Improving National and Homeland Security through a proposed Laboratory for nformation Globalization and Harmonization Technologies (LIGHT)
Published 2004“…Particular focus will be on national and homeland security, including data sources about conflict and war, modes of instability and threat, international and regional demographic, economic, and military statistics, money flows, and contextualizing terrorism defense and response. …”
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Working Paper -
An integrated assessment modeling framework for uncertainty studies in global and regional climate change: the MIT IGSM-CAM (version 1.0)
Published 2014“…Since the MIT IGSM-CAM framework (version 1.0) incorporates a human activity model, it is possible to analyze uncertainties in emissions resulting from both uncertainties in the underlying socio-economic characteristics of the economic model and in the choice of climate-related policies. …”
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Article -
Uncertainty quantification for complex systems : application to the study of cities
Published 2021“…Specifically, I analyze millions of geolocated Twitter records across multiple US cities, allowing me to derive socio-economic user profiles based on individual movement patterns. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Rotor angle stability-constrained dispatch and control of large-scale wind penetrated power system
Published 2022“…In addition, there will be a conflict between the economic and stability objectives in high wind penetrated power systems. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Towards sustainable light-weight materials: enhancing foamability of polypropylene in supercritical CO2 extrusion foaming via multifunctional additives
Published 2023“…Firstly, heptaisobutyl open-caged silsesquioxane (HOS) is studied as an economically feasible hybrid surfactant for PP foaming. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Development of anti-icing coatings for sports application
Published 2019“…Undesired ice accumulation on outdoor sports facilities leads to severe economic issues and even loss of lives. Great efforts have been made to fabricate ice prevention surfaces or facilities since 1800s. …”
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Thesis -
Published 2011“…As a service organization that is non-profit, a BLUD can not escape the economic calculations in applying the tariff calculated on the basis of service with unit cost. …”
Thesis -
Published 2011“…As a service organization that is non-profit, a BLUD can not escape the economic calculations in applying the tariff calculated on the basis of service with unit cost. …”
Thesis -
Socio-demographic characteristics, body image, self-esteem and their associations with overweight and obesity among Emirati adolescents living in Abu Dhabi, UAE
Published 2022“…Population studies using representative samples need to accurately and effectively estimate the psychosocial, social, economic, and lifestyle factors that lead to obesity and their impact on public health, especially on adolescents. …”
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Thesis -
Food waste composting with the addition of Sabah ragi using passive aeration-auto turning composter
Published 2023“…Based on the cost analysis, the applicability of composting system in UMS is economically feasible and could possibly generate a profit of RM 14,824.61 per year.…”
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Thesis -
Molecular Diversity of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Different Sections of Local Fruit Trees
Published 2010“…Since tropical fruit plays an important role as food and as an economic commodity, there is a need to clearly understand the microorganisms that co-exist within the fruit. …”
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Thesis -
Groundwater resource assessment in Astaneh-Kouchesfahan Plain, Iran
Published 2011“…Astaneh-Kouchesfahan Plain is one of the focus points in terms of regional development in north of Iran. The socio-economic resources of the plain are enormous and play a particularly important role in supporting the rural population of the area. …”
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Thesis -
An improved streamflow model with climate and land use factors for Hulu Langat Basin
Published 2014“…Rapid urbanization, population growth and economic developments could potentially put stress on the water resources by increasing the water demand. …”
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Thesis -
Critical discourse and semiotic analyses of the changes in the roles and representations of women in action movies across three eras of Hollywood
Published 2014“…The findings show that women’s roles in action movies have been impacted on by socio-political and economic forces throughout the three eras. In the classical and post-classical eras, particularly in movies revolving around the themes of war or communism, women found villainous, alluring or dependent identities. …”
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Thesis -
Development of nanoparticles solid acid and bi-functional zirconia supported catalysts for production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil
Published 2014“…The new proposed catalytic system needs to be more eco-friendly, economically visible and technically applicable with a minimum level of complexity in terms of preparation and use. …”
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Thesis -
Utilization of organic and inorganic calcium and dehydrated food waste in improving egg production and egg quality of village chicken layers
Published 2016“…The study was conducted to investigate the performance of different organic and inorganic dietary calcium from halal sources in Malaysian village chicken layers diet and utilization of dehydrated food waste (DFW) as an economical alternative feed supplement in Malaysian village chicken layers for better egg production and quality. …”
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Thesis -
Improving nitrogen use efficiency of mixed fertilizers using clinoptilolite zeolite
Published 2013“…According to Wu and Liu (2008), up to 70% of N, 90% of P, and 70% of K are lost to the environment and not available for plant uptake. This leads to economic losses and causes serious environmental pollution. …”
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Thesis -
Organic and mineral amendments on rice (oryza sativa L.) yield and nutrient recovery efficiency
Published 2016“…Incorporating crude humic substances or chicken littler biochar in the Malaysian rice cultivation is economically viable compared to the existing practice. …”
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Thesis -
Case Study of "Value Based Management (VBM) in Petronas Gas"
Published 1997“…On the other hand, SVA was established by Stem Stewart Inc., a New York consultant which was similar to Economic Earnings (EE) and Economic Value Added (EVA). …”
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