Professional negligence in torts a study of on architects, engineers, building contractors and surveyors / Ruzita Khalid
Published 1987“…In order to bring the law into line with the modern day trend several changes have been introduced through judicial decisions. An examination on cases of professional negligence shows that prior to 19605, the courts have been reluctance to award damages for pure financial lose. …”
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Student Project -
The use of Malaysian penal code in combating internet theft / Azlan Abdul Roni Hasan and Siti Kharolina Baharuddin
Published 2005“…Thus, the existing cyber statutes enacted is sufficient to deals with internet theft, although the strength of these statutes is unknown since the judicial organs seems incline to use it. In conclusion, we found that the internet theft in Malaysia, although not at an alarming rate, should be curb before serious damage can be done, and the cyber statutes should be put to test to determine its vulnerability.…”
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Student Project -
The role of media in the Arab revolutions: the case of Syria / Bachar Bakour
Published 2020“…Whether in the time of war or peace, media, considered the ‘Fourth Authority’, must struggle to present the truth to the public, making no concession to any kind of authority, whether legislative, executive or judicial. This study, which adopts descriptive-analytical method, gives a brief account of the 2011 Arab popular revolts with reference to the media's significant role in war/conflict. …”
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Article -
Climate change and variability over Malaysia: gaps in science and research information
Published 2012“…However, future variabilities associated with regional phenomena such as the monsoon, El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) are largely unknown. Current knowledge on the intensity and frequency of future extreme events (drought and flood) is limited. …”
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Article -
Invasion characteristics of a Plasmodium knowlesi line newly isolated from a human
Published 2016“…Nonetheless, differences in invasion efficiency, gametocyte production and the length of the asexual cycle were noted between the two lines. It would be judicious to isolate and characterise numerous P. knowlesi lines for use in future experimental investigations of this zoonotic species.…”
Article -
First language interference and form focused instruction
Published 2017“…In essence, this study looks into whether the judicious use of L1 in learning the foreign or second language is effective or not. …”
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Socialization of ethnic identity and its consequence in the form of polarization among youth in Malaysia.
Published 2009“…Kajian-kajian menunjukkan belia tersebut memilih rakan sebilik, rakan tugasan dan teman untuk duduk bersama ketika kuliah dengan berpandukan factor etnik. Bagi memahami permasalahan ini, kertas kerja ini menganalisis peranan sosialisasi dalam pembentukan identiti social dan kaitannya dengan polarisasi kaum di kalangan belia di university. …”
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UPM Anjur Bengkel Tangani Penyakit Berjangkit
Published 2010“…Kira- kira 100 peserta terdiri daripada pelajar, pensyarah, kakitangan hospital dan orang awam menyertai bengkel yang berlangsung selama tiga hari di Dewan Kuliah Utama FPSK. …”
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UPM News -
Modul penghasilan " Painting" sebagai memenuhi hobi dan kerjaya sampingan
Published 2002“…Sesuai dengan perubahan masa, kuliah pada hari ini telah mengalami perubahan dan ia bukan lagi bentuk pengajaran yang kaku dan pasif. …”
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Thesis -
Paradigm shift from a liquidation culture to a corporate rescue culture in Malaysia: A legal review
Published 2020“…The company law landscape in Malaysia has witnessed a significant change in its insolvency law with the adoption of two new corporate rescue mechanisms, the corporate voluntary arrangement and judicial management under the Companies Act 2016 (CA 2016), which has repealed the Companies Act 1965 (CA 1965). …”
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Article -
Effects of shiitake mushroom (lentinula edodes) powder on the quality of reduced-fat chicken sausage
Published 2022“…This is due to perceived dark colour, strong mushroom flavour, as well as less juicy contributes to less this acceptancy. Overall, the findings of this study suggested that adding 3% Shiitake mushroom powder to reduced-fat chicken sausage can be used as a fat replacer because it can improve the quality characteristics of the sausage.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Functional molecular transport junctions based on nanogap structures
Published 2014“…Hence, this dissertation focuses on the exploration of hybridized electronic systems with judiciously designed molecules and metal nanostructures, to undertake advanced and complex functions. …”
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Thesis -
Published 2013“…Judicial aspect of the receiver of subrogation Right to receive a compensation in the Legal dispute. …”
Thesis -
Nilai Etika yang Terkandung dalam Upacara Perkawinan Adat di Yogyakarta
Published 1990“…Karena itu untuk umat manusia perkawinan itu adalah suatu keharusan (Bush A. pegangan kuliah). Pada umumnya, adat istiadat diujudkan ke dalam bentuk-bentuk upacara-upacara dan salah satu bentuk upacara itu adalah upacara perkawinan. …”
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Other -
Penerapan contact theory dalam Model SCL case study dan project-based learning untuk kursus hubungan etnik di Universiti Putra Malaysia
Published 2020“…Untuk mendapatkan maklumat berkenaan kaedah pelaksanaan model-model SCL dan penerapan contact theory, rekabentuk kajian kes (kualitatif) dengan menggunakan temubual dan analisis dokumen kepada kumpulan-kumpulan kuliah tertentu telah dilaksanakan. Pensyarah-pensyarah dan kumpulan-kumpulan kuliah yang terlibat telah dipilih menggunakan teknik persampelan bertujuan. …”
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Article -
Memupuk semangat sukarelawan pelajar melalui aktiviti forum dalamm proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran bagi kursus ZT1062 pembangunan diri di UKM serta kaitannya dengan minat
Published 2014“…Ketidakupayaan pelajar mengaplikasikan konsep yang telah dipelajari dalam bentuk perkataan sendiri secara ilmiah dan intelektual serta kurang minat terhadap pembelajaran mata pelajaran itu menyebabkan pelajar kurang berketerampilan dalam pembinaan personaliti mereka.Ini merupakan satu cabaran kepada pensyarah supaya mereka tidak hanya menyampaikan bahan pengajaran melalui kuliah atau perbincangan di tutoran dengan kaedah yang konvensional, tetapi perlu menggunakan pelbagai kaedah pengajaran untuk menggerakkan minda pelajar dan merangsangkan pelajar untuk menimba ilmu. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
A nonparametric belief solution to the Bayes tree
Published 2019“…Our implementation of the presented algorithm is written entirely in the Julia language, exploiting high performance parallel computing. …”
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Conceptualizing Made in China for a museum exhibition
Published 2022“…In preparation for the event, the museum is proposing to use the cliché Made in China as a provocative title for the exhibition. …”
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Working through memory and forgetting in Victorian literature
Published 2016“…It is hard to avoid the Victorian Mnemosyne, who makes regular guest appearances in the period’s photography and art (Julia Margaret Cameron and Dante Gabriel Rossetti both produced works with the title Mnemosyne), but we should also remember her shadowy twin. …”
Journal article -
Averaging Level Control to Reduce Off-Spec Material in a Continuous Pharmaceutical Pilot Plant
Published 2018“…The judicious use of buffering capacity is important in the development of future continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing processes. …”
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