A conceptual framework on information co-creation: bridging the gap between organizations and consumers
Published 2018“…The novelty of the framework is to create a “winwin” situation for both parties. By using Information Systems Success (ISS) model, a personalized customer experience can be created by taking into consideration their voices and rights in the information co-creation process. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Power-sharing democracy in Post-Saddam Iraq
Published 2010“…The new constitution was written with the hope that for the diverse groups in Iraq to run their mutual relations in such a way that the dialogue between fighting parties shifts from a battle field into a political settlement. …”
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Book Section -
Konsep liabiliti dan pemberian pampasan ganti rugi dalam kemalangan jalan raya menurut perundangan Islam
Published 2019“…The concept of liability is also applied to determine the liability of negligence and awarded compensation by the parties that are involved in constructing the roads, bridges, tunnels and other structures that are associated with the road, if the liability does not fall upon the innocent and negligent drivers.…”
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Article -
Evaluation of delay factors on dry bulk cargo operation in Malaysia: a case study of Kemaman Port
Published 2019“…Also, it introduces the usage of practical and systematical analysis technique for assisting the seaport operator or interested parties in analyzing the potential contributors of a condition in the port settings.…”
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Article -
Model of tacit knowledge transfer in lean management implementation in an organization
Published 2020“…In addition, the development of the model can explain how lean knowledge was developed and transferred from one party to another in the organization. The existence of such a model could assist an effective lean manufacturing implementation with every organization should has a good lean knowledge and understand how to properly implement lean in the production process.…”
Book Section -
The impact of Covid-19 on election campaign in selected States of Nigeria
Published 2020“…The Covid-19 as global pandemic has greatly affected social and political activities of man. Campaign as part of political fora for political gladiators to show case what they are planning to do for the masses if they are elected to political offices through manifestos is being affected by Covid-19 pandemic. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Nigerian Prison Reformation: A Necessity Not A Luxury
Published 2017“…Rehabilitation is a developing non-caretaker, non-reformatory and humanistic procedure for the treatment not punishment of offenders without recourse to legal battle that often results in remanding one party in prison custody. Considering the encompassing merits of rehabilitation justice, there is an urgent need to officially integrate this alternative to incarceration intervention programme into the Nigerian legal system, as this will go a long way in decongesting the seemingly overpopulated correctional institutions in Nigeria. …”
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Article -
Islamic P2P Lending as an Alternative Solution for The Unfair Conventional Platform in Indonesia
Published 2022“…Fintech implementation still lacks legal protection for the parties involved. The rules imposed by the Financial Services Authority (FSA/ Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/OJK) have aspects of riba that contradict sharia compliance principles. …”
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Article -
Revisiting the human right to water in contemporary international law
Published 2020“…However, there are many parties which feel that the right to water should not stand on its own as it complicates the present legal framework for international human rights. …”
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Article -
Mixed Responses from the International Community to Zimbabwe’s Post 2000 Fast Track Land Reform: Why?
Published 2019“…The revolutionary approach adopted by the ZANU PF Government was induced by the British's creation of the opposition MDC Party. The chaotic nature of the reform attracted backlash from the neoliberals who employed smart power to cripple Zimbabwe's economic sector to rally the population against the ZANU PF-led Government. …”
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Article -
The Prospect of Legalising Smart Arbitral Award in Malaysia: An Analytical Overview
Published 2022“…As a result, it is discovered that block chain technology has eliminated the third party while maintaining a secure, immutable, irreversible, and authentic network, whereas smart contract has introduced an automatable and self-executable computer protocol. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Leadership Effectiveness in Unionized Work Environment: A Study on the Public Sector Organizations in Sri Lanka
Published 2010“…However, very few studies have been carried out on transformational and transactional leadership in unionized work context. …”
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Article -
Civil Disobedience During Reformation Era
Published 2015“…Furthermore, the actors who were involved in acts of civil disobedience include students, young people, opposition parties, non government organizations (NGOs) and activists. …”
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Article -
Internal audit in the federal government ministries, departments and agencies of Malaysia
Published 2007“…The internal audit function is around to help members of organization in improving their activities.But the findings from in‐depth interviews conducted in the middle of 2004 with internal auditors from a total of 40 federal government ministries, departments and agencies in Malaysia have revealed a number of serious shortcomings that far outweigh the few virtues around.That is, many internal audit units have to face with the problem of shortage of staff and audit staff lacking in competency in internal audit.In addition, a majority of the audit units which are mostly operating in the less than advance audit mode has failed to get the right level of support and assistance from the Treasury and other parties.Worse, their effectiveness and efficiency is threatened by the high‐handed conduct of the National Audit Department over the shifting of its cadre staff in and out of the internal audit units.Despite all these problems, the internal auditors are quite optimistic of the audit future.On the other hand, politics of accountability theory, power distance and a Malaysian social context that replete with cases of the lack of transparency and public accountability of its major actors point to the audit’s probable bleak future.…”
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Monograph -
TD (Siswazah dan JINM), FPSK terima anugerah Fellowship Naib Canselor UPM
Published 2018“…SERDANG, 14 Mei – Timbalan Dekan (Siswazah, Jaringan Industri dan Masyarakat), Prof. Madya Dr. Shamsul Bahri Md Tamrin menerima Anugerah Fellowship Naib Canselor, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) yang disampaikan oleh Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah pada Majlis Gemilang Akademia Putra (MGAP) 2017, di sini.…”
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UPM News -
Published 2016“…Kubang Kerian, 25 Ogos 2016 - Kemurungan serta tekanan yang dialami oleh pelajar-pelajar pengajian perubatan menjadi inspirasi kepada Pensyarah Pusat Pengajian Sains Perubatan (PPSP) Dr Muhammad Saiful Bahri Yusoff untuk melakukan kajian 'The Medical Students Stress Source Questionaires A Valid Screening To Discover Sources Of Stress Of Medical Students'.…”
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Article -
民间歌谣《月光光》初探 :口语特点与程式 = A study of the Chinese folk songs entitled "Yue Guang Guang" : oral features and formulas
Published 2014“…由于《月光光》随着岁月流逝而退色,因此《月光光》的程式研究是迫在眉梢的任务。米尔曼·帕里(Milman Parry)和艾伯特·贝茨·洛德(Albert Bates Lord)师生以《荷马史诗》为研究对象,发现《史诗》的创编与表演都涉及程式的运用,本文参照帕里—洛德学说(Parry-Lord Theory)中的程式理论,对《月光光》进行剖析,探讨歌谣记忆与如何创作的问题。…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Essays on social preferences, competition and cooperation : an experimental approach
Published 2018“…They are, for examples a peer-to-peer (second party) punishment (Ostrom, Walker et al. 1992, Fehr and Gächter 2000, Fehr and Gächter 2002, Cason and Gangadharan 2015), third-party punishment (Fehr and Fischbacher 2004, Carpenter and Matthews 2012), and a centralized punishment system (Andreoni and Gee 2012). …”
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Thesis -
Productive art engagement in a hybrid format: effects on emotions of older adults during COVID-19 pandemic
Published 2024“…The secondary aim was to compare our results with the previous studies conducted by Beauchet et al., and the third aim was to evaluate the impact of the intervention on apathy. Validated scales were implemented in RedCap and administered at baseline (M0) and at the end of the third month (M3). …”
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Journal Article -
Implication of abandoned housing project in Malaysia
Published 2017“…Meanwhile, non-compensable delays are caused by third parties or incidents beyond the control of both the owner and the contractor. …”
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Undergraduates Project Papers