Dual-channel vendor-buyer system with minimum purchase commitment and price-sensitive demand
Published 2014“…It is concluded that pricing is the major factor in profit sharing and a lower z value is preferred by both parties.…”
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Thesis -
Development of healthcare applications on mobile devices
Published 2015“…The application is implemented using Android and other third-party libraries such as AChartEngine and iText. Challenges faced include learning Android as a beginner and making the automatic connection between the blood pressure device and application. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Perceptions of trust : the role of authority and religiosity in online profiles
Published 2015“…Nevertheless, this research suggests that textual information appearing online, in the absence of physical cues, can play a part in influencing individuals’ perceptions on determining how trustworthy the other party is. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Surveillance flying vehicle
Published 2015“…PX4 is ideally a better choice for developers, as they do not have to comprehend additional 3rd party applications. Several experiments were conducted in both the APM and PX4 environment with different methods of connecting the hardware components, which include how the battery connected. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Export credit insurance corporation of Singapore
Published 2015“…Interest in the policy monies can be assigned to third parties, such as lending bankers. An explanation is given on how the insurance policies can be used to provide banking security and a description is given on the procedures a banker must follow if a bank is to take an assignment over the policy monies. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Myanmar's foreign policy responses to Western sanctions
Published 2015“…Despite such punitive measures, the military junta was overall defiant towards the West 's demands and continued its repressive grip on power. This was in part due to the regime's utilization of foreign policy to counter the effects of Western criticism and sanctions. …”
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Thesis -
The role of mobile technology on work-family balance in Singapore
Published 2017“…Lastly, professionals were aware of their work-family spillovers and thus, were active parties in resisting work intrusion into their family domain. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Detecting app clones in Android markets using graph mining approaches
Published 2017“…This project is, therefore, trying to address the issue of clone apps by detecting it through the method of graph mining. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Case studies on contract disputes under SOP
Published 2017“…It was designed to ensure rapid determination of the adjudication process (7 days) to ensure cash flows within the businesses in the industries without the involved parties being tied up in lengthy and expensive litigation or arbitration. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Intelligent algorithms for social robotics
Published 2018“…The sentiment polarity of Nadine’s and human’s speeches were classified using Naïve Bayes (NB) classifier. This part of analysis presents the percentage of negativity in the speeches of both parties. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Web audio tagging system
Published 2018“…We may call it ‘the cocktail party problem’” [1]. The aim of our creation is given the audio, we can identify or classify dominant noise by installing sensors with an analytic computer program. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Cultural revolution : exploring the what and how of remembering
Published 2019“…One thing for certain was that the Chinese Communist Party of China (CCP) has played an important role in shaping how the CR has been remembered. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Dapatkah sdm di-neracakan?
Published 1994“…Secondly, management of the firm obtain the benefit from and control third parties who will use the people employed. Finally, the management control the asset (people employed) due to its past transaction. …”
Article -
Dilematika Penetapan Upah Minimum
Published 2006“…This is because the controversy among parties in industrial relationships will arise. The determination of minimum wage will always become a dilemmatic step which has to be done by the Government. …”
Article -
Does Auditor Tenure Reduce Audit Quality?
Published 2012“…Abstract: Reduced auditor independence and the rise of corporate accounting manipulations have caused trust of the users in audited financial statements to begin to decline, so users of financial statements are questioning whether public accountants are independent parties. This research issue is related to the Decree of the Minister of Finance No. 17 in 2008 about public accountant services. …”
Article -
Between the adversarial and the inquisitorial trial
Published 2007“…It is then possible to ascertain whether justice is substantially seen to be done to both the opposing parties under both legal traditions. In other words, in a criminal proceeding, whether the adversarial mode of trial under the Common Law tradition is compatible with Islamic Law. …”
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Article -
Current scenario on illegal renovation in low-cost stratified properties in Klang valley and it impacts / Suraya Ghani
Published 2013“…Various method used by the responsible parties to overcome the issue but still exist. Hence, in this research the finding will be focused on the impacts gain by the local authority and the owners. …”
Student Project -
Enforcement of maintenance order in the Melaka Syariah Court / Aliyah Abdullah, Salmiah Salleh and Nasreen Miza Hilmy Nasrijal
Published 2007“…It was found that the main obstacle in enforcing the maintenance order is the negative attitudes of the parties. The study also revealed that the whereabouts of the ex-husband is crucial in determining whether the maintenance order could be enforced because all modes of executing the order would require information of the ex-husband's whereabouts. …”
Research Reports -
HeaTherm / Mohd Ghazali Mujiyo
Published 2020“…Moreover, our product will mainly target working people, party goers, and youngster as they are the main consumers in this industry. …”
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Entrepreneurship Project -
An analysis of humanitarian intervention in action
Published 2016“…. & Szamuely G., 2007, "Yugoslavia: Human Rights Watch in Service to the War Party" (Szamuely 2007); and Bombs for Peace: NATO’s Humanitarian War on Yugoslavia (Szamuely, 2014). …”
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