Inequalities and content moderation
Published 2023“…We outline the depth of the unequal practice of moderation, particularly across Africa, and explore the underlying political and economic factors driving this gap. While recognizing content moderation has many limitations, we conclude by underlining potential approaches to increase oversight in content moderation.…”
Journal article -
Trade in substandard and falsified medicines
Published 2022“…According to WHO, 10.5% of medicines in low- and middle-income countries are substandard or falsified (SF), which has a multidimensional impact on public health as well as severe economic and socioeconomic consequences. Constrained access, weak technical capacity and poor governance contribute to the emergence of SF medicines. …”
Book section -
Laughter influences social bonding but not prosocial generosity to friends and strangers
Published 2021“…Using changes in pain threshold as a proxy for endorphin upregulation in the brain and a standard economic game (the Dictator Game) as an assay of prosociality, we show that laughter does trigger the endorphin system and, through that, seems to enhance social bonding, but it does not reliably influence donations to others. …”
Journal article -
Bidirectional bioelectronic interfaces: system design and circuit implications
Published 2020“…The total economic cost of neurological disorders exceeds £100 billion per annum in the United Kingdom alone, yet pharmaceutical companies continue to cut investments due to failed clinical studies and risk [1]. …”
Journal article -
Effect factors on the affordability to own house : Malaysian case / Fatin Saadah Mohamed Khalid
Published 2014“…During periods of rapid economic growth, many have the thought that house price will continue to surge and making it unaffordable especially during the financial crisis. …”
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Student Project -
Protection of registered proprietor in Malaysia: with special reference to fraud and forgery cases on land title registration / Ag. Danam @ Ag. Adnan Pg Bakar
Published 2017“…This has revealed the failure of the government in guaranteeing the landowner in the form of economic security. As an overall result, it is to recommend the authority or the land administrator adopting the third principle of Torrens system which is guarantee principle.…”
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Thesis -
Port turnaround time: the problems and recommendations / Hairul Anuar
Published 1995“…Fast turnaround time will minimise port stay and give good image for the port and it is alsqwill be economical for the shipping lines. This study will try to identify the problems faced by the port management, shipping agents, forwarding agents and hauilers that involved in the container ship's operations that effect the turnaround time of vessel at Johor Port Container Terminal, Pasir Gudang, Johor. …”
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Student Project -
Critical path analysis for groundhandling activities: a case study of airbus performance at Kulap / Zarina Md Mukhtar
Published 1991“…However, under a set of constraint, the optimisation is being made using the Critical Path Analysis method for the aircraft to achieve a more economical period of time on the ground. A saving in time can be obtained for the aircraft when compared to the traditional path stretching and holding at a longer time on the ground. …”
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Student Project -
Development of Web-Based GIS for monitoring foreign direct investment inflow of Southeast Asia developing countries [2006-2016] / Siti Noor Nadiah Mohd Rafidi
Published 2019“…The aim of this study is to visualise the dynamic trend of Foreign Direct Investment in South East Asia towards countries performance and economic growth among the developing countries in South East Asia. …”
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Thesis -
The determinant of foreign exchange reserves in Asian countries / Nur Syafiza Roslan
Published 2018“…The accumulation has been done regardless of the economic implication on the macroeconomy. Econometric evidence shows that the variables in the study have least square method. …”
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Student Project -
Knowledge and attitude among night market food operators toward food waste management practices: a conceptual paper/ Muhammad ‘Arif Aizat Bashir
Published 2020“…As a developing country, Malaysia is facing the challenge of economic growth and rapid expansion; and waste generation is one of the drawbacks of it. …”
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Article -
Mapping of salinity level using spline interpolation techniques over the water of Sungai Merbok, Kedah / Sharir Aizat Kamaruddin ... [et al.]
Published 2018“…Interpolation map of salinity is a helpful scientific instrument for environmental monitoring and for social economic development especially for the community who lived in Sungai Merbok. …”
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Article -
A Replenishment inventory model for items under time-varying demand rates considering trade credit period and cash discount for a finite time horizon
Published 2012“…Many researchers have developed various economic ordering quantity models by assuming an infinite time horizon and constant demand rate. …”
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Article -
Foreign direct investment location decision and pollution: evidence from Malaysia
Published 2007“…Results ffom this study indicate that while positive economic circumstances attract foreign direct investment, negative environmental conditions, especially air pollution, serve as push factors. …”
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Article -
Nipah virus--a potential agent of bioterrorism?
Published 2003“…There were considerable social disruptions and tremendous economic loss to an important pig-rearing industry. …”
Article -
State of Libya
Published 2016“…However, the neglect on higher education of Libya cannot be underestimated as it has a crucial role to play in the future rebuilding of what may have been deemed currently as a ‘failed state’ but with vast economic potentials.…”
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Chapter In Book -
State of Palestine
Published 2016“…This chapter examines the political, security and economic situation of Palestine, to provide a context to understanding the environment that shapes the Palestinian higher education landscape and system. …”
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Chapter In Book -
Gold Investment and Financial Crisis: Some Theoretical Consideration
Published 2018“…A drastic shift in recent years towards investment demand from jewellery demand reflects the concept that gold can be considered a safe haven asset in times of economic turmoil since investors construct their portfolios to include more gold as an alternative to riskier assets. …”
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Article -
An assessment of readiness and willingness to adopt digital marketing transformation among SMEs’ entrepreneurs in Sabah: a conceptual model
Published 2021“…Digital transformation is one of the most fundamental social and economic occurrences which impacts Small and Medium-sized enterprises (SME) business operations specifically during Covid-19 pandemic. …”
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Article -
Infrastructure-FDI nexus in Nigeria: insights from nonlinear threshold regression model
Published 2021“…The findings provide support to the regulators and policy makers to improve infrastructural development for attracting more FDI in the economy which can foster economic growth.…”
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