Elemental Mapping for Characterizing of Thorium and Rare Earth Elements (REE) Bearing Minerals Using μXRF
Published 2022“…This element is associated with high-value elements, the rare earth elements (REE). The minerals containing Th and REE were found in veins mineralization with various types of minerals which are very difficult to identify by conventional method. …”
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Article -
Settlement Quality Mapping Analysis Using Google Earth Imagery and GIS in Sorosutan Subdistrict, Yogyakarta City
Published 2021“…The condition of Sorosutan Subdistrict which has a slum area needs to be investigated on the quality of its settlements through assessment, weighting, and interpretation of Google Earth Imagery. The stage of determining the quality of settlements in this research is interpreting the imagery and determine the scoring of each parameter of settlement quality using GIS software. …”
Conference or Workshop Item -
Mangrove species mapping through phenological analysis using random forest algorithm on Google Earth Engine
Published 2023“…This study aims to (1) characterize the phenological signatures of mangrove species in the observed area, and (2) use the vegetative phenological patterns for mangrove species mapping using the random forest (RF) algorithm on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform. We characterized the vegetative phenological signatures of mangrove species using 82 filtered Sentinel-2 multi-temporal images from 2018 to 2020. …”
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Article -
Rain fade and it's effect analysis for earth-to-satellite microwave link based on measured rainfall statistics in Bangladesh
Published 2009“…Noise generated during rains are predicted for all three bands and carrier-to-noise ratios are estimated to compare the performances of earth-to satellite link at different frequency bands in Bangladesh.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
A study on the shear strength behaviour of lateritic soil-deoiled spent bleaching earth (DSBE) mixtures
Published 2022“…De-oiled Spent Bleaching Earth (DSBE) is the industrial waste originally from the edible oil refining process. …”
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Academic Exercise -
Effect of eco-processed pozzolan as a partial cement replacement on properties of interlocking compressed earth brick
Published 2022“…This is due to, Malaysia has been using massive amount of conventional construction materials such as concrete, fired earth bricks and cement-based bricks, which are expensive and hazardous to the environment. …”
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Thesis -
A comparative analysis of microgravity and earth grown thermostable T1 lipase crystals using HDPCG apparatus
Published 2015“…Better electron densities were observed overall compared with the Earth-grown crystals, and comparison shows the subtle but distinct conformations around Na(+) ion binding site stabilized via cation-π interactions. …”
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Article -
Performance of chemically treated natural fibres and lime in soft soil for the utilisation as pile-supported earth platform
Published 2015“…The numerical analyses showed the importance of the mechanical properties of the treated soils for the efficacy and effectiveness of the reduction of the settlement of the earth platform, as well as to enhance the bending performance of the earth platform. …”
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Article -
Local community acceptance of the rare earth industry: the case of the Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (LAMP) in Malaysia
Published 2016“…This paper provides a detailed analysis of the local community response to a newly installed rare earth (RE) refinery facility and the factors underlying its acceptance. …”
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Article -
Oil palm mapping over Peninsular Malaysia using Google Earth Engine and machine learning algorithms
Published 2020“…In this study, 30 m Landsat 8 data were processed using a cloud computing platform of Google Earth Engine (GEE) in order to classify oil palm land cover using non-parametric machine learning algorithms such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), Classification and Regression Tree (CART) and Random Forest (RF) for the first time over Peninsular Malaysia. …”
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Article -
Characterization Study Of Malaysian ION-Adsorption Clay NR-REE (Non-Radioactive Rare Earth Element)
Published 2022“…For ICP-MS, the results indicate that all 17 elements of REEs are present in both samples, For Light Rare Earth Elements (LREE) and Heavy Rare Earh Element (HREE) content for KDO is higher than KDT, meanwhile the ratio for LREE to HREE for KDO is 1.17, lower than KDT with 4.41 ratio.…”
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Monograph -
Thermal performance of residential house using interlocking compressed earth brick (ICEB) as an alternative wall material
Published 2012“…Over the years, in Malaysia, there has been an increasing interest in the use of interlocking compressed earth bricks (ICEB) - formed from stabilized earth - for masonry buildings. …”
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Thesis -
Improvement of strength and water absorption of Interlocking Compressed Earth Bricks (ICEB) with addition of Ureolytic Bacteria (UB)
Published 2018“…Interlocking Compressed Earth Brick (ICEB) are cement stabilized soil bricks that allow for dry stacked construction. …”
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Article -
Influence of ureolytic bacteria (UB) on the engineering properties and microstructure behavior of interlocking compressed earth bricks (ICEB)
Published 2017“…Interlocking Compressed Earth Brick (ICEB) are cement stabilized soil bricks that allow for dry stacked construction. …”
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