Validation of an automated scoring program for a digital complex figure copy task within healthy aging and stroke
Published 2021“…American Psychological Association…”
Journal article -
Utilitarianism for animals, Kantianism for people? Harming animals and humans for the greater good
Published 2020“…American Psychological Association…”
Journal article -
‘We are not islands, there is such a thing as society’
Published 2015“…British Psychological Society…”
Journal article -
Does the typeface on album cover influence expectations and perception of music?
Published 2020“…American Psychological Association…”
Journal article -
Using mismatch negativity to study central auditory processing in developmental language and literacy impairments: where are we, and where should we be going?
Published 2007“…American Psychological Association…”
Journal article -
The speed prior account: a new theory to explain multiple phenomena regarding dynamic information
Published 2022“…American Psychological Association…”
Journal article -
Lexical gaps and morphological decomposition: evidence from German
Published 2018“…American Psychological Association…”
Journal article -
High-resolution examination of the relationship between sleep disturbance, functioning and psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia: a novel experience sampling study.
Published 2016“…American Psychological Association…”
Journal article -
“Think happy thoughts!”: Positive mood and delaying gratification in children
Published 2016“…British Psychological Society…”
Conference item -
The consistency principle in interpersonal communication: Consequences of preference confirmation and disconfirmation in collective decision making
Published 2014“…American Psychological Association…”
Journal article -
The impact on emotion classification performance and gaze behavior of foveal versus extrafoveal processing of facial features
Published 2020“…American Psychological Association…”
Journal article -
The evolutionary role of dance: group bonding but not prosocial altruism
Published 2023“…American Psychological Association…”
Journal article -
Interaction Between Object-Based Attention and Pertinence Values Shapes the Attentional Priority Map of a Multielement Display.
Published 2016“…American Psychological Association…”
Journal article -
Dissociating expectancy-based and experience-based control in task switching
Published 2020“…American Psychological Association…”
Journal article -
Basic and advanced numerical performances relate to mathematical expertise but are fully mediated by visuospatial skills
Published 2016“…American Psychological Association…”
Journal article -
A meta-analysis of bias at baseline in RCTs of attention bias modification: No evidence for dot-probe bias towards threat in clinical anxiety and PTSD
Published 2019“…American Psychological Association…”
Journal article -
Professor Glyn Humphreys (1954-2016) Obituary
Published 2016“…British Psychological Society…”
Journal article -
Struggles, hope and opportunity: Girls and Autism: Educational, Family and Personal Perspectives, by Barry Carpenter, Francesca Happé and Jo Egerton (eds) (Routledge; pb £29.99). R...
Published 2019“…British Psychological Society…”
Journal article -
Psychometric properties of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire - IV (GAD-Q-IV) in postpartum mothers
Published 2017“…American Psychological Association…”
Journal article -