Machine learning prediction of stock price behavior in SGX
Published 2021Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
WedPlanner : web application for planning wedding events
Published 2021Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Forecasting Singapore exchange stocks (commodities & transport) : combined analyses of fundamental, technical, and news techniques
Published 2021Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Price action prediction of undervalued SGX stocks (finance and conglomerates)
Published 2021Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Predictive analysis of stock prices using gated recurrent neural network
Published 2021Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Fundamental, technical and news analysis on consumer stocks in SGX
Published 2021Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
从《蒙马特遗书》中的书信/日记体叙述策略探讨台湾女同性恋族群主体之确立 = A study of the narrative strategies of epistolary and diary writing in Le Testament de Montmartre and its impact on the identity formation of...
Published 2009“…Chiu’s use of narratives and writing forms in Le Testament de Montmartre has managed to break through the past obstacles which Taiwan lesbian-themed novels faced – that is to write the story under the influence of the patriarchal society and taking on a heterosexual point of view. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
From the microbial to the mechanical : environmental impacts on coral nitrogen cycling, microbial communities, and skeletal properties
Published 2021Get full text
Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
To become a man : masculinity on men’s health covers and the construction of masculinity in Singapore.
Published 2009“…Analyses suggest Men’s Health’s portrays a particular masculinity- patriarchal masculinity. Through consistent adherence to distinct design patterns and content, Men’s Health promotes hegemonic masculinity in Singapore. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Mapping the South Asian feminist resistance narrative : from the body to real spaces
Published 2021“…In doing so, this thesis traces a cartography of thought by establishing a discourse of female subjectivity that begins with an understanding of how the South Asian female is embodied, and concludes with an exploration of how heterotopic spaces function as sites of alterity, thereby playing a pivotal role in the process of meaningful subject-making for those marginalised and oppressed by South Asian patriarchy.…”
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Thesis-Master by Research -
From hobbyist to professional : the identities of esports and game development professionals in Singapore
Published 2021Get full text
Thesis-Master by Research -
Nine yard sarees : a family portrait
Published 2021“…Spanning across India, Singapore, Australia and even America, the multigenerational family portrait examines the idea of inherited tradition and identity by delving into several issues including patriarchy, arranged marriage, interracial relationships, pregnancy, as well as domestic abuse. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Biogeochemical cycling and environmental footprints of peatland-derived organic carbon in the coastal ocean in Southeast Asia
Published 2021Get full text
Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Beyond east and west : an exploration of two Singaporean women’s autobiography.
Published 2009“…This project aims to investigate whether the “postcolonial” woman is able to find her sense of self by negotiating within the boundaries of both patriarchal systems.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Simone de beauvoir against the power of phallocentrism.
Published 2009“…Beauvoir has tried to answer 'the woman question' in The Second Sex, but in her attempt to do so, she loses her ground and ironically reveals her conflicting notions as well as the influence which the patriarchy had on her instead. In exploring the ways in which she reveals her conflicting notions (e.g. essentialist in comparison to existentialist ideas) which coexist throughout the book, as well as through a brief illustration of her life, Beauvoir proves to be thoroughly influenced by the patriarchal culture, and unable to escape what she has defined as “Woman’s lot”.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Aversive response towards culture fusion is moderated by the source of foreign cultural inflow
Published 2021“…This aversive response was moderated by patriotism in Singapore but not in Hong Kong. These findings demonstrate that response to culture mixing depends on intergroup attitudes toward foreign cultures, and culture fusion is especially aversive when involving cultural inflows from a disfavored out-group. …”
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Journal Article -
The lure of diaspora : diaspora discourse, accented style, and sinophone Malaysian culture
Published 2022“…This film not only deconstructs the “master-slave structure” of Chinese-Malay relations found in Ng Kim Chew’s works but also creatively morphs it into a criticism of Sinification discourse and the patriarchy.…”
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Journal Article -
Queer latent images, post-loyalism, and the Cold War : the case of an early sinophone star, Bai Yun
Published 2022“…While he successfully attracted controversy and the gaze of the audience, he also enraged the nationalist patriarchal socio-cultural order that the modern media of the KMT and CCP wished to maintain. …”
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Journal Article