Ancillary orders on Muslim divorce the practice of Syariah court in State of Johor / Wan Kuraishah Wan Talib
Published 1986“…The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the powers of the syariah court to make ancillary orders on divorce; emphasising on the role of Syariah Court as an Islamic judicial institution in the State of Johor to which the Johor Administration of Islamic Law Enactment, 1978 applies. …”
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Student Project -
Right to bail: special emphasis on criminal offences in Malaysia / Maziah Yong
Published 1986“…The sheriffs made release on bail a lucrative business because they were not within the direct control of any judicial authority.…”
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Student Project -
Scarf-related hangman's fracture: A case report
Published 2010“…Conclusion: A scarf-related injury can cause an injury that resembles judicial hanging, leading to a traumatic spondylolisthesis of the axis. …”
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Article -
Tahap komunikasi dalam bahasa Arab dalam kalangan pelajar sarjana muda bahasa Arab di IPTA Malaysia
Published 2009“…Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa penggunaan bahasa Arab dalam kalangan pelajar IPTA tempatan adalah rendah, sama ada di dalam ataupun luar bilik kuliah. Tahap penggunaan bahasa Arab yang rendah itu disebabkan oleh faktor luaran dan dalaman. …”
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Minat dan sikap pelajar Bacelor Bahasa Arab di IPTA Malaysia terhadap Bahasa Arab
Published 2016“…Kajian juga mendapati bahawa responden sangat jarang menulis surat kepada pensyarah tentang sebab-sebab ketidakhadiran kuliah mereka dalam bahasa Arab. Majoriti responden juga kurang berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi dengan pelajarArab (penutur asli).…”
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Article -
Parenting Challenge And Role Of Social Workers In Helping Diplomat Families: A Case Study In Saudi Arabia Embassy In Singapore
Published 2019“…According to the findings, Saudi diplomats need professional help to cope with the challenges imposed by a foreign culture, including cultural shock, reverse cultural shock, and potential exposure to judicial procedures.…”
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Thesis -
Efficient simulation of Large-Scale Superconducting Nanowire Circuits
Published 2023“…The work presented in this thesis introduces: 1. an integrated environment for SPICE software that extends its modeling capabilities optimized for superconducting nanowire devices and accompanying experiments; 2. a simple procedure to measure the stability of circuit models used to present an improved nanowire SPICE model; and 3. an efficient Julia-based simulator optimized for superconducting nanowire devices and nonlinear microwave circuits.…”
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Thesis -
Powerful not poor : reading Fanny Price from a Buddhist perspective (Article)
Published 2021“…Norris by self-importance; Lady Bertram by indolence; Julia, Maria, and Mary by the desire to attract male attention; Tom by privilege; Sir Thomas by status; and Henry by seductive power. …”
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Journal Article -
International responses to terrorism : the limits and possibilities of legal control of terrorism by regional arrangement with particular reference to Asean
Published 2009“…The definition of terrorism depends on one's political orientation. Thus, the oft-heard cliche 'one man's terrorism is another man's freedom fighter'. …”
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Working Paper -
Dilemmas of political correctness
Published 2016“…Political correctness thus sets up dilemmas I wish to set out (but not, alas, resolve). The cliché is that political correctness tramples on rights to free-speech, as if the potential loss were merely expressive; the real issue is that in filtering public discourse, political correctness may defeat our own substantive aims.…”
Journal article -
The Consolatio ad Liuiam and literary history
Published 2020“…The poem sets itself soon after the funeral, but is it conceived as genuine consolation, a rhetorical exercise, or a commentary on the Julio-Claudian era? The historical information in the poem is strikingly accurate; by comparison of it with Dio, it becomes clear that the Consolatio could easily have been written in the immediate aftermath of Drusus’ death. …”
Book section -
Total synthesis of (-)-nakadomarin A.
Published 2009“…Several unprecedented chemical transformations were developed, including a highly Z-selective, eight-membered-ring-forming intramolecular Julia-Kocienski reaction, a highly diastereoselective intramolecular furan/iminium ion cyclization, and a sulfonic acid-controlled Z-selective macrocyclic ring-closing metathesis. …”
Journal article -
Punctum-Punk-Punctum: On the Poetry of Martín Gambarotta
Published 2014“…There is, though, a mismatch between Gambarotta’s poems’ effectiveness and the apparent banality of much of the text. Despite reusing clichés and slogans from the contemporary media, Gambarotta’s collection creates striking thematic, sonic, and visual effects on the reader.…”
Journal article -
History and theory in Max Weber’s ‘Protestant Ethic’
Published 2018“…It is an old cliché that Weber’s ‘Protestant Ethic’ (PE) is historically wrong or deficient. …”
Journal article -
The assimilation of multi-type information for seasonal precipitation forecasting using modular neural network
Published 2017“…The rainfall occurrences are triggered by different types of climate sources not restricted to past precipitation values but may include climate indices such as El Nino/Southern Oscillation, Indian Ocean Dipole, and Madden Julian Oscillation. In this paper, we investigated the effectiveness of assimilating two sources of inputs for heavy precipitation forecasting using modular neural network. …”
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Article -
Nanocarbon-based electrochemical systems for sensing, electrocatalysis, and energy storage
Published 2016“…Carbon materials are important for many electrochemical applications due to their tunable electron-transfer and charge-storage properties. Judicious structural manipulation of carbon to modulate its chemical, electronic, and crystalline properties is key to the rational design of many high-performance electrochemical devices. …”
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Article -
Inferences from Simple Models of Slow, Convectively Coupled Processes
Published 2020“…A framework for conceptual understanding of slow, convectively coupled disturbances is developed and applied to several canonical tropical problems, including the water vapor content of an atmosphere in radiative-convective equilibrium, the relationship between convective precipitation and column water vapor, Walker-like circulations, self-aggregation of convection, and the Madden-Julian oscillation. The framework is a synthesis of previous work that developed four key approximations: boundary layer energy quasi equilibrium, conservation of free-tropospheric moist and dry static energies, and the weak temperature gradient approximation. …”
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Extrinsic Temporal Metrics
Published 2012“…There are dissenters, though; Julian Barbour does not think there is an intrinsic temporal metric, and has developed alternative physical theories that do without one.2…”
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Article -
Reduction of tropical land region precipitation variability via transpiration
Published 2014“…It is also shown that surface turbulent fluxes over tropical rainforests are highly correlated with incoming solar energy but only weakly correlated with wind speed, possibly decoupling land precipitation from large-scale disturbances like the Madden-Julian Oscillation.…”
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Article -
High-efficiency degenerate four-wave mixing in triply resonant nanobeam cavities
Published 2014“…We find that maximum steady-state conversion is hypersensitive to frequency mismatch, resulting in high-efficiency limit cycles that arise from the presence of a homoclinic bifurcation in the solution phase space, but that a judicious choice of incident frequencies and input powers, in conjuction with self-phase and cross-phase modulation, can restore high-efficiency steady-state conversion even for large frequency mismatch. …”
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