Mineral surface reactivity and mass transfer in environmental mineralogy
Published 2007“…Environmental mineralogy is defined as: "the application of mineral sciences to understanding low temperature earth surface processes, especially processes which directly or indirectly involve the biosphere". …”
Conference item -
Secular variations in magmatism during a continental arc to post-arc transition: Plio-Pleistocene volcanism in the Lake Tahoe/Truckee area, Northern Sierra Nevada, California
Published 2011“…TTVF lavas have a subduction signature in primitive mantle-normalized plots but, compared to the older arc rocks, are enriched in the light rare earth elements, Nb, and Ta, and depleted in the large ion lithophile elements. …”
Journal article -
Magnetic field effects in chemical systems
Published 2007“…The origins of the sensitivity of European robins Erithacus rubecula to the Earth’s magnetic field are given particular attention. …”
Thesis -
Magnetic oculomotor prosthetics for acquired nystagmus
Published 2017“…Implementing this idea magnetically, herein we describe the successful implantation of a novel magnetic oculomotor prosthesis in a patient.Case report of a pilot, experimental intervention.A 49-year-old man with longstanding, medication-resistant, upbeat nystagmus resulting from a paraneoplastic syndrome caused by stage 2A, grade I, nodular sclerosing Hodgkin's lymphoma.We designed a 2-part, titanium-encased, rare-earth magnet oculomotor prosthesis, powered to damp nystagmus without interfering with the larger forces involved in saccades. …”
Journal article -
Advanced finite element analysis of deep excavation case histories
Published 2014“…Two more complex case histories are then investigated through fully 3D analyses to explore the influence of various factors such as (i) neglecting the small-strain stiffness nonlinearity in the soil model, (ii) the selected K_0 value to represent the initial stress state in the ground, (iii) the appropriate anisotropic wall properties to consider the joints in the diaphragm wall, (iv) the parameters governing the settlements of adjacent buildings and buried pipelines, (v) the effectiveness of ground improvement on reducing the building settlement, (vi) the variation of construction sequences, (vii) the effectiveness of earth berms, and (viii) ignoring the openings in the floor slabs. …”
Thesis -
The role of epigenetic modulators on circadian rhythms and metabolism
Published 2021“…<p>The earth’s rotation on its axis with a 24-hour period gave rise to circadian rhythms, which originated pervasive biologic fluctuations in gene expression, cellular physiology and whole-organism behaviour. …”
Thesis -
Exploring spectral unmixing algorithms for applications to estimating asteroid surface compositions
Published 2023“…Thermal infrared (TIR; 5 − 25μm) spectroscopy is a valuable method for estimating modal mineralogy due to its non-destructive nature, and utility in laboratories on Earth and in spacecraft instrumentation to provide remote sensing observations. …”
Thesis -
A study on the relationship between employee benefit and employee work productivity at Majlls Daerah Raub (MDR) / Aqilah Hashim
Published 2018“…Employee benefit or welfare can be characterized as a corporate attitude or duty reflected in the imparted watch over a worker at all measures, supporting their work and the earth in which it is performed. A large portion of the companying as a rule see the employee benefit as important for their employee however they do not know about the most imperative one. …”
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Student Project -
Synthesis and characterization of low density Bi(Pb)-2223 high temperature superconductor doped with europium and ytterbium / Nor Azura Che Mahmud
Published 2016“…The optimum level of low density superconductor obtained within the sample with ratio of polycrystalline sucrose to Bi(Pb)-2223 powder was at 0.050:1.950, where the highest Jc obtained was 6.053 A/cm2 at 77 K. The effect of rare earth elements, RE (Yb and Eu) substitutional doping in the optimum level of low-density (Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2 RExCa2-xCu3Oy), high-temperature superconductor have shown that for all series of doping concentration, the 7c and Jc gradually decreased as x is increased. …”
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Thesis -
Establishment of rainfall erosivity calendar at main cities of peninsular Malaysia / Nur Zarina Zakaria
Published 2007“…Soil erosion has become a very serious problem in Malaysia recently and it is one of the natural processes that occur on earth. With the accelerated land development both in public and commercial sectors, this problem will certainly persevere and deteriorate unless proper planning and management of land utilization is adopted at the early stage of any future land development. …”
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Thesis -
Surfactant Assisted Ball Milling: A Simple Top down Approach for the Synthesis of Controlled Structure Nanoparticle
Published 2013“…However, chemical method which is complicated and expensive showed limited success in the synthesis of controlled structure nanoparticles from rare-earth solid compounds. Among all the approaches, high energy ball milling with surfactant has been widely exploited for the synthesis of various nanomaterials, nanograins, nanocomposites from solid state. …”
Article -
The presence of radioactive materials in soil, sand and sediment samples of Potenga sea beach area, Chittagong, Bangladesh: Geological characteristics and environmental implication
Published 2018“…Of practical significance, the earth surface media (soil, sand and sediment) collected from the densely populated coastal area of Chittagong city, Bangladesh were analysed using a high purity germanium γ-ray spectrometer with low background radiation environment. …”
Article -
RNA-Seq-mediated transcriptomic analysis of heat stress response in a polar Chlorella sp. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta)
Published 2018“…Despite the low number of human inhabitants in Antarctica, the Antarctic Peninsula was reported as one of the most rapidly warming locations on earth. Many studies have shown that heat stress modulates physiological performance in many species of microalgae; however, studies to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of high-temperature thermotolerance are generally focused on the model species, i.e. …”
Article -
Development of an intelligent system based on ANFIS model for predicting soil erosion
Published 2018Article -
Application of solar quiet (Sq) current in determining mantle conductivity-depth structure in Malaysia
Published 2019“…The present profile showed the deepest penetration depth which may be attributed to the influence of equatorial electrojet current (EEJ) that is actively supported by the conductive properties of the Earth's interior within the study region. © 2018 Elsevier Ltd…”