Acceptance of Kuala Lumpur Malay’s residents towards rukyah (incantation)
Published 2011“…Thus, based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that efforts which give prestige to the rukyah (incantation) be supported by all parties to maintain the practice of the Islamic medicine.…”
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Predictors of resilience among Iranian graduate students in University Putra Malaysia
Published 2017“…This study has two main objectives, first to investigate the relationship between dimensions of social support, optimism, self-efficacy and dimensions of psychological well-being and level of resilience among Iranian graduate students in University Putra Malaysia and second, to investigate the extent to which dimensions of social support, optimism, self-efficacy and dimensions of psychological well-being significantly predict the level of resilience among Iranian graduate students in University Putra Malaysia. …”
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Thermogravimetric study of napier grass in inert and oxidative atmospheres conditions
Published 2017“…Since the industrialisation of Malaysia, the energy demand which mainly relied on fossil fuels has risen continuously. Therefore, all parties including the government, academic society and communities have explored alternative fuel resources to improve the reliability and security of energy supply to meet the future energy. …”
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Innovator - firm collaboration: the moderating role of transactional capacity (TC)
Published 2018“…Besides, one of the central questions is how and under what condition the two parties are more likely to engage in a resilient collaborative effort, from the perspective of innovation recipient firms remain unclear. …”
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Common grammatical mistakes in the noun in electronic text “a statistic grammatical study”
Published 2020“…Therefore, this study aims to monitor the places of grammatical mistakes that the Arabic writers fall in, on the social networking sites, in order to identify the factors contributing to these grammatical mistakes, and to look at the extent of which it affects the readers‟ understanding of the purpose of writing and its impact on the eloquence of the language itself, with the objective of creating a third-party computer program for evaluating the application of grammatical structures in Electronic Text. …”
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Using the theory of motivated information management to understand direct information seeking on COVID-19 from close contacts
Published 2022“…INTRODUCTION: As the COVID-19 pandemic spread like wildfire in 2020, initially, little was known about the pandemic. Various parties including local governments, health agencies, medical researchers, and frontliners made concerted efforts to ensure the accuracy, timeliness, and reliability of the information released to the public. …”
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Pembingkaian Pilihan Raya Legislatif Aceh 2014: satu analisis kandungan terhadap berita dalam talian akhbar Kompas dan Republika
Published 2016“…This frame appeared more frequently after the election as the highlights of the election shifted to issues concerning victories and accomplishments of the contesting political parties and candidates. …”
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Factors Influencing Success Rate of Contractors in Competitive Bidding for Construction Works in South-East, Nigeria
Published 2016“…It is hoped that the information presented in this paper will be of interest to all parties concerned, including Nigerian construction companies and foreign companies planning to enter the Nigerian construction market. …”
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Innovator-firm collaboration: the moderating role of transactional capacity (TC)
Published 2018“…Besides, one of the central questions is how and under what condition the two parties are more likely to engage in a resilient collaborative effort, from the perspective of innovation recipient firms remain unclear. …”
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Unique attitude? The concept of special education leadership
Published 2021“…As a result of the thematic analysis conducted, there are five things which shows that special education leadership needs to be unique in its implementation, namely prioritizing MBK in all matters, putting love in every school decision, balancing between teachers and MBK, preferring discussion over unilateral decisions and always defending special education, These findings are expected to be a guide to relevant parties.…”
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RETIME software for real time data acquisition using LEICA TCA series
Published 2006“…STAR*NET software (third party software) has been used in this research to provide an adjusted data. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Postgraduate education through university-industry link : The young engineers training programme
Published 1997“…Apart from that, the trainees need to attend classroom lectures provided by UTM academic staff at site located at Kampung Ladang, Gelang Patah, Johor. The program was designed in such a way that it will reward the trainee with Post Graduate Diploma in Construction Management after all the requirement were met to the satisfaction of parties involved in the training program.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Integrating consumer trust in building an e-commerce website
Published 2008“…The research also proposed a model that shows how consumer trust is developed and communicated between two parties. It is found that there are six categories of trust mechanisms and technologies that web merchants can utilize in order to integrate trust in their website. …”
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Thesis -
Undang-undang kesihatan pekerjaan di Malaysia: Apakah selaras dengan piawai ILO?
