The Inside-Out Mechanism of Dicers from Budding Yeasts
Published 2013“…The Dicer ribonuclease III (RNase III) enzymes process long double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) into small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) that direct RNA interference. …”
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Article -
Nanolayered siRNA Dressing for Sustained Localized Knockdown
Published 2014“…In this work we present an ultrathin electrostatically assembled coating for localized and sustained delivery of short interfering RNA (siRNA). This film was applied to a commercially available woven nylon dressing commonly used for surgical applications and was demonstrated to sustain significant knockdown of protein expression in multiple cell types for more than one week in vitro. …”
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Article -
BET Bromodomain Inhibition as a Therapeutic Strategy to Target c-Myc
Published 2014“…Toward this objective, we have targeted MYC transcription by interfering with chromatin-dependent signal transduction to RNA polymerase, specifically by inhibiting the acetyl-lysine recognition domains (bromodomains) of putative coactivator proteins implicated in transcriptional initiation and elongation. …”
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Article -
Evaluation of the Potential Impact of Ebola Virus Genomic Drift on the Efficacy of Sequence-Based Candidate Therapeutics
Published 2015“…Here we highlight the genomic changes that might negatively impact the efficacy of currently available EBOV sequence-based candidate therapeutics, such as small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomers (PMOs), and antibodies. …”
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Article -
Temperature-insensitive mechanical sensor using multi-modal behavior of antiresonant hollow-core fibers
Published 2022“…We report here a simple technique that enhances the interaction between the interfering modes in these fibers, giving rise to up to four-fold increase in the peak-to-peak amplitude of the interference pattern. …”
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Journal Article -
Antibiofilm activity of gallium(III) complexed anionic polymers in combination with antibiotics
Published 2022“…Recent research has revealed that gallium (III) shows an activity against the biofilm of P. aeruginosa by interfering with Fe metabolism. The antibacterial activity of the combination of Ga3+ ion and antibiotic rifampicin (RMP) against P. aeruginosa PAO1 is investigated. …”
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Journal Article -
Unravelling trauma : the journey towards recovery in J.M. Coetzee’s disgrace
Published 2012“…To thoroughly do this, is to examine the nature of truth and sincerity in confessions and its contribution to the healing process of the survivors. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Corporate social responsibility - a case study of Starbucks.
Published 2013“…Nonetheless, it is important to increase consumer involvement if companies wish to induce changes in behaviour and turn its CSR from one that is perceived as a tool, to one that is seen as sincere effort toward environment sustainability. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Miley Cyrus : an analysis of intersectional failures across sexuality, race and class
Published 2017“…The incorporation of these singers, who notably represent different racial and music groups, reasonably hails the song as an inclusive empowering anthem, celebrating American patriotism and its contemporary multiculturalism. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Combination therapy strategy of quorum quenching enzyme and quorum sensing inhibitor in suppressing multiple quorum sensing pathways of P. Aeruginosa
Published 2018“…Quorum sensing inhibitors (QSI) and quorum quenching enzymes (QQE) have been both investigated for their QS interfering capabilities. Here, we first simulated the combination effect of QQE and QSI in blocking bacterial QS. …”
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Journal Article -
Resonant transparency and non-trivial non-radiating excitations in toroidal metamaterials
Published 2014“…It exploits the long sought non-trivial non-radiating charge-current excitation based on interfering electric and toroidal dipoles that was first proposed by Afanasiev and Stepanovsky in [J. …”
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Journal Article -
Published 2013“…Output this research is: (1) Ambonese Malay verbs have characterizing of morphologic, sintax, and semanthic…”
Thesis -
The concept of Itqan and its role in Muslim professional life
Published 2009“…Quran as the final divine revelation from Allah provides a code of conduct for every believer and is the commandment and warrant for him to be committed in hislher work and be sincere about it [5]. Adhering to the Quranic teachings on itqan equips the Muslim professional an effective approach to problem-solving preceded by steady and thorough examination before undertaking an activity and enables the Muslim to tackle problems in an orderly and disciplined manner. …”
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Book Chapter -
Uji Ketelitian Reduksi Anomali Medan Magnetik Bumi ke Bidang Datar Menggunakan Sumber Ekivalen Dipol
Published 2003“…Pengujian dilalcsanakan menggunakan anomali medan magnetik sintetis yang dibangkitkan oleh model sumber anomali berbentuk prisma tegak. …”
Article -
Studi Biodegradasi Poli Hidroksi Butirat Dalam Media Cair = Biodegradation of Poly Hydroxy Butyrate in Liquid Medium
Published 2007“…Plastik jenis ini diharapkan dapat menjadi plastik altematif yang ramah lingkungan sebagai pengganti plastik sintetis yang bersifat sangat suI it terdegradasi. …”
Article -
Pengalaman Keagamaan dan Arti Pentingnya bagi Upaya Memperkokoh Kerukunan Hidup Antar Umat Beragama
Published 2000“…Cara-cara yang digunakan adalah dengan analisis, sintesis dan penarikan kesimpulan. Semua ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh hasil rumusan yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara filosofis. …”
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Other -
Pemodelan senyawa turunan p-aminofenol sebagai analgetik anti-inflamasi berdasarkan hubungan struktur dan aktivitas biologisnya = Modeling of p-aminop.henol compounds as analgesic...
Published 2011“…Hasil penelitian merupakan suatu persamaan QSAR yang dapat digunakan sebagai dasar untuk sintesis senyawa p-aminofenol baru yang lebih tinggi aktivitasnya. …”
Article -
Justification for state intervention in family matters : an analysis from the context of Islamic jurisprudence / Rafeah Saidon ... [et al.]
Published 2015“…A number of justifications is highlighted in this paper to denote the discretionary power of the State in interfering in the family matters of its citizens.…”
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Article -
The doctoral research abstracts Vol:3 2013 / Institute of Graduate Studies, UiTM
Published 2013“…To capture the novelty of your research, Institute of Graduate Studies has published another issue of the Doctoral Research Abstracts ranging from the discipline of science and technology, business and administration, to social science and humanities. We sincerely wish you all the best and may the Almighty guide you to a path of excellence and success. …”
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Monograph -
A single-step synthesis of nitrogen-doped graphene sheets decorated with cobalt hydroxide nanoflakes for the determination of dopamine
Published 2017“…Interference studies revealed that NrGO@Co(OH)2─GCE endow excellent selectivity for DA detection even in the presence of higher concentration of common co-existing physiological interfering analytes. Additionally, proposed sensor demonstrated excellent performance in urine samples with promising reproducibility and stability.…”