Examining female identity in selected writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Published 2014“…The rationale is that by understanding the effect of dominant patriarchal culture in the selected writings, the motivation towards the quest of identity among women of the period can be better understood. …”
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Thesis -
The failure of the symbolic order in shaping the female subject in Adrienne rich's Aunt Jennifer Tigers
Published 2016“…Adrienne Rich was one of the leading feminist voices who called for the re-establishment of the feminist discourse away from the bigotry of the patriarchal thought. In her early stage of writing, Rich imitated the styles and subject matters of the great male writers of the literary scene. …”
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The struggles of Ceylonese women in Rani Manickas, the rice mother and the Japanese lover
Published 2016“…She sheds light on the complications and challenges faced by displaced women in a patriarchal society and the roles they are expected to play. …”
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Majlis Belia Malaysia: Quo vadis transformasi era semasa
Published 2012“…Penubuhan MBM di bawah Peruntukan Akta Pertubuhan Belia dan Pembangunan Belia 2007 bertujuan bagi menggalak dan mendorong pertubuhan belia supaya memainkan peranan yang positif dan berkesan kepada masyarakat dan negara, merangsang dan mewujudkan perhubungan, kerjasama, persefahaman dan persahabatan antara pertubuhan belia dengan belia yang seimbang dalam pelbagai bidang, dan memupuk sikap bertanggungjawab, patriotisme dan kesukarelawanan dalam kalangan pertubuhan belia. …”
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Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN): wadah baru sosialisasi politik
Published 2016“…Pelaksanaan PLKN yang berteraskan kepada konsep khidmat negara mempunyai matlamat untuk memupuk semangat patriotisme, perpaduan dan integrasi nasional, membentuk perwatakan positif, menyemarak semangat kesukarelawanan dan melahirkan generasi yang aktif serta mempunyai keyakinan diri yang tinggi. …”
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Emerging patterns of Bangsa Malaysia in Anthony Burgess’ Time for a Tiger
Published 2016“…This study reveals that there are indeed emerging patterns of Bangsa Malaysia depicted through a mixture of characters from various ethnicities, namely the Malays, the Chinese and the Indians, through the implementation of government policies, education, a change of mindset and personal judgement, patriotism and the unifying role of the monarchy. Additionally, the patterns do support the earlier stage of the formation of Bangsa Malaysia, namely tolerance.…”
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Domestic violence against women in Atiq Rahimi's The Patience Stone
Published 2015“…Originally written in French, this breakthrough novella highlights the harsh reality of the misery suffered by many Afghan women on a regular basis, notably the various forms of domestic violence that they have to endure in the poverty-stricken, war-torn and staunchly patriarchal environment of their homeland. Through a feminist reading of The Patience Stone (2011), we shall examine Rahimi’s depictions of domestic violence against women in the novella as a highly engendered phenomenon resulting from gender inequality and a sexist hierarchy of power prevalent in Afghan society. …”
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Manifestations of hysteria in Nawal El Saadawi's Woman at Point Zero
Published 2015“…Many of those female characters suffer hysteric symptoms which manifest as a consequence of sexual violations such as rape, molestation and female circumcision in patriarchal-centered communities. These violations lead to psychological traumas which can eventually give rise to hysteria. …”
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UPM - MPN anjur wacana ilmuwan sebagai medan pemerkasaan perpaduan
Published 2017“…PUTRAJAYA, 13 Sep – Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) bersama Majlis Profesor Negara (MPN) menganjurkan Wacana Ilmuwan bertujuan meningkatkan semangat perpaduan dan patriotik dalam kalangan rakyat Malaysia yang berbilang bangsa dan agama, sempena Sambutan Hari Malaysia yang akan diraikan rakyat Malaysia pada 16 September 2017.…”
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UPM News -
