High anemia prevalence in Korean older adults, an advent healthcare problem: 2007–2016 KNHANES
Published 2020-11-01Get full text
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The Future of the Korean Peninsula: Topical Issues and Possible Solutions
Published 2019-04-01Get full text
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The effects of facilitated feedback on the second-language English writing of Korean university students
Published 2018“…The current study shifts the focus from type of CF to <em>ways of facilitating CF use</em>, exploring the issue with Korean L1 learners of English who are natural science majors at a university in South Korea taking a required English L2 writing course. …”
Thesis -
The Conservative Turn in Memory Policies of the the Republic of Korea
Published 2024-03-01“…This decision caused protests from progressive political parties and public organizations, which accused the Yun Seokyeol’s government of an anti-communist approach and disdain for independence fighters. …”
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“Tailored” Country Strategies in the U.S. Nuclear Posture Review
Published 2018-12-01Get full text
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TThe Creation and Early Development of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF) 1980-93
Published 2021-04-01“…During the ZDF integration exercise of the early 1980s, British advisors attempted to create a Western-style force but acted pragmatically while North Korean instructors helped create an overtly ZANU affiliated brigade and party militia. …”
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Impact of modifiable reproductive factors on cancer incidence and mortality in Korea: a systematic review protocol
Published 2022-11-01“…We will include cohort studies addressing the associations between at least one of the reproductive factors and the incidence and mortality of all or specific cancers among Korean women. Two reviewers will screen the references, extract the data, and assess the risk of bias independently and in duplicates. …”
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Forms of Expression of Angry Voters and Sad Voters: The Effects of Discrete Emotions and Emotional Expression on the Voting Participation through Approach-Avoidance Action Tendenci...
Published 2015-08-01“…Sadness also prompted an approach action tendency in independents and supporters of the incumbent party, while it manifested a negative association with the avoidance action tendency in supporters of the opponent party. …”
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Political Participation Based on the Learning Efficacy of Dental Hygiene Policy in Dental Hygiene Students
Published 2023-06-01Article -
Background and Activities of the Samsung Ombudsperson Commission in Korea
Published 2019-07-01“…Objectives: The Samsung Ombudsperson Commission was launched as an independent third-party institution following an agreement among Samsung Electronics, Supporters for Health and Right of People in Semiconductor Industry (Banolim in Korean, an independent NGO), and the Family Compensation Committee, in accordance with the industry accident prevention measure required by the settlement committee to address the issues related to employees who allegedly died from leukemia and other diseases as a result of working at Samsung’s semiconductor production facilities. …”
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Health and healthcare in North Korea: a retrospective study among defectors
Published 2020-06-01Get full text
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Versatile formation of supported lipid bilayers from bicellar mixtures of phospholipids and capric acid
Published 2021Get full text
Journal Article -
microbeMASST: a taxonomically informed mass spectrometry search tool for microbial metabolomics data
Published 2024Get full text
Journal Article