Mg-rich synthetic gypsum application on soils in Malaysia to sustain agricultural production: a review
Published 2021“…Thus, we can turn the otherwise cheap by-product of a chemical plant into a useful fertiliser that contributes to our economic growth.…”
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Molybdenum trioxide decorated on tapered microfiber for mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser
Published 2021“…This work demonstrates a simple and economical route of preparing molybdenum trioxide/polydimethylsiloxane composite saturable absorber (MoO3-SA) for ultrashort pulse generation. …”
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Persuasive strategies in Buhari's maiden coup speech
Published 2021“…Finally, attempting to elevate the spiritual values of his addressees regarding the cause of their being in the economic impasse under corrupt leadership and to motivate his audience to receive his claims about the outgoing government, Buhari employed analogical persuasion by referring to the Holy Qur'an. …”
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The effect of dimethyl sulfoxide on Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis biofilm: an in silico prediction and experimental validation
Published 2021“…This disease has long been shown to be a major cause of economic loss on sheep industries. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is known to be effective against a wide spectrum of pathogens however, its efficacy against C. pseudotuberculosis biofilm remains uncertain. …”
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In Vitro Studies on the Virulence of Spodoptera Litura Baculovirus
Published 2003“…Baculoviruses have been used as biopesticides against economic pests in agriculture, forestry and landscapes. …”
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Thesis -
Characteristics of batik patterns of Bouyei Ethnicity in Guizhou,China
Published 2021“…Its distinctive wax drawing pattern reflects the temperate climate and agricultural economic and cultural characteristics and experience and technology, forming a unique national clothing culture and aesthetic consciousness. …”
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Community gardening and the capacity to enrich social bonding in urban neighborhoods
Published 2021“…One of the drivers is the urban migration, where people are relocating themselves to new neighborhoods, cities or countries often with the hope of better economic opportunities and social infrastructure, therefore changing the landscape of the new society and the place they reside. …”
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Determinants that influence green product purchase intention and behavior: a literature review and guiding framework
Published 2021“…To hinder this impact and stimulate a more sustainable economic growth, one solution is to lessen or move utilization patterns from conventional products to eco-friendly products. …”
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Green reduction of graphene oxide involving extracts of plants from different taxonomy groups
Published 2021“…Thus, to accomplish the objective, the green synthesis principle has prompted researchers worldwide to develop a simple method for the green reduction of graphene oxide (GO), which is readily accessible, sustainable, economical, renewable, and environmentally friendly. …”
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Higher education teachers’ experiences of becoming research active: striving for university status in the Global South
Published 2021“…Higher education institutions are seen as pivotal for fostering national economic growth in a globalised knowledge economy. …”
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The Relevance Of Gender Studies In Deconstructing And Reconstructing Sustainable Development
Published 2016“…Certain countries and segments of the population are still beset by serious economic, political and social crises such as poverty, limited accessibility to essential medical/health care, high maternal mortality ratio, violence against women and child marriage which are all compounded by the impact of climate change, natural disasters, civil conflicts and wars. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Entrepreneurship Education In Nigerian Universities: A Tool For National Transformation
Published 2014“…Nigeria is faced with myriad of problems among which are graduate unemployment, poverty, crime, and other social vices, which are as a result of economic meltdown or unsustainable development in the country, which needs urgent attention. …”
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Impact of limestone quarrying industries On the livelihood of the surrounding population : experience at Gunung Lengkun, Ipoh, Perak
Published 2008“…The quarrying industry is one of Perak’s major economic base. It plays an important role in contributing towards the construction industry’s development by providing materials such as marble, granite, cement etc. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Tourism as a means of income generation for developing countries: focus on Nigeria
Published 2008“…Tourism in developing countries if focused on will in no small measure contribute to the economic growth. The methodology employed in this paper is direct observation and visits to some tourist sites in Nigeria, combined with relevant literature search. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Foreign Records on the Malay Archipelago Through Vietnam's Perspective
Published 2016“…A specific focus is given to the 19th century due to the dynamic political and economic relations with the Western powers, witnessed in the maritime activities of the Malay Archipelago. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
International Seminar on Islamic Civilization and Thoughts (INSIST) 2017: Towards Civilization Sustainability and Universal Peace
Published 2017“…This seminar aims to persuade Muslim scholars and scientist to enlighten mind of intellect and to contribute to the whole world for solution of current political international relations, economic, education, social problems, well-being of the society as well as environmental protection to ensure a sustainable pattern of lifestyle, thereby contributing to the betterment of the planet for the benefit of both the present and future generations. …”
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Monograph -
A cost-reduction of self-compacting concrete incorporating raw rice husk ash
Published 2016“…In order to produce economical SCC, a significant amount of cement should be replaced with cheaper material options, which are commonly found in byproduct materials such as limestone powder (LP), fly ash (FA) and raw rice husk ash (RRHA). …”
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Negotiating class, ethnicity and modernity: the ‘Malaynisation’ of P. Ramlee and his films
Published 2015“…Early Malaysian national cinema disseminates a social reconstruction process aimed at reconstructing Malay supremacy at the centre of a specific geographical, political, economic and cultural space. Aptly termed as ‘Malaynisation’, this process occurred during the Golden Age of Malaysian cinema through the films of P. …”
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Environmental Stringency, Corruption And Foreign Direct Investment (Fdi): Lessons From Global Evidence
Published 2015“…Developing countries face a dilemma: to have either a stringent environmental policy that may lead to less foreign direct investment (FDI) or a less stringent environmental policy but more FDI through which economic growth may occur. Motivated by this paradox, it is necessary to examine the dynamic relationship between FDI, pollution control and corruption to suggest a mechanism that may be effective in combating the pollution haven effect. …”
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From Seafet And Asa: Precursors Of Asean
Published 2007“…In my recent book, Regionalism in Southeast Asia, I was able to incorporate material from United Kingdom (UK) records on the development of Southeast Asia Friendship and Economic Treaty (SEAFET), Association of Southeast Asia States (ASA) and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). …”
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