The IceCube Neutrino Observatory - Contributions to ICRC 2017 Part III: Cosmic Rays
Được phát hành 2017“…International School for Advanced Studies…”
Conference item -
Combined Analysis of Cosmic-Ray Anisotropy with IceCube and HAWC
Được phát hành 2017“…International School for Advanced Studies…”
Conference item -
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory - Contributions to ICRC 2017 Part I: Searches for the Sources of Astrophysical Neutrinos
Được phát hành 2017“…International School for Advanced Studies…”
Conference item -
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory - Contributions to ICRC 2017 Part IV: Searches for Beyond the Standard Model Physics
Được phát hành 2017“…International School for Advanced Studies…”
Conference item -
Towards small-x resummed parton distribution functions
Được phát hành 2018“…International School for Advanced Studies…”
Journal article -
Gammapy – A prototype for the CTA science tools
Được phát hành 2018“…International School of Advanced Studies…”
Conference item -
Beyond the Standard Litany: Losp and Higgs Portals; Lattice Lattice Gauge Theory
Được phát hành 2014“…International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA)…”
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Bài viết -
Exploring the faint source population at 15.7 GHz
Được phát hành 2015“…International School for Advanced Studies (Trieste)…”
Journal article -
Dichromatic dark matter
Được phát hành 2014“…Springer-Verlag/International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA)…”
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6D supergravity without tensor multiplets
Được phát hành 2014“…Springer-Verlag/International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA)…”
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Bài viết -
The holography of F -maximization
Được phát hành 2014“…Springer-Verlag/International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA)…”
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Bài viết -
Jet shapes with the broadening axis
Được phát hành 2014“…Springer-Verlag/International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA)…”
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Bài viết -
Measurement of the production cross section of prompt J/ψ mesons in association with a W[superscript ±] boson in pp collisions at √ s[overbar]= 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Được phát hành 2014“…Springer-Verlag/International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA)…”
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Bài viết -
Exact results for five-dimensional superconformal field theories with gravity duals
Được phát hành 2014“…Springer-Verlag/International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA)…”
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Bài viết -
Event activity dependence of Υ(nS) production in √sNN = 5.02 TeV pPb and √s = 2.76 TeV pp collisions
Được phát hành 2014“…Springer-Verlag/International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA)…”
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Bài viết -
Search for direct production of charginos and neutralinos in events with three leptons and missing transverse momentum in √s = 8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
Được phát hành 2014“…Springer-Verlag/International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA)…”
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Bài viết -
Calabi-Yau threefolds with large h[superscript 2,1]
Được phát hành 2015“…Springer-Verlag/International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA)…”
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Bài viết -
Analytic calculation of 1-jettiness in DIS at O(αs)
Được phát hành 2015“…Springer-Verlag/International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA)…”
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Bài viết -
Study of hadronic event-shape variables in multijet final states in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV
Được phát hành 2015“…Springer-Verlag/International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA)…”
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Bài viết -
Conformal quivers and melting molecules
Được phát hành 2015“…Springer-Verlag/International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA)…”
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