Metafora dalam ucapan presiden UMNO 2000-2010: kuasa patriotisme dan setia kawan
Published 2014“…To explain the phenomenon, the researcher analyzed the conceptualization of 'power ".”Patriotism" and "solidarity" presented by three UMNO’s presidents (2000-2010) in their speech texts during the party's general assembly. …”
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Thesis -
Aktiviti rai Hari Kebangsaan tingkat semangat patriotisme
Published 2017“…Pembabitan dalam aktiviti merai sambutan Hari Kebangsaan dapat menggalakkan penghayatan terhadap nikmat kemerdekaan, sekali gus mempertingkat semangat patriotik.…”
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Newspaper -
Kayuh Merdeka 2018, tingkat semangat patriotik warga UMP
Published 2018“…Bersempena Bulan Kebangsaan baru-baru ini, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) menganjurkan Kayuh Merdeka 2018 bertujuan menyemarakkan semangat patriotisme dalam · kalangan warga kampus.…”
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Newspaper -
Mandarin Language Strengthens Tolerance and Patriotism in a Multiracial Society
Published 2018“…She also mentioned that Mandarin language strengthens tolerance and patriotism in a multiracial society.…”
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Newspaper -
Love the country and appreciate the value of true patriotism
Published 2019“…In the context of Malaysia having a multi-racial society, it is very important for the people to have a sense of patriotism, take pride in being Malaysians and be loyal to the country.…”
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Newspaper -
UMP associates instil patriotism in their hearts
Published 2020“…Pekan, 10 September 2020 – The Independence Day on 31 August is the most anticipated date for instilling patriotism among the people of this country with its melting pot of races and religions.…”
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Newspaper -
Patriotism Level Nowadays
Published 2020“…We would all be ready to sit back and relax while waiting for patriotic songs and documentary series to be aired on television. …”
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Newspaper -
Serlahkan semangat patriotik dengan mengambil vaksin Covid-19
Published 2021Get full text
UMPSA News -
Semangat patriotik dan bekalan ilmu Pegawai Kadet Kor SISPA siap sedia
Published 2021“…PAYA BESAR, 7 November 2021 - Semangat patriotik dan bekalan ilmu yang dipelajari memberi keyakinan buat pegawai kadet Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), Siti Nuratiqah Syafiqah Muhamad Haslizan untuk terus bersiap sedia berkhidmat menyumbang bakti buat masyarakat dan negara.…”
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Newspaper -
Semat semangat patriotisme sepanjang masa bukan bermusim - Razaruddin
Published 2022Get full text
Newspaper -
Demographic Factors as Disparities in Sabah Values of Patriotism
Published 2023“…The results of the study found that the respondents' practice of patriotism values is high and there is a significant difference between ethnic and religious factors on the practice of patriotism values. …”
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Article -
UMPSA rai Majlis Penutup Bulan Kebangsaan dengan semangat patriotik
Published 2023Get full text
Newspaper -
International Youth Camp galakan semangat patriotik dalam jiwa belia
Published 2023Get full text
Newspaper -
International Youth Camp promotes patriotic spirit among youth
Published 2023Get full text