Gravity measurement operations in the field /
Published 1959“…Washington : U.S. Govt. Printing Office,…”
Calcareous nanoplankton and stratigraphy of late Turonian, Coniancian and early Santonian Age of the Eagle Ford and Austin Groups of Texas/
Published 1981“…Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Office,…”
Bedrock, surficial, and economic geology of the sunnyside coal mining district, Carbon and Emery Counties, Utah /
Published 1981“…Washington : U S Govt Printing Office,…”
Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the US Geological Survey, 1979 /
Published 1980“…Washington : U S Govt Printing Office,…”
Bedrock, surficial, and economic geology of the sunnyside coal mining district, Carbon and Emery Counties, Utah / [peta]
Published 1981“…Washington : U.S. Govt. Printing Office,…”
Trap-efficiency study, Highland Creek flood-retarding reservoir near Kelseyville, California, Water Years 1966-77/
Published 1982“…Washington, DC : U S Govt. Printing Office,…”
Selected papers in the hydrologic sciences 1986 /
Published 1986“…Washington, DC : U S Govt Printing Office,…”
Effects of low-level dams on the distribution of sediment, trace metals, and organic substances in the lower Schuylkill River basin, Pennsylvania/
Published 1985“…Washington, D C : U S Govt Printing Office,…”
Ground water in Utah's densely populated wasatch front : the challenge and the choices/
Published 1985“…Washington, D.C. : U.S. Govt. Printing Office,…”
Selected papers in the hydrologic sciences 1986 /
Published 1986“…Washington, D.C. : U S Govt. Printing Office,…”
Verification of step-backwater computations on ephemeral streams in Northeastern Wyoming/
Published 1982“…Washington: D. C. U. S. Govt. Printing Office,…”
National water summary 1983 : hydrologic events and issues /
Published 1984“…Washington, D C : U S Govt Printing Office,…”
Pesticides in the Nation's Rivers, 1975-1980 and implications for future monitoring/
Published 1985“…Washington, D C: U S Govt. Printing Office,…”