Vegetation type is an important predictor of the arctic summer land surface energy budget
Published 2022-10-01Get full text
Article -
Assessing visitors' preferences and willingness to pay for the Malayan Tiger conservation in a Malaysian National Park: A choice experiment method
Published 2021“…The population of the unique and critically endangered species Malayan tiger (Panthera tigris jacksoni) continues to decline to less than 200 in the wild, demanding immediate attention to apply conservation plans. …”
Article -
Understanding the demand for and value of pathogen‐free amphibians to US pet owners
Published 2023-09-01“…With the case of pet amphibian owners in the United States, we assessed what characteristics make people more likely to demand certified wild animals and how much more in price premium they are willing to pay for such animals. …”
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Article -
La disperata ricerca dell’Io attraverso le leggi che regolano il riconoscimento sociale. Una rilettura ermeneutica del cinema di Ernst Ingmar Bergman
Published 2018-06-01“…The paper provides the outline for a hermeneutical reinterpretation of Ernst Ingmar Bergman’s cinema and, in particular, of the movie Wild Strawberries (1957). The Author intends to shed light on the laws of the soul, which collide with the rules of the social system. …”
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Article -
"I need a better description": An Investigation Into User Expectations For Differential Privacy
Published 2023-08-01“…Additionally, we find that the ways in which differential privacy is described in-the-wild haphazardly set users' privacy expectations, which can be misleading depending on the deployment. …”
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Article -
"I need a better description": An Investigation Into User Expectations For Differential Privacy
Published 2023-08-01“…Additionally, we find that the ways in which differential privacy is described in-the-wild haphazardly set users' privacy expectations, which can be misleading depending on the deployment. …”
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Article -
Attitude and knowledge on oil palm farm biodiversity and willingness to participate in sustainable palm oil certification among oil palm smallholders in Tanjung Karang, Selangor
Published 2016“…The study also found that all respondents willing to join sustainable palm oil certification but willing to pay a very slow annual certification fees.…”
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Project Paper Report -
Assessing visitors’ behavioural intention, preferences and willingness to pay on Malayan tiger conservation in Taman Negara, Pahang, Malaysia
Published 2021“…The population of the unique and critically endangered species Malayan tiger (Panthera tigris jacksoni) continues to decline to less than 200 in the wild, demanding immediate attention to apply conservation action plans. …”
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Thesis -
Can Sergentomyia (Diptera, Psychodidae) play a role in the transmission of mammal-infecting Leishmania?
Published 2016-01-01“…However, several criteria must be fulfilled to incriminate an arthropod as a biological vector of leishmaniasis, namely: it must be attracted to and willing to feed on humans and any reservoir host, and be present in the same environment; several unambiguously identified wild female flies not containing blood meals have to be found infected (through isolation and/or typing of parasites) with the same strain of Leishmania as occurs in humans or any reservoir host; the presence of infective forms of Leishmania on naturally infected females and/or on colonized sand flies infected experimentally should be observed; and finally, the vector has to be able to transmit parasites as a result of blood-feeding on a susceptible mammal.…”
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Article -
Market potential analysis for tengas (Neolissochilus sp.) in the Malaysian market
Published 2015“…There are some signals that Malaysian marine landings are decreasing and that wild stocks have been over-fished. However, it has extensive inland water bodies which have the potentials to be developed into freshwater aquaculture sites. …”
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Article -
Death by man
Published 2018“…This paper aims to highlight the issues behind the staggering numbers of unnatural wild animal deaths in Singapore. It discusses the causes and consequences of urbanization, habitat loss and space invasion. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Fishers' knowledge and seahorse conservation in Brazil
Published 2005-12-01“…We consider the following aspects as positive for the conservation of seahorses and their habitats in Brazil: fishers were willing to dialogue with researchers; although captures and/or trade of brooding seahorses occurred, most interviewees recognized the importance of reproduction to the maintenance of seahorses in the wild (and therefore of their source of income), and expressed concern over population declines; fishers associated the presence of a ventral pouch with reproduction in seahorses (regardless of them knowing which sex bears the pouch), and this may facilitate the construction of collaborative management options designed to eliminate captures of brooding specimens; fishers recognized microhabitats of importance to the maintenance of seahorse wild populations; fishers who kept seahorses in captivity tended to recognize the condtions as poor, and as being a cause of seahorse mortality.…”
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Article -
Evaluation of local community knowledge, awareness and willingness to participate in conservation of River Terrapin in Perak River, Malaysia
Published 2017“…The good knowledge and awareness of the local communities will result the positive feedback on willingness to participate in the conservation programme as 95% of the respondents willing to maintain the cleanness of the river while 87% of them feel responsibility to conserve the species and 84% willing to make a report regarding any illegal activities on river terrapin. …”
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Thesis -
Malaysian limestone orchids status : diversity, threat and conservation.
Published 2009“…Knowledge and data obtained from the field observation over the past 8 years leads us to report that at least 15 species endemic to limestone has become rare in the wild in Perlis, Bau and Padawan Sarawak. This was mainly attributed by: i) lack of emphasis by the government on understanding and protecting biodiversity in this kind of habitat; ii) lack of scientists willing to do research in dangerous and disaster prone limestone habitat; and iii) lack of knowledge and awareness among local communities on the importance of conserving and utilizing their natural resources in a sustainable manner. …”
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Article -
Benefits and food safety concerns associated with consumption of edible insects
Published 2020-03-01“…Keywords: Edible insects, Entomophagy, Farmed insects, Food safety, Nutrition, Wild insects…”
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Article -
Public perception of nature conservation promotion in public spaces in Warsaw
Published 2021-06-01“…However, the survey did indicate that women were more interested and concerned with nature protection than men, and they were willing to take part in the survey, when approached, more often than men. …”
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Article -
Restaurateurs’ context, decisions, and views on supporting sustainable seafood: Insights from Chile
Published 2022-11-01“…Menus in Chile are diverse and dominated by domestic and wild-caught sources. Restauranters are willing to participate in traceability programs, especially when it is for both sustainability and health safety reasons. …”
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Article -
Factors influencing willingness to donate to marine endangered species recovery in the Galapagos National Park, Ecuador
Published 2016-05-01“…In contrast, visitors who are more willing to donate for shark conservation appear to be those with a strong desire to see them in the wild. …”
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Simultaneous detection of colorectal cancer mutations in stool samples with biochip arrays
Published 2009-01-01“…Mutation detection was possible in 1000-fold excess of wild type DNA and analysis of 10 CRC-positive patient samples showed presence of targeted mutations with equivalent mutations also identified by an alternative method. …”
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Article -
Independent oil palm smallholders' knowledge and attitude towards biodiversity conservation and the willingness to participate in environmentally certification schemes in Kuala Lan...
Published 2016“…Moreover, the types of wild animals found in their farmlands also abundant and some of it is a threatened and protected species. …”
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Project Paper Report