The Role of Stakeholders in Cultural Entrepreneurship Management
Published 2016-06-01Get full text
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Published 2014-10-01“…The real author can ”enter” the text only indirectly—as an image, with the help of the storyteller, and the way how this ”entry” happens is determined by the narration of the real author or narrative (communication) skills of the author. …”
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Current Challenges to the Protection of (Neo)pagans’ Religious Freedom in the Baltic States
Published 2023-08-01“…Even though (neo)pagan groups in the Baltics have not gained the same legal status as the Christian denominations and their social inclusion is problematic, they have not been excluded from social life, as their activities have roots in the Latvian, Lithuanian, and Estonian traditional way of life, which is valued highly nowadays. …”
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Designing Organizational Eco-Map to Develop a Customer Value Proposition for a “Slow Tourism” Destination
Published 2019-08-01“…Empirically, the paper examines the role of Latvian cultural resources in the forthcoming transformation of the customer value proposition for Riga Central Market of Latvia, a huge infrastructural establishment. …”
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Energy Efficiency Obligations and Subsidies to Energy Intensive Industries in Latvia
Published 2019-11-01“…At the same time, policy objectives are to maintain energy affordable for business and consumers, which means that energy and climate goals should be achieved in the most cost-effective way. There is a well-known energy efficiency gap between effectively implemented energy efficiency measures and potentially economically viable ones. …”
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Mobile internet in the EU: problems and perspectives
Published 2022-03-01“…Internet and mobile technologies have changed our way of both doing business and dealing with our daily routine activities. …”
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Estimating the Economic Impacts of Net Metering Schemes for Residential PV Systems with Profiling of Power Demand, Generation, and Market Prices
Published 2018-11-01“…The focus of the paper lies in evaluating the feasibility for the power system of solar power generation technologies to achieve a balance between energy generation and support costs in a more efficient way. The case study is based on a year-long time series of examples with an hourly resolution of electricity prices from the Nord Pool power market, in addition to the power demand and solar generation of Latvian prosumers. …”
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An Image-Based Approach to Measuring Human Values
Published 2022-12-01“…Our study employs a new image-based approach that seems to offer a more straightforward and more precise way of measuring values compared to the text-based approach.…”
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Fonologinė kirčio raidos baltų kalbose interpretacija
Published 2011-05-01“…</p><p>The development of phonological word-stress in Latvian must have also been connected with the phonologization of syllable-stress.…”
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(Re-)claiming the social contract: state-society relations in three former socialist towns in the Baltics
Published 2023“…Thereby, the language of the social contract becomes a way for Russian speakers to try and claim membership in the national Lithuanian, Latvian, or Estonian collectives as good, deserving, and loyal state subjects. …”
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Particle Boards from Forest Residues and Bio-Based Adhesive
Published 2024-02-01“…For chipboard production, logging residues from Latvian State Forests were systematically gathered within two months post-logging, comprising primarily <i>Picea abies</i> and <i>Pinus sylvestris</i> biomass, including branches, needles, bark, and various particles. …”
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Prospects of Decarbonising Industrial Areas in the Baltic States by Means of Alternative Fuels
Published 2022-08-01“…Amid the achievement of Latvian scientists, engineers and merchants, the authors point out the work of Lithuanian engineers who investigated how gaseous hydrogen affects the parameters of diesel internal combustion engine. …”
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Level of health literacy in Latvia and Lithuania: a population-based study
Published 2022-07-01“…The three most promising ways to improve the level of health literacy, as suggested by the healthcare industry experts, include health education in schools, provision of structured health-related information in Latvian and Lithuanian, and guidelines for the most common health problems. …”
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Explaining the policies of the Baltic States towards Russia, 1994-2010
Published 2011“…This puzzle informs the central research question of this study: <em>Why did Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian foreign policies towards Russia diverge in the 1994 to 2010 period?…”
Thesis -
Lie. <em>skélti</em>, <em>skẽlia</em> ir <em>skelė́ti</em>, <em>skẽli</em> – panašumas ar giminystė?
Published 2011-12-01“…There is not any structural equivalent of the verb <em>skelė́ti</em> in Latvian.</p><p>The verb <em>skelė́ti </em>has been formed in Western Lithuania. …”
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Published 2020-03-01“…At the same time, detailed examination of the evidence and the way of their receiving on the contrary provides a lot of arguments confirming information fixed in the records of interrogations and A. …”
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Innovative development of Latvia: analysis of problems and directions of national innovative policy formation
Published 2015-09-01“…Innovative development has become the main way to achieve economic growth and competitiveness in all EU countries. …”
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Study of the Seasonal and Geographical Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in milk of ruminants by nested-PCR
Published 2021-03-01“…Toxoplasmosis is one of the most dangerous common protozoan diseases between humans and animals that infect humans in various ways. Contact with the infected animal, consuming contaminated food, and transmitting from mother to fetus is the most important means of transmission. …”
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