Bikameralism in the Countries of the British Commonwealth of the Nations: Retrospective Analysis / Бикамерализм в странах Британского Содружества Наций: ретроспективный анализ...
Published 2019-11-01“…The author traces changes in the structure of parliamentary organization in the metropolis itself under conditions of de jure restriction of the Upper House position (prohibition of judicial powers and the application of an absolute veto on bills of the Lower House, the elimination of the principle of heredity in the formation of the house, etc.) and the spread of the so-called Salisbury doctrine defining the secondary role of the House of Lords in relation to the House of Commons. …”
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Protection of minority under the company law a comparative study / Ruziah Mohd
Published 1987“…The above dicta expressed by the two of England foremost commercial judges represent judicial thinking on the rights of the minority shareholders, and demonstrate the progress made by such shareholders in securing greater protection over the years, culminating in the landmark decision of the House of Lords in Ebrahimi v Westbourne Galleries Ltd." …”
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