Synthesis and characterization of low density Bi(Pb)-2223 high temperature superconductor doped with europium and ytterbium / Nor Azura Che Mahmud
Published 2016“…The optimum level of low density superconductor obtained within the sample with ratio of polycrystalline sucrose to Bi(Pb)-2223 powder was at 0.050:1.950, where the highest Jc obtained was 6.053 A/cm2 at 77 K. The effect of rare earth elements, RE (Yb and Eu) substitutional doping in the optimum level of low-density (Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2 RExCa2-xCu3Oy), high-temperature superconductor have shown that for all series of doping concentration, the 7c and Jc gradually decreased as x is increased. …”
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Thesis -
Establishment of rainfall erosivity calendar at main cities of peninsular Malaysia / Nur Zarina Zakaria
Published 2007“…Soil erosion has become a very serious problem in Malaysia recently and it is one of the natural processes that occur on earth. With the accelerated land development both in public and commercial sectors, this problem will certainly persevere and deteriorate unless proper planning and management of land utilization is adopted at the early stage of any future land development. …”
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Thesis -
Surfactant Assisted Ball Milling: A Simple Top down Approach for the Synthesis of Controlled Structure Nanoparticle
Published 2013“…However, chemical method which is complicated and expensive showed limited success in the synthesis of controlled structure nanoparticles from rare-earth solid compounds. Among all the approaches, high energy ball milling with surfactant has been widely exploited for the synthesis of various nanomaterials, nanograins, nanocomposites from solid state. …”
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The presence of radioactive materials in soil, sand and sediment samples of Potenga sea beach area, Chittagong, Bangladesh: Geological characteristics and environmental implication
Published 2018“…Of practical significance, the earth surface media (soil, sand and sediment) collected from the densely populated coastal area of Chittagong city, Bangladesh were analysed using a high purity germanium γ-ray spectrometer with low background radiation environment. …”
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RNA-Seq-mediated transcriptomic analysis of heat stress response in a polar Chlorella sp. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta)
Published 2018“…Despite the low number of human inhabitants in Antarctica, the Antarctic Peninsula was reported as one of the most rapidly warming locations on earth. Many studies have shown that heat stress modulates physiological performance in many species of microalgae; however, studies to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of high-temperature thermotolerance are generally focused on the model species, i.e. …”
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Development of an intelligent system based on ANFIS model for predicting soil erosion
Published 2018Article -
Application of solar quiet (Sq) current in determining mantle conductivity-depth structure in Malaysia
Published 2019“…The present profile showed the deepest penetration depth which may be attributed to the influence of equatorial electrojet current (EEJ) that is actively supported by the conductive properties of the Earth's interior within the study region. © 2018 Elsevier Ltd…”
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Identification of failure root causes using condition based monitoring data on a 33 kV switchgear
Published 2013“…The CBM data were obtained using ultrasound, thermoscanning and transient earth voltage (TEV) methods at different compartments of the switchgear, which yielded specific root causes of failure. …”
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Production of cellulose acetate from acacia mangium for wood coating lacquer
Published 2016“…These properties further justify the ergonomics of the most abundant organic compound on Earth, which is the cellulose, as an alternative for petroleum based products while indicating the feasibility of a wide-range unconventional product development of the A. mangium species as a whole.…”
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Thesis -
Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic activity of sulfonated carbon-based catalysts derived from rubber tree leaves and pulp and paper mill waste
Published 2016Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Gold nanoparticles stimulated surface plasmon resonance effects in erbium-zinc-sodium-tellurite glass
Published 2016“…Modifying the optical characteristics of rare earth (RE) doped inorganic glasses by stimulating surface plasmon resonance (SPR) via controlled growth of metal nanoparticles (NPs) is an outstanding quest in glass plasmonics. …”
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Article -
Biogenic Volatile organic compounds Emission in Malaysian Landscapes and its implication to the Global Carbon cycle
Published 2009“…To date, very limited studies in tropical plants have been included in the regional and global inventories of emissions, albeit their role in the global carbon cycle; tropical rainforest is the major sink of carbon dioxide on Earth. This study aims to understand the carbon balance over tropical landscapes by determining how much carbon is being absorbed by vegetation and how much is being emitted back to the atmosphere in the form of biogenic volatile organic compounds in different vegetation landscapes, i.e. primary forest, secondary forest, and oil palm plantations. …”
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Research Report -
An evolutionary based features construction methods for data summarization approach
Published 2015“…Coral reefs are on course to become the first ecosystem that human activity will eliminate entirely from the Earth, a leading United Nations scientist claims. …”
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Research Report -
Investigation on the gold nanoparticles concentration effects to the optical and structural properties of nanostructure glass
Published 2019“…Achieving enhancement of photoluminescence and Raman spectra of glasses containing rare-earth ions and metallic nanoparticles are prerequisite. …”
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Thesis -