Finite-Difference Simulations of Time Reversed Acoustics in a Layered Earth Model
Published 2012“…Injecting the recorded signal, with time running backwards, reconstructs the whole wave field within the medium and can focus the wave field to the source. …”
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Technical Report -
Life in its fullness: Ecology, eschatology and ecodomy in a time of climate change
Published 2020-11-01“…And we can draw on the apocalyptic witness of Scripture to address this crisis, not with despair but with hope – hope for what the Gospel of John calls ‘abundant life’, hope for a renewal of the whole community of earth, the ecodomy, hope for ‘life in all its fullness’. …”
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Humanity at the Cross-Roads: Philosophical Implications of Human Genome Project
Published 2011-06-01Get full text
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Green Chemistry An Inclusive Approach
Published 2017“…By bringing together experts in multiple subdisciplines of green chemistry, the editors have curated a single central resource for an introduction to the discipline as a whole. Topics include a broad array of research fields, including the chemistry of Earth’s atmosphere, water and soil, the synthesis of fine chemicals, and sections on pharmaceuticals, plastics, energy related issues (energy storage, fuel cells, solar, and wind energy conversion etc., greenhouse gases and their handling, chemical toxicology issues of everyday products (from perfumes to detergents or clothing), and environmental policy issues.…”
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Towards the Anthropocene : colossal naturality in disordered territories
Published 2013Get full text
Thesis -
A Dream of the Perfect Map – Calvino’s Invisible Cities
Published 2012-06-01“…Instead of God’s gaze into the unknown distance (as on the Hereford map), Renaissance cartographers imagined the Ptolemaic human gaze looking down on the Earth. The cartographer’s ‘organ of sight’ began to shift from the inner eye of the soul to the physical eye of the body: the idea of the globe as a whole observed by a ‘roving human eye’ is connected to the Renaissance idea of perspectivism. …”
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Identifying Distinct Pre‐Eruptive Composition‐H2O‐Time Trends Using Plagioclase
Published 2024-02-01Get full text
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« Le droit français aux prises avec les limites planétaires »
Published 2023-12-01“…Planetary boundaries are a conceptual tool that aims to assess the capacity of the Earth to absorb anthropogenic pressures. The objective is to ensure a safe operating system for humanity based on ecological thresholds associated with nine biophysical processes that regulate the stability of the Earth as a whole. …”
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A crustal Pb isotope map of southeastern Australia
Published 2024-11-01“…This dataset has the potential to benefit a wide variety of different disciplines and is an important resource for addressing earth science questions ranging from unravelling crustal differentiation and architecture, through tracing magma source U- and Th-enrichment, to mineral deposit genesis.…”
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Coğrafyacılar Tarafından Yapılan Arazi Kullanım Çalışmaları Üzerine Kavramsal ve Yöntemsel Öneriler
Published 2024-10-01“…The science of geography, which examines the earth as a whole with which humans interact, constitutes the main source of concepts related to land and land use. …”
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Brief Overview of Ice Nucleation
Published 2021-01-01“…It is thus not quite possible to cover the whole subject of ice nucleation in a single review. …”
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Physical and expert investigation of the Islamic garden design and principles for Malaysia
Published 2017“…This framework is pertinent to guide designers and professionals in developing an Islamic garden that suits the current society’s needs in particular and the future community as a whole. The objective of this study is to establish a framework of Islamic garden design for Malaysia. …”
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Thesis -
Structure, dynamics, and robustness of ecological networks
Published 2011“…They are considered complex systems because the behaviour of the system as a whole is not always obvious from the properties of the individual parts. …”
Thesis -
Developing systems theory in soil agroecology: incorporating heterogeneity and dynamic instability
Published 2023-11-01“…Overall, this study highlights the potential benefits of incorporating spatial heterogeneity and dynamic instabilities into future model representations of whole soil processes, and contributes to the field as a modern synthetic review that connects existing similar ideas across disciplines and highlights their implications for future work and potential findings. …”
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Harmonization of the Activity of the Left and Right Cerebral Hemispheres - an Important Component of the Spiritual and Mental Health of Individual and Humanity
Published 2020-09-01“…Shchetynin school students spend 21 days (6 lessons daily) studying only one academic discipline for the purpose of deep penetration into its essence - information-energy merger, connection with the subject being studied, into a single whole, that is, achieving an intuitive level of comprehension. • Spiritual practices (prayer, meditation). …”
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Perspectives for plant biology in space and analogue environments
Published 2023-08-01“…Abstract Advancements in plant space biology are required for the realization of human space exploration missions, where the re-supply of resources from Earth is not feasible. Until a few decades ago, space life science was focused on the impact of the space environment on the human body. …”
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Islamic ethical values on bioengineering practices : issues in genetic engineering
Published 2006“…Bioethics as a field of study in the hierarchy of disciplines in ethical studies and human knowledge has emerged in early 1950s as a result of the expansion of scientific and technological innovations. …”
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Book -
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission): Briefing on Truth, Reconciliation, and Healing Toward a Unified Future Thursday, July 18, 2019
Published 2021-09-01“…The U.S. population, as a whole, lives shorter lives and has poorer health than our peer nations. …”
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