Cooperation between laccase and glucose oxidase in the oxidation of lignin model compound
Published 2016“…It can replace fossil-based oil as a renewable feedstock that would bring about socio-economic and environmental benefits to our current economy. …”
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Undergraduates Project Papers -
Potential natural gas pipe line at Universiti Malaysia Pahang laboratory and residential college unit for future development
Published 2010“…The consumption of energy has increased as result of rapid economic growth in Malaysia. Realizing the importance of energy, natural gas can be alternative energy source which is more effective and cheap compared to electricity. …”
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Undergraduates Project Papers -
Mechanical properties of adobe bricks using sawdust as partial sand replacement
Published 2017“…By replacing sand with sawdust, sand mining and waste disposal problems can be reduced as well as economical adobe brick can be produced. This study aims to investigate the effect of sawdust as partial sand replacement on the properties of adobe brick. …”
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Undergraduates Project Papers -
Removal performance of pollutants from industrial wastewater using scirpus grossus
Published 2019“…This treatment is cheap, easy to maintenance and economical. Besides that, phytoremediation is an emerging technology that should be considered for the remediation of contaminated sites because of its aesthetic advantages and long-term applicability. …”
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Undergraduates Project Papers -
Photo-Fenton-inspired deoxygenation of tea polyphenol–graphene by household bleach
Published 2020“…Notably, a strategy for facile deoxygenation of tea-graphene must be established for a green and economical production of graphene to be realized. In this work, a simple purification method of graphene through the application of merely a household bleach (Clorox®) after the pre-exfoliation in black tea has been proposed. …”
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Article -
A study on the design changes affecting the construction project: point of view from contractor perspective
Published 2018“…They are change in design, current economic situation, error or omission occurred during construction phase, replacement of material and work procedure as well as lack of data and information required for the design. …”
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Undergraduates Project Papers -
Degradation modelling on temperature upon burst capacity of composite repaired pipeline
Published 2019“…Pipelines are the safest, efficient, and economic way for oil and gas transportation over a long distance. …”
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Undergraduates Project Papers -
Reaction kinetics of the catalytic esterification of oleic acid with methanol
Published 2010“…The production of biodiesel from vegetable oils has been widely researched; however, it is not an economical process because of using valuable vegetable oils. …”
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Undergraduates Project Papers -
Mechanical properties of styrene butadiene rubber with oil palm trunk fiber as filler
Published 2010“…Many researches have been done in rubber/natural filler blending in order to improve the properties of rubber with economically. The methods in this research are divided into three sections; mixing, molding, and testing. …”
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Undergraduates Project Papers -
Effect of natural filler on the characterization of natural rubber
Published 2010“…Usage of natural rubber only to produce rubber products becomes disadvantages in economical and environmental aspect. It will be more efficient if the rubber is reinforced with filler as its additive without affecting its properties. …”
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Undergraduates Project Papers -
Determinants and market performance of Fortune 100 best companies: evidence from Islamic perspective
Published 2021“…The result is in line and compatible with the concept of CSR in Islam perspective which encompasses legal, economic, ethical and philanthropic responsibilities (Maruf, 2013). …”
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Article -
Recent advances and future prospects of electrochemical processes for microalgae harvesting
Published 2021“…Though this area was previously explored for its application in wastewater treatment, it has lately gained momentum in the field of microalgae due to its economic efficiency. This paper highlights the three prime processes used to yield microalgae namely electroflocculation, electroflotation and a combined electrocoagulation-flotation (ECF) system. …”
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Article -
Reinforcement of plastic using empty fruit bunch (EFB) of palm oil waste
Published 2010“…The resulted are 10% treatment with NaOH give the best result from effective and economic side where provide tensile strength of 14.9 MPa for 10% fiber loading where it can be used for structural applications.…”
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Undergraduates Project Papers -
Investigating the effect of gas flow on the drag reduction performance in multiphase flow system
Published 2012“…The flow transitions inside the pipeline itself can give the effect to the drag reduction performance. It can offer large economic advantages and larger effectiveness in the transportation of the fluid. …”
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Undergraduates Project Papers -
Essential oil extraction from gaharu
Published 2007“…Given the tremendous demand and diverse applications of gaharu, the economic potential of this product is substantial. …”
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Research Report -
Production of biodiesel from castor oil : a feasibility study
Published 2013“…It was determined that the single most important economic factor is the cost of castor oil. Consequently, a sensitivity analysis was performed to examine the effect of castor oil cost on profitability using the MATLAB code. …”
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Thesis -
Medium-density fibreboard (MDF) from oil-palm fronds
Published 2012“…MDF from OPF also has sound absorption qualities that were generally superior at several frequencies compared to commercialize fibreboards samples. In other aspect of economic feasibility analysis, it was observed that MDF from oil palm fronds offering strategically lower price than other competitors product since it using low cost raw material. …”
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Thesis -
Optimal Planning Of Distributed Generation Considering Time Varying Load
Published 2022“…The uncertainties connected with DG resources may result in specific economic and technological issues that need a thorough examination to simplify their integration into the Distribution System (DS). …”
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Undergraduates Project Papers -
Development of automatic cupping suction system (software and circuit)
Published 2022“…Therefore, an automatic cupping suction system is developed in this project as an effective, efficient and economical automatic system for a better and healthier life. 3 separated automatic cupping system is developed to ensure that multiple cupping process can be handled at the same time and it is able to be activated on the hairy skin area. …”
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Undergraduates Project Papers -
Design and development of wireless communication and real-time waypoint monitoring system for unmanned surface vehicle
Published 2022“…A remote operated unmanned vehicle is able to carry out the task more economic and efficient with unmanned features. The SUV is an alternative feature for surface vehicle such as boat and ship in which remotely operated and some with autonomous configuration. …”
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Undergraduates Project Papers