Climate change education: following the information
Published 2022“…This chapter explores, through a fictionalised story, the nexus of information, climate change, digital geographies, children’s geographies, and the future of work. …”
Book section -
Report on health provision to nomads: Improving medical staffing at Haima Hospital, Jiddat-il-Harasiis, Oman
Published 2013“…Such measures would go a long way towards alleviating current concerns and providing the framework for a sustainable system of secondary health care in places that are diffi cult to reach.…”
Journal article -
Media's street politics: invisible infrastructures of filming in Cairo
Published 2023“…This paper analyzes the labor relations of on-location filming in Cairo, which moves across different urban geographies, from the slum to the elite gated community. …”
Journal article -
Green rebranding: regenerative agriculture, future-pasts, and the naturalisation of livestock
Published 2022“…<p>Anxieties around the relationship between livestock agriculture and the environmental crisis are driving sustained discussions about the place of beef and dairy farming in a sustainable food system. …”
Journal article -
The gamble of the gig economy: the accentuated precarity of platform workers from low-income backgrounds in Singapore
Published 2023“…By reframing neoliberalism as disintermediation and using the theory of conjunctural geographies, this study employs a triangulation of methods to examine three key questions—how the gig economy is sustained in a neoliberal context, what the central dynamics of the gig economy in Singapore are, and what lived realities of gig workers from low-income backgrounds in Singapore are like. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Ocean sentinels: seabirds and the lively governance of marine ecologies
Published 2024“…Its unruly effects on the global climate system and its ecological unravelling at the hands of decades of intense exploitation feed narratives of crisis, whilst redemption is proposed in new blueprints for sustainable development aligned with enlightened marine stewardship. …”
Thesis -
Assessing the potential of AI for spatially sensitive nature-related financial risks
Published 2024“…The two use cases also cover different sectors, geographies, financial assets and AI modelling techniques, providing an overview on how AI could be applied to different challenges relating to nature's integration into finance. …”
Report -
Crises and tourism mobilities
Published 2021“…Financial, health, climate and refugee crises abound, there is significant interest in reflecting on the implications of these intersecting crises for different geographies, human (and non-human) communities, economic sectors and at different timescales. …”
Journal article -
In the spirit of engagement: memories and the sensorium in Algonquin canoe building
Published 2022“…Understanding the ways traditional territory and natural resources sustain cultural memory over vast periods of time is of vital importance to the Algonquin. …”
Thesis -
The Surveillance for Enteric Fever in Asia Project (SEAP), Severe Typhoid Fever Surveillance in Africa (SETA), Surveillance of Enteric Fever in India (SEFI), and Strategic Typhoid...
Published 2020“…It is important to ensure that lessons learned from these studies not only inform vaccination policy, but also are incorporated into sustainable, low-cost, integrated vaccine-preventable disease surveillance systems.…”
Journal article -
‘Occupied Enclave’: Policing and the underbelly of humanitarian governance in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya
Published 2019“…This article transports discussions on the geographies of occupation to the refugee camp and infers that rethinking militarised policing in camps as a form of occupation brings into sharper relief the everyday violence of humanitarian governance. …”
Journal article -
Constraining risk narratives: a multidecadal media analysis of drinking water insecurity in Bangladesh
Published 2019“…Sustainable development agendas in Bangladesh are frequently framed in the media as being constrained by water insecurity and the decision-making challenges posed by multiple risks of both natural and human origins. …”
Journal article -
Multi-level governance and modal thinking: tensions in electric mobility transitions in European cities
Published 2024“…However, the mobility histories and path dependencies that shape these transitions are spatially uneven both horizontally across different geographies and vertically between different scales of authority and responsibility. …”
Journal article -
Smoking prevalence and attributable disease burden in 195 countries and territories, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015
Published 2017“…Nonetheless, smoking remains a leading risk for early death and disability worldwide, and therefore continues to require sustained political commitment. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) offers a robust platform through which global, regional, and national progress toward achieving smoking-related targets can be assessed. …”
Journal article -
An agenda for research and action towards diverse and just futures for life on Earth
Published 2021“…This essay outlines a research and action agenda that calls for a collective task of ‘revisiting biodiversity’ towards the goal of sustaining diverse and just futures for life on Earth. …”
Journal article -
The Properties of Whiteness
Published 2024“…Third, it draws from Black geographies to suggest takeaways for planners in supporting Black spaces that can simultaneously support Black efforts to name the collective political reality and highlight the contingency of racial constructs in ways that can eradicate the substantive conditions of Black subordination. …”
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Article -
Geographic mapping with unsupervised multi-modal representation learning from VHR images and POIs
Published 2023Get full text
Journal Article -
Imperial infrastructure and spatial resistance in colonial literature (1880-1930)
Published 2015“…Colonial literature written throughout this period, in recording this vast expansion, repeatedly cites imperial infrastructures to make sense of the various geographies in which it is set. Physical embodiments of empire proliferate in this writing. …”
Thesis -
Lasting social impact : Community Development Venture Capital investing
Published 2009Get full text