Indian political parties in Malaysia: the issues and challenges
Published 2018“…In other hand, there is other formation of Indian parties in Malaysia which is consist of Indian Progressive Front (IPF), People Progressive Party (PPP) and other minority political parties. …”
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Article -
Azizan perlu berkorban demi kelangsungan parti
Published 2012“…ALOR SETAR - Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak dilihat makin tersepit dengan kemelut dalam pentadbirannya, yang kini sudah mengheret kepimpinan parti.…”
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Newspaper -
The 2015 Paris Terrorist Attacks: An Assessment
Published 2016“…The suicide armed attacks in Paris on 13 November 2015 were unprecedented in magnitude and scale. …”
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Commentary -
Published 1989“…Pati jagung ketan, jagung normal dan jagung amilosa tinggi dikaji struktur granulanya dengan pengujian-pengujian kedapatcernaan secara in vitro menggunakan a -amilase, tingkat substitusi turunan hidroksipropil pati dan kemudahan hidrolisis dengan asam. …”
Article -
Political markets, the party-related factors and political party’s market-orientation in Indonesia’s democracy: evidence from Indonesia’s 2014 parliamentary election
Published 2022“…Based on the Indonesian case, this work offers new knowledge of: (1) nomenclatures of political markets that emerge in the emerging democracy; (2) types of political sub-markets considered by political parties’ leaders in such democracy; and (3) types of the party-related factors that likely determine perceptions of these parties’ members and activists regarding the importance of these political sub-markets in the parliamentary election. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. part of Springer Nature.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Political markets, the party-related factors and political party’s market-orientation in Indonesia’s democracy: evidence from Indonesia’s 2014 parliamentary election
Published 2022“…Based on the Indonesian case, this work offers new knowledge of: (1) nomenclatures of political markets that emerge in the emerging democracy; (2) types of political sub-markets considered by political parties’ leaders in such democracy; and (3) types of the party-related factors that likely determine perceptions of these parties’ members and activists regarding the importance of these political sub-markets in the parliamentary election. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. part of Springer Nature.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The Conservative Party representatives study 2002: a multi-focus, quantitative analysis of the beliefs, behaviour and background of Conservative Party politicians in 2002
Published 2010“…A large proportion of attitudinal items are not intended as stand-alone items but as part of statistically robust multi-item scales. Also used in the report is a range of secondary data allowing relevant comparisons between CPRS 2002 respondents and politicians from other parties and/or the general public. …”
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Thesis -
Faktor Pembentukan Kerjasama Politik Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) dengan parti politik di Malaysia dari 1974-2022
Published 2023“…Malaysia as a democratic country that practises a multi-party system; hence a single party could not gain most seats to form the government alone. …”
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Article -
UMP Campus Pantry – free food hub for students
Published 2019“…In line with the aspiration of Domestic Trade and Consumerism Ministry (KPDNHEP) in implementing the Food Bank Malaysia programme in public universities, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) raised to the occasion by having its own UMP Campus Pantry, offering food and other basic necessities to students. …”
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Newspaper -
Sukarelawan UMP urus Campus Pantry manfaatkan pelajar
Published 2020“…Kuantan, 13 Mac- Seramai 200 sukarelawan membabitkan 110 orang sukarelawan di UMP Gambang dan 90 sukarelawan di UMP Pekan terlibat dalam membangunkan UMP Campus Pantry di kedua-dua kampus. Mereka ini dibahagikan kepada dua kumpulan iaitu menguruskan makanan kering termasuk keperluan harian seperti sabun basuh, berus gigi, sabun dan lain-lain manakala satu lagi kumpulan mengendalikan makanan basah yang terdiri daripada sayur-sayuran, buah-buahan dan ikan.…”
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Newspaper -
UMP volunteers handle Campus Pantry for students benefit
Published 2020“…A total of 200 volunteers consisting of 110 volunteers from UMP Gambang and 90 from UMP Pekan involved in the establishing UMP Campus Pantry at both campuses on 13 March 2020.…”
Newspaper -
Privacy-preserving auction using multi-party computation
Published 2021“…When it comes to trading and auctions, a party would not want to reveal their intention to buy or sell, as other parties may use the information to influence the market (such as sellers driving market prices up when they know an incoming buyer intends to purchase a large volume of items). …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Study of third party logistics selection and development in Singapore
Published 2014“…In reaction, companies tend to outsource the supply chain function to third party service providers, known as Third Party Logistics (3PL). …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)