A Kalman Filter Approach to PCB Drill Path Optimization Problem
Julkaistu 2017“…Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Comparison of document similarity algorithms in extracting document keywords from an academic paper
Julkaistu 2021“…Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Location utility-based map reduction
Julkaistu 2017“…Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers…”
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Artikkeli -
Precision mass measurements in solution reveal properties of single cells and bioparticles
Julkaistu 2017“…Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers…”
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Artikkeli -
Pareto optimality and Nash equilibrium for building stable systems
Julkaistu 2017“…Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers…”
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Artikkeli -
An enhanced method for the determination of the ramping reserves
Julkaistu 2017“…Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers…”
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Hae kokoteksti
Artikkeli -
More than a million ways to be pushed. A high-fidelity experimental dataset of planar pushing
Julkaistu 2017“…Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers…”
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Artikkeli -
Design of a Low-Cost Autoclave for Developing World Health Clinics
Julkaistu 2017“…Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers…”
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Artikkeli -
Towards electronics-based emergency control in power grids with high renewable penetration
Julkaistu 2017“…Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers…”
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Artikkeli -
Robotic manipulation of micro/nanoparticles using optical tweezers with velocity constraints and stochastic perturbations
Julkaistu 2017“…Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers…”
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Artikkeli -
Geometry-based estimation of stability region for a class of structure preserving power grids
Julkaistu 2017“…Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers…”
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Artikkeli -
Output-feedback control of nonlinear systems using control contraction metrics and convex optimization
Julkaistu 2017“…Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers…”
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Artikkeli -
Volitional control of ankle plantar flexion in a powered transtibial prosthesis during stair-ambulation
Julkaistu 2017“…Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers…”
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Artikkeli -
Radiometer Calibration Using Colocated GPS Radio Occultation Measurements
Julkaistu 2017“…Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers…”
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Artikkeli -
Trapped photoelectrons during spacecraft charging in sunlight
Julkaistu 2017“…Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers…”
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Artikkeli -
Assessment of Radiometer Calibration With GPS Radio Occultation for the MiRaTA CubeSat Mission
Julkaistu 2017“…Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers…”
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Artikkeli -
Active Polarimetric Measurements for Identification and Characterization of Space Debris
Julkaistu 2018“…Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers…”
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Artikkeli -
Following Gaze in Video
Julkaistu 2019“…Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers…”
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Artikkeli -
Interpreting Deep Visual Representations via Network Dissection
Julkaistu 2019“…Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers…”
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Artikkeli -
An End-to-End Approach to Self-Folding Origami Structures
Julkaistu 2019“…Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers…”
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