'Motor Merdeka Atuk' fosters patriotism and love for the nation
Published 2024Get full text
Newspaper -
Is patriotism a sufficient justification for liberal democracies to coerce conscription?
Published 2020“…However, patriotism cannot be achieved by free and equal citizens, and coercion is necessary to inspire patriotism. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Insight into Alice's Patriarchal Wonderland : a deeper look into the rabbit hole.
Published 2008“…This thesis aims to elucidate how Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland fits in with the genre of fairy tales that perpetrates the traditional patriarchal ideology by subverting the female figure. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
论海外华人研究中爱国标签的不完整性 :以黄奕住为例 = On the deficiencies of the concept patriotism in studies of overseas Chinese : a case study of Oei Tjoe
Published 2022“…关键词:海外华人; 海外华人研究;爱国华人;研究视角;黄奕住 Articles using terms such as "patriotic overseas Chinese" and "patriotic and hometown loving" are often used to describe the overseas Chinese. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
何来都爱国 :试论海外华人爱国形象的真实性和同质化现象 = An analysis of the patriotic overseas Chinese image
Published 2022“…Therefore, this paper seeks to show that not all overseas Chinese are patriotic.The reasons for cultural homogenisation of overseas Chinese as patriots can be divided into two points. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
新加坡爱国主义表现的转变:以 2000 年后的爱国歌曲为例 = Changing expressions of patriotism in Singapore: a case study of post-2000 National Day songs
Published 2024“…This paper will focus on highlighting and comparing the role that each version of NDP song plays in providing citizens with a platform through which they can express their acts of patriotism.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
In the name of emancipation : debilitating patriarchal vision in Djuna Barnes's Ladies Almanack and Nightwood.
Published 2010“…In Ladies Almanack, she shatters the singular, patriarchal vision into a multiplicity of shifting perspectives experienced by the reader. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Highly-educated Singaporean women : being single by choice in a patriarchal society and how they make sense of it.
Published 2011“…Governmental policies will be examined as well to see how it has shaped the marriage ideology and gender norms in Singapore, and how these women view the patriarchal society they live in and make sense of their singlehood.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Heterosexuality, patriarchal notions and a lesbian continuum for female identity
Published 2011“…It is essential to evaluate patriarchal notions of female-female relations as once more, there is the risk of objectifying the female. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Patriarchal misrepresentations of the Qur’an in Mohja Kahf’s the girl in the tangerine scarf
Published 2011“…Because of patriarchal oppression, Muslim women have received enormous amount of attention. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
韩偓《香奁集》里的忠君情感 = Patriotic sentiments in Han Wo‘s “Xiang Lian Ji”
Published 2012“…First, the author will consolidate his patriotic evidences and with in depth reading of Han Wo’s poetries and related journals and articles of Han Wo, further enhanced by contextualizing Han Wo’s poetries along with the context of late Tang and Five dynasties, elaborates and analyses the rhetorical and emotions frequently appeared in Han Wo's poems, lastly specific analysis and interpretation of Han Wo's "Xiang Lian" poems.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
恋母、弑父、召唤、告别 :黎紫书小说中恋母与恋子情结的主题研究 = Oedipus, patricide, evocation, farewell : a study of the Oedipus and Jocasta complex on Li Zishu’ s novels
Published 2013Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
“Main Teri Dushman” : critiquing the patriarchic suppression of female identity through Sridevi.
Published 2013“…However, what is largely forgotten is Sridevi’s empowerment by her adherence to the patriarchal structure of Indian cinema. This paper would argue that Sridevi straddles binaries using her body to embody different patriarchal stereotypes only to subvert the very rules that govern her body within patriarchy. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Patrician brotherhood : masculinities, politics and nation building in Singapore 1950s-1970s
Published 2019“…Rather, this thesis assumes that domestic politics and nation building did not merely take place in the bubble of national interest but was influenced by the patrician class masculine values harboured by the strikingly homogenous first generation male political leaders. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Prostitution : patriarchy, power and poverty
Published 2019“…A clear flow from patriarchy to power and to poverty links colonialism with the dawn of large-scale prostitution in the 1970s’ Thailand. …”
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Thesis -
“Lowliness majestic” : androcentric patriarchy, queerness, and the equivocal meekness of eve in John Milton’s paradise lost
Published 2019“…Focusing on John Milton’s immensely ambivalent depiction of gender, Biblical patriarchy, and feminine lowliness in his magnum opus, the epic poem “Paradise Lost” (“PL”), this final-year thesis answers the following research question: “To what extent does Milton’s portrayal of gender, Eve, and lowliness uphold or resist patriarchy?” …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Published 2013“…This research reveals the fact that women's sexuality is the sector in which most patriarchal pressures are being exercised. Moreover, it is also found a fact how women have control as well upon men through the obscure ways they take in order to survive and live comfortably under the implementation of patriarchal values.…”