Wireless monitoring system based on zig-bee
Published 2011“…Global warming is a serious issue that is affecting the Earth. Studies have shown that humanity is the main cause of global warming even though natural ways have also cause global warming too. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Electroluminescence studies on europium (dibenzoylmethane)3 bathophenanthroline.
Published 2011“…However, a great part of organic materials shows broad emission spectra. Rare Earth ions such as Eu3+ is able to exhibit bright and spectrally narrow red emission. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Design of a wireless network for renewable energy sources using wi-fi
Published 2011“…It can help reduce the usage of Earth‟s depleting natural resources and also reduce the emission of harmful chemicals and gases that will be devastating to humans. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Self-assembled monolayer based micropatterns and their application in cell patterning
Published 2011“…In this project, micropatterns of dot array and gratings are fabricated using SAM-based microcontact printing, followed by coating of rare-earth nanoparticles. While the prime focus of this project is on pattern construction, cell attachment and viability are also investigated on these patterns, demonstrating an application of microcontact printing. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Green concrete incorporating local waste material
Published 2013“…In previous study, Recycled Concrete Fines (RCF) replaced the uses of aggregates in concrete mixing reducing its cost and usage of raw earth material, sands. In this project, another recycled material, Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) to substitute certain percentage of cement. 80% GGBS was mixed with varies size and proportion of RCF was designed and properties tested according to varies tests. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Power converter comparison for solar system realization
Published 2013“…After reflection and absorption in the atmosphere, some 100,000TW hit the surface of Earth and undergo conversion to all forms of energy used by humans. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Green energy device as peripheral sensing
Published 2013“…This has taken a toll on the Earth for the fact that coal burning to generate electricity is one of the world’s largest sources of carbon dioxide emissions. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Conductance based health diagnosis
Published 2014“…The accuracy of the measuring of average skin conductivity at acupuncture points will be investigated by varying the type, size, and location of the earth electrode, location of the acupuncture points and time of day when measurements are taken. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Failure mode of arch structure subjected to internal blast load and comparison between two LS-DYNA concrete materials
Published 2014“…The initial response of arch structure using Simplified CONWEP model, was used to compare with the initial response of Earth Covered Composite Arch (ECCA) using CONWEP model. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Literature study on air pollution detection and environmental protection using nanotechnology
Published 2014“…Advancement in technology not only brings about the innovations in numerous fields but it also brought with it the major causes of air pollution to our earth today. Global warming, acid rain, and the deterioration of the ozone layer are caused by air pollution, which is a major health and environmental problem. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Imagining ice and infinity : constructions of place in the Antarctic and outer space treaties
Published 2015“…In contrast, outer space was understood as a formidable yet accessible realm that was open to all peoples of Earth. Having elucidated these conceptions, we compare the two treaties to understand why the Antarctic and Outer Space Treaties differ in the matter of sovereignty and preparatory styles. …”
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Thesis -
FTIR of salted water
Published 2015“…Water is abundant and it covers about 70 per cent of earth’s surface. However, it is the least known due to its unusual behaviors. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Haze and thin cloud removal for optical satellite imagery
Published 2017“…Images are seriously affected by haze phenomena due to severe air illusion emitted by massive factories on earth, which also influences clarity of both photography and satellite images. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Experimental study on wave propagation in coastal waters
Published 2017“…The use of Very Large Floating Structures (VLFS) could be an alternative solution to the costly good earth fill and the limitations of the environmental concerns when adopting the traditional methods for land reclamation in countries facing issues with land spaces. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Study on air pollution detection and environment protection using nanotechnology
Published 2018“…Emission of contaminants from industries and motor vehicles can cause air pollution that is not only detrimental to human health, but also poses a major risk to the climate of the Earth. The influence of nanotechnology in pollution remediation is discussed, describing the environmental nanotechnological solutions and its impacts. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Finite element analysis of rock cavern
Published 2018“…The results indicate that the stability of the rock cavern during excavation is affected by the rock mass classifications and lateral earth pressure. In addition, for weaker rock masses, the stability of the cavern is influenced by the size of the rock cavern. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Published 2019“…This leads to billions of tons of trash accumulating on Earth. BOTANAISE aims to address this issue by introducing biodegradable accessories that have interchangeable charms made from starch. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Noise-Like Pulses Evolution in Mode-Locked Fibre Lasers
Published 2016“…In this project, we explored and simulated a special case that the formed soliton’s pulse width is so narrow that the spectral bandwidth of rare earth gain profile is comparable with the soliton spectrum bandwidth. …”
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Student Research Poster -
A Procedure For Deriving Geo-Referenced Location For Digital Images
Published 1987“…Map data were from 1 : 50.000 Universal Transverse Mercator topographic charts. and digital data were from SPOT satellite dataprocessed to Level lb (CHES. 1979). corrected for Earth rotation and curvature and off-nadir viewing but without local control. …”
Article -
Published 2002“…The groundwater still contains Calcium Bicarbonat Magnesium and Calcium Magne¬sium Bicarbonat (Wilcox) and is classified in class 5 that is, the dominant earth alcaly and low acid. The groundwater is safe for irrigation and the effect of salinity can be ignored. …”