Showing 1 - 20 results of 21 for search 'The Divine Lady', query time: 0.10s Refine Results
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    Genealogy of Lady Sitting on Noah's Ark (AS), in Islamic Paintings by Taghi Hamidimanesh, Nahid Jafari Dehkordi

    Published 2018-12-01
    “…In most images related to the flood, a lady is among the passengers of the ark whose character and presence are in ambiguity. …”
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    The Divine Feminine Presence in Ibn ‘Arabi and Moses de Leon by Julia Alonso

    Published 2021-02-01
    “…This paper is an investigation of the divine feminine power as depicted in the texts of Hispanic mystics from Sufi, Hebrew, and Christian traditions. …”
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    Misterium niepokalanego poczęcia w mariologii bł. Johna H. Newmana by Bogdan Ferdek

    Published 2019-12-01
    “… The truth of the Immaculate Conception was the focal point of Newman’s teaching on our Lady. It was a fitting preparation for her who was to be the Mother of God Incarnate. …”
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    Matka naszego Pana czy Królowa Męczenników by Wojciech Życiński

    Published 2012-07-01
    “…She did not construe her Divine Motherhood as expression of sovereignty but declared herself servant of the Lord worshiping the one God and completely given to service for His plan o salvation. …”
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    Women’s Theme in the Works by V. S. Solovyov by Alina A. Tipikina

    Published 2023-06-01
    “…The author of the article shows that Solovyov’s reflections on the Divine Sophia, Eternal Femininity, the image of the Beautiful Lady does not prevent the philosopher from unequivocally rejecting the idea of female emancipation, education, paid professions. …”
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    Between Scriptura et Pictura: Meditation on the Domus Dei and the Devotion of the Holy House of Mary by Denise Fallena

    Published 2024-01-01
    “…The manuscript delves into the theological implications of the doctrine of the Incarnation and the virginal divine motherhood of Mary depicted in these images. …”
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    “Ardebo igneo amore Tui”: De Coelestino Leuthnero O.S.B., Matris Dei amatore by Curtius Smolak

    Published 2014-11-01
    “…He starts by addressing Mary as the Lady of Sorrows, then turns to the Lady of Miracles and after that to the Refuge of Sinners, until he finally praises Mary Assumed into Heaven. …”
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    Milton and superfluity by Cohen, A

    Published 2005
    “…In the Ludlow masque, Comus complains that the Lady's 'moral babble' would leave nature 'strangled with her waste fertility.' …”
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    Cztery wczesne wizerunki Chrystusa Miłosiernego: rysunek S. Kreduszyńskiego, fresk Felicjana Szczęsnego Kowarskiego w Hołubli, obrazy Henryka Uziembły w Lądzie i Jana Wałacha w Cze... by Janusz Nowiński

    Published 2020-04-01
    “…The effigy of Merciful Jesus, epitomizing Divine Mercy, is today known and promoted in two painterly versions. …”
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    Cosmic Subjectivity in Ibn ‘Ajība’s Qur’ānic Exegesis by Mariya Golovacheva

    Published 2024-05-01
    “…In his autobiography the Moroccan Sufi Aḥmad Ibn ‘Ajība cites an incident in which his saintly grandmother gives a command to a snake and the reptile fulfils the lady’s order. Undoubtedly, the story demonstrates the special powers granted to the saintly woman, but is the snake she interacts with also special? …”
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    A Meta-Analytical Comparative Study of ‘Mystical Journey’ in the Persian and the World’s Literature by Mahmoud Afrouz

    Published 2021-08-01
    “…Discussion In the first sub-section, Ardaviraf-nameh, the Divine Comedy, Seirolebad Elalma’ad and the comparable works were presented. …”
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    Die ganzheitliche Evangelisierungsmethode der katholischen Mission und ihr Beitrag zur Landesentwicklung in Papua Neuguinea by Paul B. Steffen

    Published 2012-01-01
    “…All missionary congregations working in New Guinea brought their female branches along: the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, the Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit (SSpS) and the Marist Sisters. …”
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    Catholic Church Interiors in Fin-de-Siècle Literature by Claire Masurel-Murray

    Published 2023-03-01
    “…In Dowson’s correspondence or in his poem ‘Benedictio Domini’, in Johnson’s ‘Our Lady of France’, in Wratislaw’s ‘Palm Sunday’ and ‘Songs to Elizabeth’, in some of Wilde’s stories, the opposition between inside and outside expresses figuratively the fundamental incompatibility between an ideal of beauty, embodied in the aesthetic experience of the church, and the coarseness of the outside world. …”
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    Współdzielenie i współodczuwanie zamiast osądzania. Duchowe wsparcie sztuki w zakonach i laickich wspólnotach żeńskich Kalifornii by Anna Markowska

    Published 2024-12-01
    “…Corita Kent, who captures the language of advertising, it explores the work of Ester Hernández, who transforms the traditional iconography of Our Lady of Guadalupe. It also examines Linda Montano, who speaks in the voice of St. …”
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    Hezychia w ujęciu Jana Klimaka i jej odzwierciedlenie w wizerunkach postaci na ikonach Andrzeja Rublowa by Olga Cyrek

    Published 2012-12-01
    “…These are people who were divinized as a result of God’s power. However, the conception of Our Lady of Vladimir see that the Mother of God has opened to the grace of God. …”
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    Berkeley revisited

    Published 2017
    “…This doctrine is reconsidered in the context of Berkeley’s moral philosophy, with contributors highlighting the implications of free will for the evaluation of personal (or divine) responsibility for one’s actions. Berkeley’s concept of desire is reconfigured as a virtue, when channelled towards the common good of society. …”