What the women of Dublin did with John Locke
Published 2020“…This essay focuses on the work of Laetitia Pilkington (1709–1750) and Mary Barber (1685–1755), two of the Dublin women writers of the so-called ‘Triumfeminate’, a literary and intellectual circle connected to Jonathan Swift which met and discussed ideas at the home of Patrick Delaney. Pilkington and Barber were particularly influenced by Locke's ideas on obstetrics and childhood in his Some Thoughts Concerning Education and especially by his discussion of memory in the Essay Concerning Human Understanding. …”
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Das Universalienproblem bei den griechischen Kirchenvätern und im frühen Mittelalter: Vorläufige Überlegungen zu einer wenig erforschten Traditionslinie im ersten Millennium
Published 2005“…This article raises the question of the existence of Patristic sources for the medieval debate on universals. …”
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How resource revenues can halve global poverty
Published 2009“…Political upheavals in Venezuela and Bolivia are two dramatic examples of what can happen when a majority feel that they are not getting their fair share of their national patrimony. This question became all the more pressing during a decade of rising commodity prices, leading to record oil prices, which the global financial crisis appears to have slowed only temporarily.…”
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Way out of the tunnel? Three hundred years of research on the Apocrypha: a preliminary approach
Published 2011“…It was this unexpected recognition, then, which finally induced me to make not a simple historical overview but a critical presentation of the previous research on the apocrypha, together with a very short and of course preliminary history of the usage of the term apocryphal in Late Antique and patristic Greek and Latin and early modern scholarly literature and to provide my hypothesis with a separate case study which will hopefully illustrate the main thesis.…”
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Signatures of authority: colophons in seventeenth-century Melkite circles in Aleppo
Published 2022“…Yūsuf collaborated with one of Meletios’ successors, Macarius (Makāryūs) al-Zaʿīm (Patriarch 1647–1672) and famously marked his icons with colophons. …”
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The Roman past in the consciousness of the Roman elites in the ninth and tenth centuries
Published 2018“…After the acclamations the pope addressed him in the manner of the old emperors. The name of Patricius was now abandoned and he was called Emperor and Augustus.¹ </p> …”
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The origins and expansion of the male breadwinner family: The case of nineteenth-century Britain.
Published 1997“…It looms large in both orthodox economic analyses of historical trends in female participation rates and feminist depictions of a symbiotic structural relationship between inherited patriarchal relationships and nascent industrial capitalism. …”
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Invaluable trees
Published 2017“…Strategic trees<br/> Elizabeth Heckendorn Cook, The vocal stump: the politics of tree-felling in Swift’s ‘On cutting down the old thorn at Market Hill’<br/> Michael Guenther, Tapping nature’s bounty: science and sugar maples in the age of improvement<br/> Meredith Martin, Bourbon renewal at Rambouillet<br/> Susan Taylor-Leduc, Assessing the value of fruit trees in the marquis de Fontanes’s poem <em>Le Verger</em><br/> Elizabeth Hyde, Arboreal negotiations, or William Livingston’s American perspective on the cultural politics of trees in the Atlantic world<br/> Lisa Ford, The ‘naturalisation’ of François André Michaux’s <em>North American sylva</em>: patriotism in early American natural history<br/> III. …”
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From empire to empire: The collapse of British America and the rise of imperial republicanism, 1773-1812
Published 2020“…</p> <p>Overall, this dissertation challenges the notion that the Revolution was overtly anti-imperial and anti-colonial, instead arguing that empire had a great deal of political currency with American Patriot-Whigs going into 1776. With independence, the US sought to be an empire in Britain’s mould but purged of corruption and reformed to suit a republic. …”
Thesis -
“In the centre of our circle”: gender, selfhood and non-linear time in Yvonne Vera’s Nehanda
Published 2022“…Through its implicit critique of verticality, Nehanda calls into question both Western historiography on Africa and African patriarchal narratives of resistance and liberation. …”
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The parliamentary right in France, 1905-1919
Published 1961“…The nationalists, who were noisy patriots, were more concerned about the enemy within than the enemy without. …”
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Reading herem texts as Christian scripture
Published 2013“…A number of ways in which they have been used to justify violence and war are also addressed.</p> <p>For the patristic and early medieval eras the thesis aims to be as comprehensive as possible in identifying and analysing the various interpretative options, while for later periods the focus lies on new developments. …”
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A city of men? An ethnographic enquiry into cultures of youth masculinities in urban India
Published 2018“…</p> <p>Using ethnographic data collected over fourteen months of fieldwork in Delhi, along with visual and cultural analysis, this thesis lays bare the layers of masculine performances and reveals the everyday attempts at embedding and reproducing a heterosexist patriarchal social order under the guise of a ‘new Indian man’ and his ‘new’ India. …”
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Augustine's conversion from traditional free choice to "non-free free will": a comprehensive methodology
Published 2012“…Only a comprehensive methodological approach—reading systematically, chronologically, and comprehensively through his entire corpus—can legitimately demonstrate changes.</p><p>Did a Patristic consensus exist regarding post-Adamic free choice? …”
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Mothers of Africa
Published 1991“…Especially in the Manichean worlds of colonial and newly post-colonial societies, nationalist narratives - such as those produced at the time of African independence - read as family dramas in which honour and duty are patrilineally bequeathed, and national sons honour iconic mothers. …”
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Living under "quiet insecurity": Religion and popular culture in post-genocide Rwanda
Published 2015“…I pay particular attention to gender, and consider how patriarchal tendencies in the new churches and popular culture undermine the country's "progressive" gender policies. …”
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Order and righteousness
Published 1997“…Rule became dynastic and took on patrimonial forms. A further development during the 18th century was the increasing influence of Sunnī Traditionist views among Zaydī-born scholars in northern Yemeni highlands. …”
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Wartime Shakespeare: performing narratives of conflict
Published 2023“…Amy Lidster explains how differing productions of Shakespeare shed light on issues at the heart of conflicts and negotiate concepts such as patriotism, commemoration, and propaganda. With wide-ranging transhistorical coverage, she argues that wartime Shakespeare is defined by its malleability and plural (mis)understandings, which determine its power to shape the experience of war, the political issues at stake during a period of crisis, and the construction of narratives of conflict.…”
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And Yahweh appeared
Published 1988“…</p> <p>The significance of these motifs for Old Testament narratives is then examined in Chapters Three to Five which are devoted to: 1) the Patriarchal Traditions of Genesis; 2) the Moses, Sinai, and Wilderness Traditions of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers; and 3) the Historical Writing of the Old Testament. …”
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The logic of the nation: nationalism, formal logic, and interwar Poland
Published 2018“…The intellectuals who formed the Warsaw School of Logic embraced a patriotic Polish identity. Competitive nationalist attitudes were common among interwar scientists – a stance historians have called “Olympic internationalism,” in which nationalism and internationalism interacted as complementary rather than conflicting impulses. …”
Journal article