In från sidan. Elizabeth W. Fernea: En pionjär i studiet av muslimsk religiös praxis
Publicado em 2018-01-01Assuntos: Obter o texto integral
Artigo -
The Sunni-Shia divide and the modern Middle East
Publicado em 2015“…The events precipitated by the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran and exacerbated by the consequences of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 have metamorphosed into a broader struggle for power between the old Sunni Arab establishment and the emerging Shia power, and between Saudi Arabia and Iran as the natural heavyweights, with proxy wars being waged across the Middle East by both sides. …”
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Tese -
La greffe et l’empreinte : chiisme et communisme dans le monde arabe
Publicado em 2019-09-01“…Communism and Shia political Islam in the Arab world do not share the same ideological assumptions ; however, they do bear family resemblances, due to their historical relationship – particularly in Iraq and Lebanon – which can be broken down to three time sequences. …”
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Artigo -
A Critical Review on the Book After the Prophet
Publicado em 2022-04-01Obter o texto integral
Artigo -
İbn Hazm'ın Gâliyye'ye (İtidal Çizgisini Aşanlara) Eleştirisi Üzerine
Publicado em 2015-11-01Obter o texto integral
Artigo -
An Analysis of the Shiite Biography Production up to the Fifth Century
Publicado em 2018-04-01Obter o texto integral
Artigo -
Représentations du clergé chiite irakien chez les fonctionnaires britanniques de la fin de l’occupation aux premières années du mandat (1918-1924)
Publicado em 2025-07-01“…This article intends to analyse the political exclusion of the Iraqi Shiite clergy in the early years of the mandate through an analysis of the British representations of Shia Islam and those who represented it in Iraq. …”
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Artigo -
Publicado em 2019-01-01“…Saudi Arabia and Iran often accuse each other of fueling sectarian violence by backing Shia and Sunni militias in Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Lebanon. …”
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Artigo -
The Causes of Emergence and Development of Takfiri Groups in the Islamic World; from Confrontation of Tribal and Civilized life to Confrontation of Tradition and Modernity
Publicado em 2018-02-01“…Today, the Islamic world is faced with the emergence and growth of takfiri ideas; Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia, the SSP in Pakistan, Al-Qaeda in many parts of the Islamic world and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria recently split from al-Qaeda in Syria and Iraq have emerged. …”
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Artigo -
Classical Islamic oration’s art, function, and life-altering power of persuasion: the ultimate response by Hammam to Ali’s sermon on piety, and by Hurr to Husayn’s battle oration i...
Publicado em 2023“…Then, it pivots to speak of major life changes induced by particular orations, or sermon-induced ‘conversion’. Two early Islamic orations that induced such transformations are transcribed and briefly discussed: (1) the ‘sermon describing the truly pious’ by the successor of the Prophet according to the Shia and the fourth caliph according to the Sunnis, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (d. 661) in Kufa, Iraq, which is said to have caused his associate Hammam to give up his life spirit, and (2) the battlefield speech addressed to the surrounding Umayyad army by Ali’s son, the Shia Imam Husayn (d. 680), in Karbala, also in Iraq, which is reported to have won over the enemy sub-commander Hurr to Husayn’s side and prompted him to fight for Husayn unto death. …”
Journal article -
The Middle East Shiite Arc: A Real Threat or Geopolitical Chimera?
Publicado em 2020-11-01“…Since the basic criteria of membership in the alliance are the allegiance to Iran and the commitment to Shia Islam it can be expanded to include Iraq, Syria, Lebanese Hezbollah, and sometimes the Shiite forces of Bahrain and even Yemen. …”
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Artigo -
Book Review: ‘Airpower in the War Against ISIS’ by Benjamin S Lambeth
Publicado em 2022-11-01“…This is the first comprehensive study of the US and coalition air attacks on Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) under the mantle of Operation Inherent Resolve, which ran from 2014-19. …”
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Artigo -
الأثر العقدي والسياسي في انقراض المذهب الفقهي بالغرب الإسلامي والأندلس
Publicado em 2019-06-01“…At the same time, the Abbasid State in Iraq adopted the Hanafi’s Mazhab and then it was extended to the Islamic West in Tunisia and the African land. …”
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Artigo -
The Image of Imam Ali (AS) in the Historiography of the Safavid Era
Publicado em 2020-08-01Obter o texto integral
Artigo -
The Economic Policy of Shāh Abbās I and Mashhad Pilgrimage
Publicado em 2020-08-01Obter o texto integral
Artigo -
Exploration of the Iranian Subject’s Hystericization in Recent Decades: A Lacanian Approach
Publicado em 2024-05-01“…The descriptive–analytical method is characterized by the researcher’s non-interference in the situation, conditions, or roles of variables; rather, they merely observe and describe what exists without manipulating or controlling other factors.Results and DiscussionLacan’s conceptual framework elucidates that a new Iranian subject was constructed following the 1979 Islamic Revolution. The divine Shia nation and ancient Iranian elements represented inherent gaps in the constitutive elements of the new subjectivity. …”
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