Efficient multi-scale Gaussian process regression for massive remote sensing data with satGP v0.1.2
Published 2021“…Satellite remote sensing provides a global view to processes on Earth that has unique benefits compared to making measurements on the ground, such as global coverage and enormous data volume. …”
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The large footprint of small-scale artisanal gold mining in Ghana
Published 2021“…In this study, the Landsat image archive available through Google Earth Engine was used to quantify the total footprint of vegetation loss due to artisanal gold mines in Ghana from 2005 to 2019 and understand how conversion of forested regions to mining has changed over a decadal period from 2007 to 2017. …”
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A Transiting Warm Giant Planet around the Young Active Star TOI-201
Published 2022Get full text
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Strongly correlated perovskite lithium ion shuttles
Published 2022“…We further present a generalization of this approach with results on other rare-earth perovskite nickelates as well as dopants such as Na+. …”
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The first view of δ Scuti and γ Doradus stars with the TESS mission
Published 2022Get full text
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Post-Depositional Alteration of Calcium Carbonate Phases in Archaeological Ceramics: Depletion and Redistribution Effects
Published 2022“…The remains of archaeological ceramics spend hundreds to thousands of years deposited within the upper layers of the earth’s crust where they encounter the same diagenetic environmental processes as the surrounding natural materials. …”
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Dislocation structure of deformed olivine single crystals from conventional EBSD maps
Published 2021“…This will enable mapping of dislocation structures in both naturally and experimentally deformed polycrystals, with potentially new insights into deformation processes in Earth’s upper mantle.…”
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Generalized Stoichiometry and Biogeochemistry for Astrobiological Applications
Published 2021“…A key component of many past and future astrobiological measurements is the elemental ratio of various samples. Classic work on Earth’s oceans has shown that life displays a striking regularity in the ratio of elements as originally characterized by Redfield (Redfield 1958; Geider and La Roche 2002; Eighty years of Redfield 2014). …”
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Optical modeling and testing of the Deformable Mirror Demonstration Mission (DeMi) CubeSat payload
Published 2021“…Coronagraphs on future space telescopes will require precise wavefront control to detect and characterize Earth-like exoplanets. High-actuator count MEMS deformable mirrors can provide wavefront control with low size, weight, and power. …”
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Overview of Pavement Life Cycle Assessment Use Phase Research at the MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub
Published 2021“…Albedo is the fraction of solar energy reflected by the Earth's surface, with lighter color, higher albedo surfaces reflecting more energy than lower albedo, darker surfaces. …”
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Design and testing of auv docking modules for a renewably powered offshore auv servicing platform
Published 2022“…PEARL is an integrated autonomous floating servicing station that utilizes renewable energy to simultaneously provide AUV battery recharging and data uplink via new generation high-bandwidth low-Earth orbit satel-lite constellations. This paper details the design and testing of two potential AUV docking modules of the PEARL system. …”
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The WFIRST coronagraph instrument: a major step in the exploration of sun-like planetary systems via direct imaging
Published 2021“…This information will be extremely valuable for optimizing the observational strategy of possible future exo-Earth direct imaging missions, especially those planning to operate at optical wavelengths as well, such as the Habitable Exoplanet Observatory (HabEx) and the Large Ultraviolet/Optical/Infrared Surveyor (LUVOIR).…”
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