Plants, people and environmental quality : a study of plants and their environmental functions /
Published 1972“…Washington, D C : Department of the Interior,…”
Electrical, screen, and lithologic logs of selected municipal supply wells in Guaje Canyon near Los Alamos, New Mexico/
Published 1962“…Washington, D C : Department of the Interior,…”
Geologic map showing locations of wells, Acu Valley, Rio Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil / [peta]
Published 1968“…Washington D C : Department of the Interior;…”
Geohydrologic maps and section of the Teresina-Campo Maior area, Piani, Brazil / [peta]
Published 1972“…Washington D C : Department of the Interior,…”
Salinity profiles, Punjab region West Pakistan / [peta]
Published 1968“…Washington D C : Department of the Interior,…”
Hypothetical ground-water flow and salinity profiles for the preirrigation period, Punjab region, West Pakistan / [peta]
Published 1968“…Washington D C : Department of the Interior,…”
Contour maps showing subsurface structure, hydraulic-head relationships, and extent and chloride content of salt water in the lower part of the Magothy (?) Formation at - 150 feet,...
Published 1966“…Washington D C : Department of the Interior,…”
Geohyhdrologic sections from far rockway to Bay Park, Cedarhurst to Woodmere, and Woodmere to Atlantic Beach, New York / [peta]
Published 1966“…Washington D C : Department of the Interior,…”
Map of southern Nassau and southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, New York, showing location of wells / [peta]
Published 1966“…Washington D C : Department of the Interior,…”
Geohydrology section from Rockaway Park to Jones Beach, New York, showing (A) position of salty-water wedges and (B) heads and components of flow in March, 1961 / [peta]
Published 1966“…Washington D C : Department of the Interior, …”
Map showing availability of artesian water in middle-zone, Chad formation, Bornu and Dikwa Emirates, northeastern Nigeria / [peta]
Published 1968“…Washington D C : Department of the Interior,…”
Map showing depth to top of middle zone, Chad formation, Bornu and Dikwa Emirates, northeastern Nigeria / [peta]
Published 1965“…Washington D C : Department of the Interior,…”
Summary of ground-water conditions and geohydrologic relationships that influence the water resources
Published 1972“…Washington, D C : Department of the Interior,…”
Hydrogeologic maps and sections of sycamore creek watershed Maricopa County, Arizona [peta]
Published 1968“…Washington, D C : Department of Interior,…”
Block diagram showing the generalized stratigraphy and structure of the Jackson Purchase region, Kentucky [peta]
Published 1973“…Washington, D.C. : Department of the Interior,…”
Schematic diagram showing major components of the natural annual water budget for the Tucson Basin, Southeastern Arizona
Published 1973“…Washington, D C : Department of the Interior,…”
Fence diagram showing quality of water in the Lee Formation in parts of Elliott, Johnson, Lawrence, Magoffin, and Morgan Counties, Eastern Coal Field Region, Kentucky
Published 1969“…Washington D C : Department of the Interior,…”
Hydrographs of selected wadis in central Tunisia
Published 1967“…Washington, D C : Department of the Interior,…”
Seismic profiles and their analyses, Hualapai and Sacramento Valleys, Mohare County, Arizona
Published 1971“…Washington, D C : Department of the Interior,…”
Generalized geologic section of Glynn County, Georgia, as determined from test well 2 (D - 182), and water-bearing properties of the rocks
Published 1962“…Washington, D C : Department of the Interior,…”