Distribution of aquatic macrophytes in the coastal area of Salimpur, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Published 2010“…Considering from the ecological and economic view, especially Catenella nipae, could be an important living resource for cultivation and sea ranching in this area. …”
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Effect of adding palm oil mill decanter cake slurry with regular turning operation on the composting process and quality of compost from oil palm empty fruit bunches
Published 2010“…The use of compost produced from EFB, POME and decanter cake slurry could solve more environmental problems and enhance economic benefits in the oil palm industry.…”
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Exploring the misrepresentation of Nigerian women in technical and vocational education in polytechnic institution
Published 2014“…Emphasis of government is in Polytechnic education where skills for self-reliant and economic growth are a priority. However, women are not embracing this opportunity by participating in the program that will equip them with skills and contribute to national development. …”
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Municipal solid waste management in Malaysia: practices and challenges
Published 2009“…Rapid economic development and population growth, inadequate infrastructure and expertise, and land scarcity make the management of municipal solid waste become one of Malaysia’s most critical environmental issues. …”
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Pilot-scale recovery of low molecular weight organic acids from anaerobically treated palm oil mill effluent (POME) with energy integrated system
Published 2008“…The recovery of organic acids has a significant and economical impact, since around 50% cost of PHA production is believed to be associated with the substrate itself.…”
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Renewable energy policy status and challenges of POME-biogas industry in Malaysia
Published 2015“…Palm oil can be considered as a mainstay in the regional development and economic growth of Malaysia. It is an important raw material for local industries and as an export product. …”
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Place attachment and continuity of urban place identity
Published 2010“…A questionnaire survey and interviews were conducted to examine place attachment and to identify the characteristics of the places that exerted influence and would then benefit in terms of securing place identity which in turn sustained attraction and thus brought greater economic and tourism advantages to the city.…”
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Tourism and community capacity building : a literature review.
Published 2008“…Tourism is simultaneously portrayed as a destroyer of culture, undermining social norms and economies, degrading social structures, stripping communities of individuality and as a savior of the poor and disadvantaged, providing opportunities and economic benefits, promoting social exchange and enhancing livelihoods. …”
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Optimising built-in-self-test using K-map LFSR on parallel multiplier circuit
Published 2002“…Commonly, BIST structure is based on random test data generation from a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) due to its simple, small and economical circuit structure. For this reason, development of test pattern" for BIST based on combination of K-map LFSR and deterministic approach could provide one of the solutions to reduce the testing time. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Tourism policy development: a Malaysian experience
Published 2010“…It begins with the justification of using tourism as the agent of change, in the drive towards multiplying the economic base of the country. It ends with the highlighting of contemporary practice of tourism, with a notion to further strengthen established industry foothold. …”
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An integrated inventory location model considering all-unit quantity discount
Published 2011“…However, most previous models have investigated the problem under the basic economic order quantity EOQ with (Q, r) inventory policy and yet quantity discount has not been considered. …”
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Demographic and attitudinal variables associated with consumers' intention to purchase green produced foods in Malaysia.
Published 2011“…Thus, the objective of this study is to determine the extent to which selected socio-economic/demographic characteristics and attitudes influence the consumers’ intention to purchase green foods in Malaysia especially since there are emerging global issues concerned with the environment, food safety and animal welfare. …”
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Reverse Transcriptase PCR detection of Hepatitis A virus (HAV) in cultured and wild shellfish from the Peninsular of Malaysia
Published 2011“…These outbreaks could induce a public confidence problem over shellfish safety and may result in important economic losses for the seafood industry. The work presented in this study investigated the presence of HAV in shellfish from Peninsular Malaysia. …”
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Kundur [Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn.]: A potential source for valuable nutrients and functional foods.
Published 2011“…A number of medicinal properties such as anti-diarrheal, anti-obesity, anti-ulcer, and antioxidant and diuretic have been ascribed to this fruit of high economic value. As a rich source of functionally important bioactives and therapeutics such as triterpenes, phenolics, sterols, and glycosides, the fruit has been widely used for the treatment of epilepsy, ulcer, and other nervous disorders in the native medicine system of Asia. …”
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A new dynamic geometric approach for empirical analysis of financial ratios and bankruptcy.
Published 2011“…We provide evidence of the extent to which changes in values for this index are associated with changes in each axis's values and how this may alter our economic interpretation of changes in patterns and directions. …”
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Applicability of inclusive business model for sustainable community based tourism development in Taman Negara Malaysia, Kuala Tahan Pahang, Malaysia
Published 2012“…The development of rural tourism has been identified as a strategic alternative to overcome the economic decline in the rural agricultural sector. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using brown marine macroalga, Sargassum muticum aqueous extract
Published 2013“…Biological synthesis of nanoparticles is a relatively new emerging field of nanotechnology which has economic and eco-friendly benefits over chemical and physical processes of synthesis. …”
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Review of financial capability studies
Published 2013“…Financial capability or the ability of people to manage their day-to-day finances is receiving an increasing interest among policy makers and researchers as more people find themselves in difficult financial situations especially during the economic downturn. Alarmed by this situation, the purpose of this paper is to tackle the problem of how to measure financial capability with a specific focus on general four domains; managing money, staying informed, choosing products and planning ahead. …”
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Government-linked companies’ (GLCs) performance – a structuration perspective: Malaysian evidence
Published 2013“…This study has found that GLCs are pressured to strike a balance across political, economic and social goals, and attainment of some of these goals, especially goals non-financial in nature, is not necessarily translated into improved financial performance in the short run. …”
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Financial integration among ASEAN+3 countries : evidence from exchange rates convergence
Published 2013“…As the economies of Asian have moved towards closer economic ties in recent years, the establishment of regional exchange rate arrangement has become an important regional policy concern. …”
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