Bahasa kebangsaan sebagai tenaga pemangkin pembangunan negara secara ekuitabel ke arah negara maju
Published 2012“…Di Malaysia kini dalam langkah ke arah mencapai status negara maju, strategi MBMMBI (memartabatkan bahasa Melayu dan memperkukuh bahasa Inggeris) telah diperkenalkan untuk meningkatkan pencapaian rakyat Malaysia sebagai modal insan yang berketerampilan sambil mengukuhkan solidariti, integrasi dan patriotisme dalam acuan Malaysia. Namun terdapat beberapa kekangan dan halangan yang boleh membantut tindakan ini, yang akan dibincangkan dalam kertas kerja ini.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Women As Commodities In Two Selected Novels Of Thomas Hardy
Published 2009“…The main theme adopted to study Hardy’s novels is the Unconscious of the Patriarchy in the Victorian Imagination. It is divided into two sections: Lacan and Feminist Psychoanalysts. …”
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Thesis -
Interprestasi Pemikiran dan Penggunaan Pengukapan dalam sajak-sajak Dewan Sastera
Published 2004“…Sementara, pemikiran yang berkaitan dengan sosiopolitik pula berkaitan dengan persoalan pemimpin dan kepemimpinan, nasionalisme dan patriotisme serta peperangan dan perdamaian. Penganalisisan terhadap aspek pemikiran menunjukkan bahawa, pemikiran yang diungkapkan oleh penyair dalam sajak mereka sama ada berhubung dengan sosiobudaya, sosiopolitik dan sosioekonomi mempunyai kaitan dengan isu-isu, fenomena-fenomena atau peristiwa-peristiwa yang berlaku di persekitaran mereka. …”
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A Psychoanalytic Feminist Reading of Ten Novels by Naguib Mahfouz Baharak
Published 2006“…These three themes are Women Defying the Patriarchy and The Patriarchy Regulating Women and The Manifestation of the Regulation of Women. …”
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Persepsi pelajar dan guru terhadap program rancangan integrasi murid untuk perpaduan di sekolah menengah, Kuala Lumpur
Published 2014“…Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan tahap integrasi pelajar Melayu adalah lebih tinggi berbanding dengan pelajar Cina dan India di dalam dimensi Integrasi Budaya dan Adat Resam (IBDAR); Integrasi Bina Negara dan Patriotisme (IBNDP); dan Integrasi Masyarakat Prihatin (IMP). …”
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Thesis -
Reorientation of desire in Adrienne Rich's Twenty-One Love Poems
Published 2015“…Rich presents her proposal of female desire as a new strategy of helping women against the oppressive thought of heterosexuality and patriarchy in her poems. Rich in this poem exhibits a transformative understanding of the potentials and powers of the female body and the possibility of utilizing it to face the compulsory heterosexuality and patriarchal thought.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
A Socio-Cultural Perspective of Women Education and Empowerment in Rural Bangladesh
Published 2006“…As a result of the patriarchal ideology, most respondents consider sons as 'assets'. …”
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Thesis -
Penghayatan nilai murni dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah masa kini
Published 2012“…Kajian ini mendapati hanya 3 dimensi nilai murni yang menunjukkan tahap penghayatan yang tinggi iaitu nilai kesyukuran, nilai patriotisme dan nilai hormat menghormati. Manakala 14 dimensi nilai murni menunjukkan tahap penghayatan yang sederhana tinggi. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Matriarchy through cultural change in Zainab Alkali`s the stillborn and the descendants
Published 2017“…Alkali’s society is deeply patriarchal in nature and women’s position does not go beyond a mere feeble and second class figure. …”
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Kaedah menangani kebosanan mahasiswa terhadap subjek Kenegaraan Malaysia
Published 2017“…Antara usaha yang dilakukan untuk memperkukuhkan semangat patriotisme serta memantapkan jati diri mahasiswa di sesetengah institusi pengajian tinggi adalah dengan mewajibkan kursus Kenegaraan Malaysia. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Satire as a form of native resistance in Mongo Beti's selected novels
Published 2016“…These so-called independent countries are bedevilled with corruption, civil wars, political turmoil, among other factors due to absence of patriotism on the part of the indigenous people and external control from the ―former colonial masters‖. …”
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