Teaching the Politics of Numbers with EthnoData: Ethnographic Experimentations through Statistics in Ecuador
Published 2024-12-01“… This essay discusses the development and use of EthnoData, a multimodal and multimedia digital platform designed to critically engage different publics with data production and circulation in Ecuador. Created by Kaleidos, a research center at the University of Cuenca, EthnoData combines ethnography and large datasets on violent deaths, femicides, hate crimes, and missing people to analyze and challenge the conventional authority of official statistical evidence. …”
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Termite diversity in Ecuador: A comparison of two primary forest national parks
Published 2020“…The interest in termite ecology and biogeography has increased in the last few decades; however, the lack of comparable data has limited the wider impact of termite research. For Ecuador, termite studies are relatively rare and comparable data that are collected using standardized sampling methods are missing. …”
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From victims to experts: civic agency strategies for identifying missing people in Mexico
Published 2021-01-01Get full text
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Remote sensing-based estimation of precipitation data (2000-2015) in Ecuador's Loja province
Published 2024-06-01Get full text
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Misses y concursos de belleza indígena en la construcción de la nación ecuatoriana
Published 2007-05-01“… Este artículo explora las dimensiones raciales, étnicas y de clase de los concursos de Miss Ecuador y de concursos indígenas de belleza. …”
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Fern mycorrhizae do not respond to fertilization in a tropical montane forest
Published 2024-04-01Get full text
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Musas, ondinas y misses: estereotipos e imágenes de las mujeres quiteñas en los años treinta del siglo XX
Published 2004-09-01“… El primer concurso de Miss Ecuador fue en la ciudad de Guayaquil en 1930. …”
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Musas, ondinas y misses: estereotipos e imágenes de las mujeres quiteñas en los años treinta del siglo XX
Published 2004-09-01Get full text
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Violencia y discriminación en los certámenes de belleza: un análisis de Reina de Cuenca
Published 2024-06-01“…Desde la elección de una mujer afroecuatoriana en 1995 en Miss Ecuador hasta los prejuicios clasistas en Reina de Cuenca en 2007 y 2014, la discriminación racial y social ha sido evidente. …”
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Innovative Deep Learning Techniques for Energy Data Imputation Using SAITS and USGAN: A Case Study in University Buildings
Published 2024-01-01“…Results from this study demonstrate the effectiveness of these models in imputing missing values across various percentages of data loss. …”
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Restoration: Implant with Devastated Platform through Metal Post
Published 2017-01-01Get full text
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Information on dental prostheses use and bone resorption in older adults
Published 2022-12-01Get full text
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Undervalued tuna meat (Thunus obesus and Katsuwonus pelamis lineaus) to develop sausages
Published 2024-04-01Get full text
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Parkinson’s Disease Gravity Index: A Method by means of Optimal Scaling
Published 2020-01-01Get full text
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Mammal dung–dung beetle trophic networks: an improved method based on gut-content DNA
Published 2024-03-01“…We then applied the method to beetles caught in pitfall traps in Ecuador and Germany by using 12s rDNA primers. For a subset of the dung beetles caught in the Ecuador sampling, we also used 16s rDNA primers to see if these would improve the number of species we could identify. …”
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Mapping subnational HIV mortality in six Latin American countries with incomplete vital registration systems
Published 2021“…While the burden of HIV is historically concentrated in urban areas and high-risk groups, subnational estimates that cover multiple countries and years are missing. This paucity is partially due to incomplete vital registration (VR) systems and statistical challenges related to estimating mortality rates in areas with low numbers of HIV deaths. …”
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