Customs (adab) of governance as depicted in traditional Malay literature
Published 2017“…In conclusion, a leader needs to understand his responsibilities as the ‘Caliph of Allah’ on this earth so that the country that is ruled by him will be blessed and prosperous.…”
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Attitude of small-scale fishermen towards adaptation to climate change
Published 2018“…It is globally accepted that the earth's climate is changing. Such a phenomenon affects communities across the globe. …”
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Support vector machine classification to detect land cover changes in Halabja city, Iraq
Published 2013“…Derived land use/cover maps were further validated by using high resolution images derived from Google earth. The results from this research indicate that the overall accuracy of land cover maps generated from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data were more than 89%. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Physical and expert investigation of the Islamic garden design and principles for Malaysia
Published 2017“…It emphasizes the Islamic principles of Oneness of God, beauty, peaceful co-existence with nature, the purpose of man’s creation on earth, balance of creation, embellishment of faith, dynamism of ‘ibadah (subservience), temporality of creation and being charitable. …”
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Thesis -
Geospatial Information Technology for Conservation of Coastal Forest and Mangroves Environment in Malaysia
Published 2008“…Mangrove forests are one of the most productive and bio-diverse wetlands environments on earth. Yet, these unique coastal tropical forests environment are among the most threatened habitats in the world. …”
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Spatio-temporal variability of heat exposure in Peninsular Malaysia using land surface temperature
Published 2019“…In this study, daytime land surface temperature (LST) has been retrieved from MODIS Aqua Earth observation satellite from NASA to characterize the latest spatio-temporal variability of heat exposure in Peninsular Malaysia with the reference of short-term mean calculated from year 2003 until 2012. …”
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Development of electrochemical sensor based on silica/gold nanoparticles modified electrode for detection of arsenite
Published 2020“…Arsenic is an extremely poison element in earth crust and its contamination in environment is a global hazard. …”
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Computational study of mass reduction of a conceptual microsatellite structural subassembly utilizing metal perforations
Published 2021“…A subassembly from the structural subsystem for a conceptual microsatellite designed for earth resources missions underwent normal modes analyses, after implementing an alternative approach to mass reduction, other than implementing advanced space qualified materials. …”
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Heat moisture modified rice flours as additive in drilling fluids
Published 2021“…Drilling mud is a dense, viscous fluid mixture used in oil and gas drilling operations to bring rock cuttings to the earth's surface from the boreholes as well as to lubricate and cool the drill bit. …”
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Defining the tipology of islamic architecture case study: bayt al qur’an building & istiqlal museum
Published 2008“…From the dawn of the civilization, the homo sapiens led a nomadic life and took shelter from the caves or the top of the trees until they settle down and make hut in special places on the earth surface i.e along the river banks, the lowlands and the hill tops. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Potential Of Shallow Groundwater Utilisation Through Riverbank Filtration In Alor Pongsu
Published 2013“…In preliminary studies, Earth Resistivity Image Profiling (RIP) is utilised to determine the existence of groundwater and suitable subsurface area for RBF setup. …”
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Thesis -
Geochemical And Mineralogical Characteristics Of Selinsing Gold Deposit
Published 2017“…The average concentration of gold in the Earth‟s crust is mostly about 0.005 g/t, which is much lower than the other metallic metals. …”
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Monograph -
Parallelization Of CCSDS Hyperspectral Image Compression Using C++
Published 2018“…The advent of space technologies eases the collection information from earth surface through remote sensing. However, the bandwidth and storage limitation impose on spaceborne devices have increased the need for data compression technique. …”
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Monograph -
Near Surface Geophysical Imaging For Shallow Groundwater Flow Evaluation Using Electrical Resistivity And Self-Potential Methods
Published 2020“…The analysis of water flow in the earth subsurface is a vital issue to hydrogeology, environmental, geotechnical, and engineering studies. …”
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Thesis -
Physical And Chemical Characterization Of Granitic Rock For Ree Utilization
Published 2022“…Rare earth element (REE) is important mineral as petroleum nowadays. …”
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Monograph -
Effectiveness Of Coffee Residuals As Green Roof Media
Published 2022“…The rapid process of urbanization has led to a decline in water -permeable green areas. As earth is facing the climate crisis, green technology -based solutions are worth exploring. …”
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Monograph -
Effect Of Geometry On Stress In Pile Head Of Rc Sheet Pile Under Vertical Impact Load
Published 2022“…Impact driving is one of the driving systems that applies a series of hammer strikes to drive the sheet pile into the earth. There have been instances reported where pile head is damaged due to the action of impact hammer. …”
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Monograph -
Slope stability analysis of riverbank in Malaysia with the effects of vegetation
Published 2023Get full text