The creation of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons : a case study in the birth of an intergovernmental organisation /
Published 2007“…The Hague : Asser Press,…”
The Iron Rhine (IJzeren Rijn) arbitration (Belgium-Netherlands) award 2005 = L'arbitrage du "Rhin de Fer" (Belgique-Pays-Bas) sentence de 2005 /
Published 2007“…The Hague, The Netherlands : Asser Press,…”
Europe’s gift to the United Kingdom’s unwritten constitution – juridification
Published 2019“…T.M.C. Asser Press, The Hague…”
Book section -
The law and economics of creditor protection : a transatlantic perspective /
Published 2008“…The Hague, The Netherlands : T.M.C. Asser Press,…”