Biosurveillance of vibrio parahaemolyticus in raw salad vegetables at pre-harvest, retail and domestic kitchen levels
Published 2012“…However recent foodborne outbreaks throughout the world have been intensively linked to consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables and unpasteurized juices, and cross-contamination of raw fruits and vegetables with seafood represents a potential mode of transmission of V. …”
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Thesis -
Prevalence, risk factors, impact on milk yield, and farmers’ awareness of lameness and claw lesions in dairy cows in Selangor, Malaysia
Published 2018“…The incidence of lameness, claw lesions and association with floor types and impact on milk yield was also assessed through a longitudinal study conducted from October, 2016 to July, 2017 involving four farms (120 cows total) with 60 cows each from two farm types, using either rubber mats (RM) or concrete floor (CF). …”
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Thesis -
Field trials of live gdhA derivative pasteurella multicida B:2 vaccine against haemorrhagic septicaemia in buffaloes
Published 2013“…Outbreaks ranged between 1 and 8 per year, involving 4 of 6 regions in Sabah and occurred in all months except April but with higher frequencies in dry months of June, July and September. The most affected region was Beaufort while the least was Kota Kinabalu, while buffaloes were found to be more frequently involved than cattle. …”
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Thesis -
Epidemiology of newcastle disease in chicken in the Sultanate Of Oman
Published 2018“…The highest proportion of ND was in January (21%, 95%CI 19-24%) and lowest in July (0.16%, 95%CI 0-0.4%) with steady increase from August to December. …”
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Thesis -
Effects of dietary linseed-based N-3 fatty acids on growth performance, fatty acid profile, meat quality and rumen mucosa morphology of crossbred boer goats underintensive conditio...
Published 2014“…However, the tenderness, juiciness and overall acceptability of L20 meat were rated better than those of L0 and L10. …”
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Thesis -
Potential of Mycorrhizal Fungi in enhancing the soil biological fertility by improving the soil biological health
Published 2014“…This study was conducted from July to December 2013 at Schad of 5L6tainalle Agliruttxe (SSA), Ur1~ty Malaysia Sabah with a title of the role of mycorrhizae in Improving the sal fertility in SctlooI of Sustainable Agricultlre, UMS Sanclakan Campus. …”
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Academic Exercise -
Production and Purification of Mannan-Degrading Enzymes from Palm Kernel Cake Fermented by Aspergillus Niger and Sclerotium Rolfsii
Published 2006“…Mannan-degrading enzymes have been used quite extensively in animal compound feed, beverage and fruit-juices industries, food processing, paper industry and therapeutic field. …”
Thesis -
Evaluation, awareness and use of cattle identification and traceability system in Peninsular Malaysia
Published 2018“…This study found that the movement of cattle was associated with Hari Raya Aidil-Fitri festive celebration which occurred between July and September each year and, to a lesser extent, Hari Raya Aidil-Adha which occurred between September and November in the period of this study. …”
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Thesis -
Molecular epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance profile of ESBL-producing Escherichia Coli isolated at poultry farms and poultry meat wet-markets in Selangor, Malaysia
Published 2016“…The overall study was carried out between July-2012 to February 2015. The findings demonstrated the wide distribution of ESBL-EC across the eight district areas of Selangor, Malaysia. …”
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Thesis -
Development of mixed-effects models for predicting early height growth and timber volume of forest tree species planted in Sarawak, Malaysia
Published 2014“…The joint research project started in July 1991 between Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and Yokohama National University, Japan on a 47.5 ha forest site at UPM’s Bintulu campus, Sarawak. …”
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Thesis -
Decision support system for water allocation in a rice irrigation scheme under climate change scenarios
Published 2017“…The results generated from the DSS model suggest that monthly reference evapotranspiration is likely to increase in all scenarios up to 14.2% under RCP8.5 during February to July. Similarly, annual effective rainfall is predicted to slightly increase in future although with monthly variations. …”
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Thesis -
Studi Ekologi dan kandungan Merkuri Pada Pertambangan Emas Tradisional di Kecamatan Sekotong,Lombok Barat
Published 2010“…Kegiatan studi ini didahului dengan survey awal pada tanggal 5 - 8 Juli 2009, untuk menentukan luasan daerah kajian, stasiun pengamatan, dan rencana cuplikan yang akan dianalisis kandungan merkurinya. …”
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Other -
The role of smartphones in information-seeking behaviour among primary care clinicians: evaluating evidence to support high-quality patient care
Published 2024“…Smartphones, increasingly used by clinicians in their clinical practice, have created new opportunities for information access. In July 2018, the Singapore Ministry of Health introduced internet surfing separation as a security measure due to a patient data privacy breach, limiting the internet access of public sector primary care clinicians at the workplace. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Factors influencing attitude toward organ and tissue donation among patients in primary clinic, Sabah, Malaysia
Published 2020“…Methods A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted at primary health clinic Kota Kinabalu, from October 2017 to July 2018 with a total of 10 months’ duration. It is located in Sabah state in Malaysia and is under the lead of 1 family medicine specialist with 15 medical officers. …”
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