adolescent misbehavior appeared to be due to a lack of parental support and control behavior, economic pressure and adolescent rebellion and factors related to adolescents school.…”
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Article -
Managing global business in the Internet age
Published 2002“…The Internet Age and the Age of Globalisation is an important phenomenon in determining the New World Order. The economic activities, in particular, are no longer limited and confined to geographical, culture, languages, and political ideological boundaries.Today the world is said to be “borderless” and is rich with challenges and opportunities that are beneficial to the world.The information revolution in the Internet Age reshapes the structure and conduct of business and delivery of education and services on a global scale.This phenomenon will present new challenges and opportunities to all segments of the society.This book is categorised to Information Technology and The Internet, E-Commerce, Pricing and Transaction Cost, E-Learning and Distance Education, Marketing, International Trade and Cross-Cultural Issues, and Knowledge Management, Human Resources and Management (HRM) and Organisational Development. …”