'Magnifying God Manyfolde': James Ryman's Practice of Repetition
Published 2024“…With reference to their mise-en-page in the sole surviving manuscript, the partial holograph Cambridge, University Library, MS Ee.1.12, it focusses on Ryman’s habit of repeating both Scriptural and liturgical quotations and word-blocks of his own composition across multiple poems, arguing that such repetitions are not failures of technical skill, but traces of his writing process. …”
Journal article -
How Sharov’s novels are made: The Rehearsals and Before & During
Published 2020“…Moreover, this duality of complexity and lucidity is intimately linked to the thematic oppositions that are sustained and never resolved in Sharov’s fiction, notably that between good and evil. A mise-en-abyme of these processes is identified in a discrete section of Before and During, which is analysed here before the main contention is tested against the two novels as a whole, with particular reference to the distinctive features of Sharov’s handling of plot, pace and language.…”
Journal article -
Narrative and lyric levels in Catullus
Published 2020“…Catullus' most obviously narrative poem—poem 64—offers rich possibilities for metaleptic readings, and the chapter particularly investigates the ways in which the boundary between the poem's outer narrative and its inset, ostensibly ecphras- tic story is navigated by two powerfully subjective presences, the narrator and Ariadne, by such means as apostrophe and mise en abyme. Yet Catullus is typically classified as a lyric poet, and the chapter also examines poems that fuse the narrative and lyric modes, looking at potentially hymnic addresses to divinities across the corpus, and the tension in poem 68 between, on the one hand, the tendency to establish a whole series of nested narrative levels through ring composition and simile, and, on the other, the pull of the lyric mode towards a unified poetic 'present'. …”
Book section -
'Into the Blue Depths' — Glass Mysticism in Yvegeny Zamyatin's 'We'
Published 2018“…Read for its conventional cognitive value as mise-en-scene, the glass city of OneState in Yevgeny Zamyatin’s ‘We’ (1924) reflects the novel’s totalitarian fantasy of social uniformity and dystopian total surveillance. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
L'Interdiction, or, Balzac on the margins of law and realism
Published 2017“…Yet the text's constant evocation of questions of plausibility, verisimilitude and realism draws these legal considerations into a self-reflexive dispute about narrative aesthetics, a mise-en-abyme of contemporaneous debates between the literary approach known as ‘idealism’, and Balzac's own nascent conception of the novelist's art, which would one day be known as ‘realism’. …”
Journal article -
Elemen Beat Dalam Babak Dua : Analisis Filem Polis Evo (2015)
Published 2018“…Audio styles, shotgun, editing techniques and mise-en-scene aspects will also increase the storytelling intensity of a movie making it more action packed through the narrative structure creating a great action movie to attract the attention of an audience.…”
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Article -
Art et argent en France au temps des Premiers Modernes (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles)
Published 2017“…<br/> Claire Pignol, Rousseau et l’argent: autarcie et division du travail dans <em>La Nouvelle Héloïse</em><br/> Pierre Piret, La fonction économique dans l’esthétique théâtrale de Diderot<br/> Christophe Reuland, Le libertin à l’amende<br/> VII. Perspectives: la mise en scène contemporaine à l’épreuve de l’économie des Lumières<br/> Martial Poirson, ‘Le levain du théâtre contemporain’: conversation avec Jean Badin, dramaturge et comédien, autour de la mise en scène de <em>Turcaret</em> de Lesage par Gérard Desarthe<br/> Bibliographie<br/> Index<br/>…”
Book -
The Roommate (2011) : permasalahan obsesi watak utama melalui teori psikoanalisis / Noor Nazurah Zulkepli
Published 2016“…Tambahan itu, ia juga akan membincangkan psikologi daripada sudut mise-en-scene. Kajian ini akan menggunakan kaedah kualitatif untuk mendapatkan maklumat dan fakta. …”
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Student Project -
Filem Suspiria (1977): pengaruh pop art dan pencahayaan / Muhammad Syarafi Saadon
Published 2017“…Antara elemen terpenting dalam sesebuah filem adalah mise-en-scene kerana ianya mempengaruhi naratif sesebuah filem tersebut. …”
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Student Project -
Diary evidence for political competition: Mambila autoethnography and pretensions to power
Published 2010“…Cet article examine les rapports écrits de certains de ces évènements dans le contexte d'autres narrations journalières sur des tensions communautaires, et il offre un modèle pour l'utilisation des carnets journaliers et autres écrits personnels dans la mise en lumière de la complexité des prises de décision au niveau plus large du contexte africain.…”
Journal article -
Les jeunes exilés face au ralentissement institutionnel: Contribution à une sociologie des temporalités
Published 2021“…Une fois reconnus « mineurs en danger et à protéger », les jeunes exilés connaissent un ensemble de modes d’accueil temporaires (mise à l’abri, accueil provisoire) qui produisent des effets de freinage avant la scolarisation et le placement définitif à l’Aide sociale à l’enfance (ASE). …”
Journal article -
Thymus-independent IgM and IgG responses in mice to flagellar antigens.
