Insect pest composition in the non-treated matured oil palm plantation / Noratikah Awang Kechik
منشور في 2015"…Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology…"
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Student Project -
Effectiveness of organic based formulation to control of weeds in paddy / Norfaeza Latiff
منشور في 2015"…Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology…"
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Student Project -
The different rate of vermicompost on growth performance of rice (oryza sativa) / Norhasmira Mahadzir
منشور في 2015"…Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology…"
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Student Project -
In vitro regeneration of pineapple (Ananas comosus) l. Merr 'MD2' using different concentration of Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) and Kinetin (KN) hormone / Norma Ziati Ismail
منشور في 2015"…Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology…"
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Student Project -
Population of soil microorganism in different depth of peat soil / Nornabihah Tamsir Fauzi
منشور في 2015"…Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology…"
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Student Project -
Factors influencing the inclination of settlers hiring contract workers for oil palm FFB harvesting in Felda Kerteh, Dungun,Terengganu / Nour Aina Mardhia Ibrahim
منشور في 2015"…Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology…"
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Student Project -
Growth responses of Mucuna bracteata to application of tebuconazole / Nur Amirah Juwahir
منشور في 2015"…Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology…"
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Student Project -
Influnce of effective microorganisms (EMs) on the compost quality of rice straw with goat manure / Nur Asiah Haji Abdul Rahman
منشور في 2015"…Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology…"
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Student Project -
Efficacy of selected insecticide to against whitefly (Bemisia Tabaci) on chilli plant (Capsicum annum) / Nur Azirah Mohamad Fazi
منشور في 2015"…Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology…"
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Student Project -
Diversity of endophytic fungi isolated from asymptomatic cocoa pod and their potential against Phytophthora palmivora / Nur Farahin Sahat
منشور في 2015"…Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology…"
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Student Project -
Potential use of oil palm decanter cake (OPDC) as reinforcement for polymer composite / Nur Fitrah Aqilah Abd Pahmy
منشور في 2015"…Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology…"
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Student Project -
A study on perceived ease of use and knowledge of farmers in Kada, Kelantan towards herbicide application on paddy farming / Nurhidayah Mohd Nawi
منشور في 2015"…Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology…"
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Student Project -
Effects nutrient concentrations on thrips (Thrips palmi) population in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) / Nur Syazwani Mas'od
منشور في 2015"…Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology…"
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Student Project -
Growth inhibition of Mucuna bracteata by paclobutrazol / Nur Syuhada Ab Hamid
منشور في 2015"…Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology…"
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Student Project -
The effects of different types of organic compound on the growth performance and development of paddy (Oryza sativa) MR220 shoots and roots explants / Nur Yasmin Zaini Abdullah
منشور في 2015"…Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology…"
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Student Project -
Evaluation of effective microbes for control Bacterial Leaf Blight (BLB) disease on paddy / Nuratiqah Othman
منشور في 2015"…Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology…"
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Student Project -
Preliminary study on properties different types of paddy straw for paper / Nuratika Zainuddin
منشور في 2015"…Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology…"
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Student Project -
Effect of effective microorganism on paddy seedling growth / Nurnadirah Mat Nawi
منشور في 2015"…Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology…"
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Student Project -
Diversity of insect pests in oil palm plantation / Nurul Atikah Che Kamaruzaman
منشور في 2015"…Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology…"
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Student Project -
Knowledge and practices of smallholders in managing Rhinoceros beetle, Oryctes rhinoceros damage on yield of oil palm at FELDA Chalok Barat, Setiu, Terengganu / Nurul Azula Nadia Z...
منشور في 2015"…Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology…"
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Student Project