A propos de l’archéologie préventive au Cameroun: regards-croisés et essai de compréhension d’une pluralité conceptuelle (2000-2021)
Published 2024“…Certains d'entre eux ont intégré l'archéologie dans leurs études d'impact environnemental et social (EIES). Pour sauver un patrimoine tangible commun à l'humanité, les méthodologies de terrain déployées pour le documenter sont contestées. …”
Journal article -
Comparing Phylogeographies to Reveal Incompatible Geographical Histories within Genomes
Published 2024“…We illustrate this flexibility with an analysis of the interplay between the phylogeography and phylolinguistics of Uralic-speaking human populations, hinting at patrilinear language transmission.…”
Journal article -
A circle of Egyptian bishops at the end of Roman rule (c.600): Texts and contexts
Published 2018“…Drawing together a number of modern studies, it first sets out the known careers and corpora of the patriarch Damian of Alexandria (577-c. 606) and several of his prominent bishops: John of Paralos, Constantine of Assiut, Rufus of Shotep, John of Hermopolis, Pesynthius of Koptos, and Abraham of Hermonthis. …”
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Myth, mimesis and mutiple identities: feminist tools for transforming theology
Published 1996“…In particular, the religious myths of patriarchy have privileged a male God and devalued female desire - and, with her desire, sexual difference. …”
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Supporting dataset for Generalised adaptive optics method for high-NA aberration-free refocusing in refractive-index-mismatched media
Published 2022“…Generalised adaptive optics method for high-NA aberration-free refocusing in refractive-index-mismatched media Jiahe Cui, Jacopo Antonello, Andrew R. Kirkpatrick, Patrick S. Salter, Martin J. Booth https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.454912 This folder contains simulation and experimental data in forms of Matlab files and DAT files. …”
Dataset -
Towards a Marxist Feminist approach to international law
Published 2024“…Rather than a tool for liberation that stands outside the economic order, international law emerges as a key social terrain for the struggle against capitalist patriarchy precisely because it operates as a key site of social reproduction.…”
Book section -
A comparison of the imaginative response of Donne and Milton to a selection of theological doctrines
Published 1983“…In order to establish first the position of their theology in relation to Christian tradition, I begin each section with a discussion of the development of the beliefs with which it is concerned, dealing with classical, patristic, scholastic, and Reformation writers. The purpose of this is not so much to trace influences, as to show what beliefs were available to the poet, and thus what personal choices he made.…”
Thesis -
Re-visioning gender in philosophy of religion: Reason, love and epistemic locatedness
Published 2012“…Unearthing the ways in which the myths of Christian patriarchy have historically inhibited and prohibited women from thinking and writing their own ideas, this book lays fresh ground for re-visioning the epistemic practices of philosophers. …”
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Continental European Gas Hubs: Are They Fit for Purpose?
Published 2012“…<p>This paper by Patrick Heather assesses the development of the European Continental Gas Trading Hubs. …”
Working paper -
Published 2017“…Gaston Hall, From extravagant poet to the writer as hero: Piron's <em>La Métromanie</em> and Pierre Cerou's <em>L'Amant auteur et valet</em> <br/> Miguel Benìtez, Benoît de Maillet et la littérature clandestine: étude de sa correspondance avec l'abbé Le Mascrier <br/> Danielle Johnson-Cousin, Les 'leçons' de déclamation de Germaine Necker: note sur le 'mystère Clairon' <br/> John Renwick, Chamfort, patriote en coulisses: réflexions sur une lettre inédite à Roland <br/> Jacques Bourgeacq, A partir de la lettre XLVIII des <em>Liaisons dangereuses</em>: analyse stylistique <br/> Graham E. …”
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La race chez Montaigne
Published 2022“…Pourtant, Montaigne traite les Autochtones non de races mais de peuples ou de nations, réservant le terme de « race » surtout aux familles européennes patrilinéaires, présentées comme fondées sur l’hérédité, la procréation légitime et la distinction. …”
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Published 2017“…Fletcher, Bolingbroke and the diffusion of Newtonianism in France <br/> Patrick Brady, The <em>Lettres persanes</em>: rococo or neo-classical? …”
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Dying with power: Mark 15,39 from ancient to modern interpretation
Published 2014“…Copyists inserted references to Jesus' final yell around the same time that patristic commentators were claiming that this yell was a miracle that proved Jesus' divinity, an interpretation which was enshrined in the Byzantine text and the Vulgate. …”
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Les Vies de Voltaire
Published 2017“…Vies de Voltaire au vingtième siècle<br/> Haydn Mason, Nancy Mitford, <em>Voltaire in love</em>: une vraie biographie? <br/> J. Patrick Lee, Voltaire dans les dialogues des morts et conversations imaginaires en langue anglaise au vingtième siècle<br/> Béatrice Bomel-Rainelli, Le rire du roi Voltaire: 160 ans de biographies scolaires<br/> Denis Reynaud, Voltaire au cinéma<br/> Hervé Loichemol, Porter la vie (de Voltaire) au théâtre<br/> Résumés<br/> Bibliographie<br/> Index des noms cités<br/>…”
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Curiosity, forbidden knowledge, and the reformation of natural philosophy in early modern England.
Published 2001“…From the patristic period to the beginning of the seventeenth century curiosity was regarded as an intellectual vice. …”
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Ancient genomes reveal structural shifts after the arrival of Steppe-related ancestry in the Italian Peninsula
Published 2021“…Our study confirms a diversity of ancestry components during the Chalcolithic and the arrival of Steppe-related ancestry in the central Italian Peninsula as early as 1600 BCE, with this ancestry component increasing through time. We detect close patrilineal kinship in the burial patterns of Chalcolithic commingled cave burials and a shift away from this in the Bronze Age (2200–900 BCE) along with lowered runs of homozygosity, which may reflect larger changes in population structure. …”
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Published 2017“…Reed Benhamou, Public and private art education in France 1648-1793 <br/> Robin Howells, Rococo and carnival <br/> Catherine Blondeau, Lectures de la correspondance de Julie de Lespinasse: une étude de réception <br/> Max Grober, The natural history of Heaven and the historical proofs of Christianity: <em>La Palingénésie philosophique</em> of Charles Bonnet <br/> Nadine Bérenguier, ‘Fiction dans les archives’: adultère et stratégies de défense dans deux mémoires judiciaires du dix-huitième siècle <br/> Jeffrey Merrick, Fathers and kings: patriarchalism and absolutism in eighteenth-century French politics <br/> Paul Benhamou, The reading trade in Lyons: Cellier’s <em>cabinet de lecture</em> <br/> Bertram Eugene Schwarzbach, How to read in the eighteenth century…the Bible and other books <br/>…”
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Access to oil reserves
Published 2007“…Michael Daly argues that the oil companies’ move to the technological frontiers is a response to the access problem; Patrick Pouyanné considers new stakes for companies and government and the need for renewed trust.…”
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Is the sky falling in on women in China
Published 2020“…Drawing on recently-published research by Chinese scholars, this article explores whether this accurately reflects the status of women in contemporary China, concluding that China’s progress towards gender equality has stalled in the face of the powerful combination of marketisation and patriarchy.…”
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Novel challenges and opportunities in the theory and practice of matrix population modelling
Published 2021“…Matrix population models, discrete-time, discrete-state (i.e. individuals are categorised into discrete categories based on traits such as age or stage), were first introduced to the scientific community by Patrick Leslie 75 years ago. Since then, the applications of matrix population models to ecology, evolution, and conservation biology have strongly been running strong and in parallel with its robust mathematical development. …”
Journal article