Published 2013“…Healthcare at the work place is not merely an employer’s duty in an industry but, it is also an asset to attract workers’ loyalty.In Malaysia, the Factory and Machinery Act 1967and its regulations was a good start in the development of occupational health laws.When the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 was drafted, this completed the laws by governing almost all industries and also imposes the liability of health and work safety, not only on employers, but also other parties. Nevertheless, a question arises whether this law conforms to the standard set out by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) through the Conventions Hence, a qualitative analysis is undertaken on the relevant statutes in Malaysia, which govern the occupational health and safety protection, namely the above Acts supported by various regulations made there under.As common law is duly practised and applied in Malaysia was under section 3 and 5 Civil Law Act 1956, its relevance will also be discussed. …”
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Guidelines for low cost terminal (LCT) development : Case study of Kuala Lumpur International Airport Low Cost Terminal, Malaysia
Published 2010“…The paper will conclude by suggesting guidelines for LCT development that will seek to optimise the relative aspirations of all parties concerned.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Simulation development content for students employ ability in logistics and transportation field in Malaysia
Published 2016“…This paper will look into simulation.Content development, which is all about developing, enriching and the applications of the Internet protocol in order to enrich the work related competencies experience among graduate in the field of logistics and transportation's and will focus on the real challenges' inputs to the generic workflow of the simulation content development.The study was carried out within multi-national and local manufacturing companies, third party companies (3PL) and government agency, which are selected from Peninsular Malaysia.A qualitative approach was mainly conducted to gather data in the study.It was then discovered from the study that the systems used in the process of outbound and inbound are System Application Products (SAP) and Material Requirement Planning (MRP).It was further discovered that there are only four companies using Enterprises Resources Planning (ERP) and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) as part of the Suppliers Own Inventories (SOI) networking as a result of globalized business between one country to another.The study contributes to the body of knowledge on the enrichment of the student’s employability.…”
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Logistics and supply chain related issues faced by Malaysian SMEs: A case study
Published 2016“…The finding also indicates the important role of external supply chain members such as the supplier, carrier or third-party logistics service providers as they directly influence the level of customer services provided by SMEs.…”
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Protection: challenges to the United Nations High Commission for Refugee and Malaysia’s government
Published 2016“…Refugee or asylum seekers are more than simply a human rights issue.Refugee movements are also an essential part of international politics.This study will delve into the Malaysian government and United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) challenges for the protection of refugee in Malaysia.The UNHCR operation in Malaysia is not without problems.Even though Malaysia is not a signatory to the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol, that does not mean that nothing can be done to protect the refugees in the country.The reasons Malaysia should cooperate with UNHCR needs to be addressed rapidly to find a long term solution for this problem.This will then followed by analyzing Malaysia’s international commitment and obligation relating to Refugee in general .Discussion will touch on the role of Malaysia as a state party to the United Nation(UN) and it’s refusal to ratify the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugee (CRSR).Other dimension of this paper is the highlight of the mechanism that Malaysia’s government should adapt to assist the UNHCR in resolving the challenges. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Prioritizing critical factors of floods in Kedah using pairwise comparison approach
Published 2017“…It is also famous for its tourism industry.However, some parts of the state, if not all, had been affected by floods every year albeit various mitigation efforts by the authorities. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
First Time FRS Adoption among Top Malaysian Public Listed Companies
Published 2014“…International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) has taken an aggressive initiative to bring further convergence between local Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and international standards with the amendments of some existing standards and adopted certain new standards in the name of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).Nevertheless, the complexity on the issue of convergence with a single standard has been raised by many parties (Hoogendoorn, 2006; Bernhut, 2008).Similarly, the Malaysian’s accounting bodies have also raised their anxiety as to whether the public listed companies are ready to encounter the major accounting transition.Therefore, this study tries to investigate the extent of FRS adoption among the Malaysian’s top 100 listed companies. …”
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