Pineapple peel industry determination with weighted location method
Published 2020“…The use of pineapple peel for small-scale production in this study was the main focus, so that the community would get benefit from the economic value. The community to use pineapple peel is the main concern, to get information about the capacity of an area. …”
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A review of sustainable maintenance in the manufacturing companies
Published 2020“…Performing content analysis with various past studies conducted in developed and developing countries with several research settings, this study classified SMa into four dimensions that are technical dimension, economic dimension, environmental dimension, and social and safety dimension. …”
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Analysis of regional investment policy direction in the general investment plan perspective of Tanjungpinang City
Published 2020“…This paradigm shift in regional investment is in line with the aim of spurring synergies in various aspects in the implementation of local government with the central government, the competition that is increasingly open in this era of decentralization requires local governments to organize and organize their regions operationally in order to maximize their regional potential and gain good skills managing the market in order to attract investors, both foreign capital (PMA) and investment in the State (PMDN), the development of investment in a region or region can give birth to or create opportunities for other economic activities. With the investment road map, it will become the basis for investment policies and guidelines to attract investors to make direct investment in Indonesia and Tanjungpinang City, especially as part of development. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
PESTEL’s Holistic Framework for Rural Development
Published 2020“…Political, Economic, Socio-demographic (including Education), Technological, Environment, and Legislative (PESTEL) is the tool analysis to understand the current status and future needs of the external environment factors that people have. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Mediation: Practice in the corporate world
Published 2021“…A mediator’s role is to facilitate the disputing parties and utilize both joint and private sessions to assist them to achieve consensus. In view of the economic interest and with a vision to maintain their business relationships , a private settlement is preferred between them. …”
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Dasar Wanita Negara: Daripada Polisi kepada Pelaksanaan
Published 2016“…This concept paper aims to discuss the women’s empowerment programmers and activities in particular to enhance awareness on the women’s rights as well as upgrading their knowledge and capabilities in economic activities through training along with financial supports programmed. …”
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An assessment on student’s readiness towards establishing a cashless society in the UUM campus
Published 2020“…The findings shows that economic condition will give the big impact on consumer when they are using online transaction system. …”
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A Conceptual Foundation for Blockchain Development: The Contribution of Ibn Khaldun
Published 2021“…The aim of this study, hence, is to evaluate the blockchain initiatives and development in light of the eight foundations for economic development as propounded by Ibn Khaldun. …”
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Effects of Integrating Direct Cash Aid into Fuel Subsidy Removal in The Domestic Commodity Market in Malaysia Using Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Model
Published 2018“…Thus, it is advisable to have other effective, concurrent development programs to stimulate future economic development.…”
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Investigating Waqf Property Resources of Institutional Mutawalli in Malaysia
Published 2018“…Thus, from the information, each institutional mutawalli can take proactive action to ensure that all waqf properties in their institution are well managed, as well as being administered and developed accordingly as it can contribute to the socio-economic advancement of the Ummah.…”
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Behind Brainy Bunch International School Success: What Did They Do?
Published 2022“…The suitable and in time strategies have to be actively reviewed and placed to compete in the education business market without jeorpardising the social economic mission and vision. Among the important areas taken care by international school like BBIS are financial sustainability, full fledge facility, high quality teachers and teaching, interesting syllabus and curriculum, effective marketing strategy and assuring low staff turnover.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Value-Based Leadership: Turning Success into Significance
Published 2022“…Higher education (HE) continues to evolve and is susceptible to and influenced by international factors such as globalisation, industrialisation, geo-political changes and economic trades. In a move to enhance and make the higher education ecosystem more dynamic and relevant, the Malaysian government decided to establish the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) in 2004. …”
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Book Section -
An Overview of the Right to Adequate Housing for Refugees and Migrants
Published 2022“…Universal Declaration of Human Right by United Nation in the 1948 and International Covenant on Economic, Sosial and Cultural Rights in the 1966 have highlight the right to a sufficient quality of life was acknowledged to include the right to appropriate housing. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Retrenchment Due to Covid-19: For or Against Employers?
Published 2022“…Retrenchment is a recurring phenomenon that relates with the economic activity and performance. During the outbreak of COVID-19, businesses, employers and employees had encountered retrenchment as a result of the implemented Movement Control Order and various lockdowns. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Effect of Strategic Determinants of Training on the Job Performance, Effectiveness and Efficiency: An Empirical Study
Published 2012“…Investments in the development of human capital, which are concerned with the development of knowledge, competencies and qualifications of employees, are considered more important today for the performance of an organization and for the economic growth of a country than investments in physical capital. …”
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Should the Financial Planner Advise His Client to Buy the Life Insurance Policy?
Published 2022“…This teaching case is a decision case in the niche area of economic and financial analysis. It requires the case users to assume the role of Jack (financial planner) to do the following to help Christyn: (a) comparing the cost of insurance (total premium paid) against the different types of benefits (maturity benefit, surrender value and death benefit) provided by the life insurance policy, (b) highlighting the sustainability of the money she has in funding the purchase of the life insurance policy, and (c) providing recommendations whether she should buy the life insurance policy promoted to her by the insurance agent.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Employment for People with Disability: Some Findings on the Policy and Implementation
Published 2016“…It is common for PWD to experiencing severe economic deprivation and social disadvantages. To acknowledge and ensure their employment right, almost all the governments of all countries in the world has managed to bring in policies relating to PWD. …”
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Referendum as a Legal Tools for Achieving Self-Determination: The Case of Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Published 2019“…Referendums on the right to achieve self-determination has become a significant tool used in attaining collective political, economic, social and cultural aspiration since the decolonization era. …”
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The attitude and commitment of the Malaysian government towards Islam in the foreign policy (1957-2003): An assessment
Published 2010“…Malaysian’s role in this respect was largely motivated by pragmatic considerations resulting from an interplay between various factors; political, economic, religious and humanitarian.…”
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Book Section -
Engineering Skills: Employer Satisfaction Among Malaysian Graduate Engineer
Published 2019“…It is hope with this data it can be an essential reference for engineering graduates to prepare themselves to enter the working environment in today’s challenging economic situation…”
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