Custom farming (service providing) system in paddy farming in Malaysian granary area
Published 2012“…Custom hiring (Service Providing) System is really important due to the risen in the cropping intensity (Double Cropping System) and farm size (economic scale) in paddy farming in Muda granary area. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Passive remediation of metal and sulfate-rich acid mine drainage using a sulfate reducing bioreactor
Published 2016“…Sulfate reducing bioreactor is one of the promising AMD treatments which can improve the health and conditions of mine water in an economical and sustainable way. The characterization of the treatment media used for AMD remediation was done for spent mushroom compost (SMC), limestone, and activated sludge. …”
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Thesis -
Determinants of international Muslim tourists’ empowerment and attitude, and their impact on loyalty
Published 2018“…One market segment that is on the rise and could provide economic opportunities is the Muslim tourists. The question is whether the tourism industry in Malaysia has provided sufficient tourism facilities to gain the loyalty of Muslim tourists. …”
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Thesis -
Improved accessibility and connectivity platform for assistive indoor plant monitoring systems
Published 2016“…Indoor plant has been identified to have positive effects on human wellbeing (physically, psychologically, and economically). However this organism needs special requirement and each type has its own unique condition to thrive. …”
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Thesis -
Effects of credit market freedom on the convergence of Chinese banks’ profits
Published 2018Get full text
Article -
Agricultural extension services for agriculture risk management through ICTs in Malaysia
Published 2017“…As a result, not only socio-economic condition of farmers would be improved but also challenges like climate change can be handled.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Alternative sites for recreation area in Larut Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve, Taiping, Perak
Published 2016“…In this research, the aims are to determine the ecotourism economic value of LMMF using travel cost method (TCM), and more specifically, to determine the alternative recreation site, factors affecting the alternative recreation site and the socio-demographic background of visitors of LMMF. …”
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Project Paper Report -
Factors Influencing Foreign Direct Investment in the Manufacturing Sector of Malaysia
Published 1992“…The qualitative analysis concludes that economic and social stability; freedom of repatriation; avail ability of efficient labour force; existence of physical infrastructures;efficiency of financial institutions; tariff and trade protection; currency stability; market avail ability; and public sector efficiency are among the roost important determinants of FDI.…”
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Thesis -
Analysis of suborbital flight operation using PESTLE
Published 2019“…In conjunction with that, this research aims to analyse the suborbital flight operation by using the analytical tool of Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental (PESTLE) in order to discuss its implications to a nation. …”
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Article -
Integration and Pricing Efficiency of Rice Market
Published 1999“…This study Investigated performance of rice market in Nepal by analysing interdependence of prices (market integration) and efficiency of arbitrage (pricing efficiency) among the regional wholesale markets An Integrated approach to the analysis of performance of the market system was adopted The cointegration-based Johansen's Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) was used for analysis of nature of interdependence of prices in the regional markets to infer on integration Switching Regimes Model (SRM) was used to evaluate efficiency of arbitrage between market regions related in direct trade to infer on pricing efficiency of the market system The analysis results for market Integration and pricing efficiency were interpreted In relation to the structural and behavioral characteristics of the market system being Investigated through the rapid appraisal market survey The evaluation of results from estimation of the VECM lend support to the hypothesis that regional markets for rice in Nepal are integrated to form a single market area With Kathmandu as the central market Price shocks m the central market gets quickly transmitted to the regional markets However, the results from estimation of the SRM for the five market pairs provided statistical evidence of violation of efficient arbitrage conditions This supports the hypothesis that the integrated rice market in the country is not efficient m arbitrage sense Consideration of behavioral characteristics of the market indicated inefficient integration of the market regions could be due to lack of adequate institutional infrastructure in the market that provided the large millers and traders to enjoy some degree of market power The study indicates that physical facilities in the market are necessary for integration of the market, but these alone are not sufficient for a market system to be efficient with expansion of the market through economic integration, need for provision of appropriate institutional Infrastructure In the form of public and private order institutions arises The government needs to play a crucial role in providing institutional infrastructures to make the market more competitive, efficient and equitable.…”
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Thesis -
Effects of different routes of vaccination against Streptococcus agalactiae in red hybrid tilapia fingerlings (Oreochromissp.)
Published 2016“…It is a major problem for fish production worldwide, and it is associated with high economic losses. This study was aimed at investigating the effects of different vaccination route against Streptococcus agalatiae in Red hybrid tilapia fingerlings. …”
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Project Paper Report -
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis originated from Caprine caseous lymphadenitis (CLA) cases
Published 2017“…Caseous lymphadenitis (CLA) is a chronic bacterial infectious disease caused by a gram-positive bacteria named Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infecting animals especially small ruminant resulting in economic losses to a farm. Despite of contagious infection, the use of antibiotics in most cases do not eliminate the disease totally. …”
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Project Paper Report -
Export determinants and its long-run relationship of Malaysia's major export sectors
Published 2005“…Many empirical studies have tried to establish the causal link between export expansion and economic growth, due to the view that structural changes in a nation will alter the sources of growth, which in turn will affect the export-oriented strategy that can be used. …”
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Thesis -
Screening of aquatic plant for potential phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated water
Published 2015“…Bioremediation is a new green economic approach in providing solutions for cleaning up contaminated sites. …”
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Project Paper Report -
Investigating on job hopping behavior among restaurant employees in Malaysia
Published 2020Get full text
Article -
Physico-mechanical properties of super-fast dried oil palm lumber as the core of block board
Published 2017“…However, holed appearance on the lumber deducts its economic value. Therefore, block board was suggested to increase the value of super-fast dried lumber. …”
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Project Paper Report -
Effect of treatment variableson the super- fast drying method on the properties of dried high – density oil palm lumber (Elaeis guineensis)
Published 2017“…Wood demand in industry has been increasing each year together with the increase in population and economic development of the country. Supplies of wood always decrease because of wood insufficient resources from the forest and oil palm wood can be used to solve the problem of raw material. …”
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Project Paper Report -
Impact of flood inundation on agriculture land use: a case study in Gua Musang, Kelantan
Published 2016“…Over the past 30 years, floods have been the most tragic natural disaster affecting about 80 million people per year causing economic damage worth over USD11 million annually around the world. …”
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Project Paper Report -
Isolation, characterization and pathogenicity of fungal pathogens causing post-harvest spoilage in syzygium malaccense (malay apple)
Published 2016“…However, post-harvest spoilage of S. malaccense is causing economic loss to exporters in general and local sellers in particular. …”
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Project Paper Report