Published 1974“…It was found that 'nude' mise or neonatally thymectomized mice which had also been injected with antilymphocyte serum responded after the injection of DNP conjugated to the thymus independent carrier, Salmonella flagella (DNP Fla), but not the thymus dependent carrier, fowl γ globulin. …”
Journal article -
Kedudukan subjek dalam aspek komposisi: Kajian terhadap Filem Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa (2011) / Mohd Afnan Mohd Fauzi
Published 2014“…Kajian ini akan mengupas kedudukan subjek dalam aspek komposisi serta dikaitkan dengan sinematik elemen menerusi mise-en-scene dan sinematografi. Hasil kajian ini memperlihatkan bahawa komposisi sangat penting di dalam visual yang mampu untuk mencetuskan perasaan kepada penonton. …”
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Student Project -
Les Notes de Voltaire
Published 2017“…<br/> Russell Goulbourne, De la mise en scène à la mise en page: les notes dans le théâtre comique de Voltaire<br/> <em>Poésie</em><br/> Jeroom Vercruysse, Les notes du <em>Poème de Fontenoy</em><br/> François Bessire, Du burlesque au philosophique: les notes de <em>La Pucelle</em><br/> Jennifer Tsien, La taxinomie des êtres imaginaires<br/> Olivier Ferret, Les systèmes évolutifs de l’annotation des satires en vers, ou les vrais-faux rapports de M.*** <br/> John Iverson, <em>La Tactique</em> et les stratégies de la note dans la satire en vers<br/> Gwénaëlle Boucher, Epîtres annotées<br/> <em>Prose</em><br/> Catherine Volpilhac-Auger, De la typographie à l’écriture de l’histoire : quelques notes en marge de l’<em>Essai sur les mœurs</em><br/> Roland Mortier, Les notes de l’<em>Examen important de milord Bolingbroke</em><br/> Robert Granderoute, Les notes des opuscules en faveur de la justice, des Mémoires des Calas au <em>Prix de la justice et de l’humanité</em><br/> Emma Gernez, Les notes de la <em>Correspondance</em> dans l’édition de Kehl<br/> Huguette Krief, ‘Quid est veritas?’…”
Book -
The journey (2014): bahasa filem dari perspektif semiotik / Nur Syahirah Osman
Published 2015“…Hasil kajian ini mendapati bahawa pengarah telah menggunakan kesemua pecahan bahasa filem meliputi sinematografi, mise-en-scene dan penyuntingan untuk mewujudkan semiotik. …”
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Student Project -
Transmodern dance practices: Angelin Preljocaj, Mauro Bigonzetti and revisions of Les Noces (1923)
Published 2012“…Whilst their syntactical organisation of choreographic vernacular and thematic treatment of the subject matter, mise-en-scene and choreographic form differ, Preljocaj and Bigonzetti share a common interest, namely their engagement with the choreographic legacies of the artistic migration in their indigenous context and their interest in revising artistic, cultural and narrative artefacts including the Ballets Russes repertoire (1909-1929). …”
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Thesis -
Staging La vida es sueño: its première and three contemporary productions
Published 2021“…Methodologically, the acting is analysed through “thick” description (specific scenes reveal generalities about the productions) and a particularised framework for each mise-en-scène. The comparison shows that there are two perspectives in the (post)modern staging of La vida es sueño/the comedia: (1) The conservative one –catalogued as dry and fundamentalist– is illustrated by the 1996 and 2012 productions. …”
Thesis -
Corporate Governance, Competition and Performance.
Published 1996“…Les systemes de financement d'Europe continentale et du Japon, qui reposent essentiellement sur le recours aux banques ou a d'autres investisseurs inities, pourraient s'averer plus efficaces dans la mise en place de politiques impliquant des relations avec l'ensemble des parties prenantes. …”
Working paper