The framing of anti-fake news law in Malaysian newspapers
Publicat 2023“…Human Resource Management Academic Research Society…”
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The implementation of Islamic trade financing product by Islamic banking institutions towards Muslim Halal entrepreneurs (MHE) in Malaysia
Publicat 2023“…Human Resource Management Academic Research Society…”
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Perceptions from scholars in education on Sino-Malaysian higher education cooperation under the background of one belt and one road initiative: a case study
Publicat 2023“…Human Resource Management Academic Research Society…”
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The role of political parties under deliberative democracy in China
Publicat 2023“…Human Resource Management Academic Research Society…”
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Information and communication technology (ICT) adoption and community: a systematic literature review
Publicat 2023“…Human Resource Management Academic Research Society…”
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The role of materialism in predicting compulsive buying among University Students in Klang Valley, Malaysia
Publicat 2023“…Human Resource Management Academic Research Society…”
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The influence of principal inclusive leadership and teacher efficacy on teachers’ innovative behaviour
Publicat 2023“…Human Resource Management Academic Research Society…”
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Strategic planning and family business sustainability: the moderating role of advisory role
Publicat 2023“…Human Resource Management Academic Research Society…”
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The effectiveness of entrepreneurship programmes and collaboration of institutions-industry in the technical and vocational training centres
Publicat 2023“…Human Resource Management Academic Research Society…”
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The Japanese adjectives Jouzu and Tokui
Publicat 2023“…Human Resource Management Academic Research Society…”
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Parents and teachers’ perceptions of online music sessions for children with autism during the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia: an exploratory feasibility study
Publicat 2023“…Human Resource Management Academic Research Society…”
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Influence of demographic characteristics on dining out and food ordering behaviour among older persons
Publicat 2024“…Human Resource Management Academic Research Society…”
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Time perspective predicts parents education involution perception via education anxiety, expectations for children might not as incomprehensible as it seems
Publicat 2023“…Human Resource Management Academic Research Society…”
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Psychological wellbeing among teachers in Malaysia: the relationship between burnout, resilience and school factor
Publicat 2024“…Human Resource Management Academic Research Society…”
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Relationship between bully victimization and emotional difficulty in adolescence: hope and school connectedness as mediator
Publicat 2023“…Human Resource Management Academic Research Society…”
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Predictors of academics research performance and the significance of engaging in work activities
Publicat 2024“…Human Resource Management Academic Research Society…”
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The development concept of enhanced visualization-based augmented reality applications in education
Publicat 2024“…Human Resource Management Academic Research Society…”
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Perceptions of organizational culture and board effectiveness on Malaysian cooperative board of directors
Publicat 2019“…Human Resource Management Academic Research Society…”
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Impact of board of directors’ characteristics on accrual and real earnings management among Jordanian listed firms: conceptual paper
Publicat 2024“…Human Resource Management Academic Research Society…”
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ESG disclosure and firm performance: evidence after the revision of Malaysian code of corporate governance
Publicat 2023“…Human Resource Management Academic Research Society…”