Comparing Mental Models of Persian Speakers with that of Azarbaijani Turkish Speakers (A Case Study of Compound Infinitives)
Gepubliceerd in 2014-01-01“…At last, mental models of speakers of the two languages were compared with each other using mental tableaux model proposed by Johnson - Lord (1983). …”
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Artikel -
Norms, Myths, and Vulnerability: Audre Lorde’s Reconstruction of Self in “125th Street and Abomey”
Gepubliceerd in 2023-08-01“…Analyzing Lorde’s reconstruction of vulnerability in her poem “125th Street and Abomey,” this paper argues that the poet’s drawing from West African cosmology constitutes one method through which Lorde reconstructs her speaker’s vulnerable socio-cultural position as a potential site for transformative processes of intersubjective self-(re)formation…”
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Artikel -
Funny girl: exploring the impact of learning and teaching humour in English Language GCSE
Gepubliceerd in 2024Thesis -
Where authority, speech acts and modality meet: A pragmatic analysis of the trial record of King Charles I
Gepubliceerd in 2024-12-01“… This paper investigates how speakers perform speech acts coordinating with modality in the flux of power in Early Modern courtroom interactions along the lines of historical pragmatics. …”
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Public lecture series 2001 (poster)
Gepubliceerd in 2001“…From the 8th to the 30th November 2001. Lecture speakers: Professor Terry Eagleton, Anthony Coughlan, Margaret Doyle, Lord Christopher Haskins, Professor J J Lee, and An Uachtarán [President] Mary McAleese.…”
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Ephemera -
أثر القرآن الكريم في نشر اللغة العربية في الماضي والحاضر والمستقبل
Gepubliceerd in 2011“…When the light of Islam shone in the Arabian Peninsula, God chose a prophet from among the Arab, and sent down the revelation in Arabic Language, as stated in the Holy Qur’an: ( And surely thy Lord - HE is the Mighty, the Merciful. And verily this Qur'an is a revelation from the Lord of all the worlds. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Colouring écriture féminine in Peter Manson's translations of Mallarmé
Gepubliceerd in 2019-06-01“…In this work, I firstly trace an association between colour and the erotic in feminist theory and art, which can be seen in works such as Audré Lorde’s ‘Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power’ (1978), Pipilotti Rist’s ‘Ever is Over All’ (1997), and in Meiling Cheng’s ‘The Unbearable Lightness of Sight’ (2003), in which she writes: 'the image seized for view, however deliberately designed, exists in a state of indifference, whereas the viewer is most likely already overdetermined by his/her interpretive desire. …”
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Analysis of the critical discourse in the” tholathyah alwasiyah”by Khalil Hassan Khalil is the basis of‘Van Dijk’theory
Gepubliceerd in 2024-08-01“…The "ideological square" is studied within the framework of the levels of meaning, rhetoric, argumentation, style, speech act and grammatical structure.Critical discourse studies based on Toyn van Dijk's theory focus on "the characteristics of discourse that are closely related to the expression of social power, reproducing or challenging social power for the speaker or speakers and the writer or writers. The ideological square applies to the polarization between the out-group and the in-group in social practices, discourse, and social thought. …”
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