The almost everywhere convergence of eigenfunction expansions of elliptic differential operators in the Torus
Published 2018“…In the present research we investigated the problems concerning the almost everywhere convergence of multiple Fourier series summed over the elliptic levels in the classes of Liouville functions on Tours. …”
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Thesis -
Development of functional thermoplastic polyurethane nanocomposites via selective laser sintering
Published 2023“…Therefore, this thesis aims to systematically develop functional TPU-based nanocomposite powders for the SLS process, investigate the effects of functional fillers on the SLS process, and design structures for potential applications. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Long term dietary supplementation of soybean oil and vitamin E and their effects on reproductive functions of sprague-dawley rats
Published 2012“…An investigation was carried out to determine the effects of long term dietary fat and vitamin E supplementation on the reproductive functions of Sprague-Dawley rats. A total of 120 Sprague-Dawley 8-weeks old male and female rats were used in this 64-week trial inclusive of one week of adaptation period. …”
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Thesis -
The convergence problems of eigenfunction expansions of elliptic differential operators
Published 2018“…Obtaining of such estimations involves very complicated calculations which depends on the functional structure of the classes of functions. The main idea on the proving the almost everywhere convergence of the eigenfunction expansions in the interpolation spaces is estimation of the maximal operator of the partial sums in the boundary classes and application of the interpolation Theorem of the family of linear operators. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
On positive solutions for singular boundary value problems of differential and difference equations / Noor Halimatus Sa'diah Ismail
Published 2016“…By choosing appropriate cone, the singularity of the equations is essentially removed and the associated positive operator becomes well defined for certain ranges of functions even when et is negative. By employing the Krasnoselskii fixed point theorem in cone, the existence and multiplicity of positive periodic solutions for a singular system of first-order ordinary differential equations is established. …”
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Thesis -
Published 2013“…In this case the port has an important role as an integrative function. This study aimed to reveal how the port of Semarang as the integrative function of integrating trade networks, both its role in integrating between centers of production in Central Java and between the production centers to the market as well as its role as a point of national economic integration through network ports that there is in almost all of Indonesia in 1825 to 1939. …”
Thesis -
Pemanfaatan Jaringan Saraf Tiruan Multi
Published 2006“…This network can be trained to recognize a certain pa ttern_ The pattern of temperature and rainfall is almost equal in specific period in one year. By using multilaver perceptron feedforward neural network, the shifting of temperature and rainfall pattern is adapted so that expected to produce accurate weather prediction. …”
Article -
PERKEMBANGAN DEMOKRASI DI INDONESIA:ANALISIS HUBUNGAN LEGISLATIF DAN EKSEKUTIF 1950 - 1992The Development of Indonesia's Democracy: An Analisys onthe Relationship of Legislative an...
Published 1997“…This fact can be proved by its intensity to perform its rights of both constitutional and control function. Therefore, it can be concluded that the performance of Indonesia's democracy during this period was quite well.Yet during the period of 1957 -1992, particularly beginning the declaration of martial law, in March 1957, the role of legislative was declining. …”
Article -
Existence, convergence and efficiency analysis of nash equilibrium and its applications
Published 2016“…To reduce the upper bound of POTA, dynamic pricing is implemented for networks with linear latency functions. The influence of the inaccurate parameter information of the latency function on the POTA is also discussed. …”
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Thesis -
Preparation and characterization of chitosan/agar blends: Rheological and thermal studies
Published 2010“…The theological properties i.e. shearing viscosity and shear stress of the blend solutions as a function of shear rate as well as the thermal properties of the blend films were investigated. …”
Article -
Published 2012“…Furthermore, the company is supposed to implement corporate strategies that separate clearly between holding company functions with the function of the operating company after the discharge of the strategic investor.…”
Thesis -
Optimisation model of intelligent charging strategies for battery electric vehicles considering the power system and battery ageing
Published 2018“…Charging times coincide with times of low electricity prices, usually correlated to valleys in the electricity demand. Almost no fast charging is applied, indicating that the higher battery ageing cost due to fast charging cannot be outweighed by a reduction in electricity cost when charging more energy during low-priced periods.…”
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Thesis -
The evolution and growth patterns of the road network in a medium-sized developing city : a historical investigation of Changchun, China, from 1912 to 2017
Published 2020“…The paper proposed a general study framework and analytical workflow based on network theory that could be applied to almost any city to analyze the temporal evolution of road networks. …”
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Journal Article -
Production risk and technical inefficiency of paddy farms in MADA granary area, Malaysia
Published 2016“…The data for the study was sourced from the survey conducted for the period of 2014 farming season. The study employed a trans-log stochastic frontier production function model with flexible risk specification. …”
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Thesis -
Quality of life of end stage renal failure patients undergoing dialysis treatment in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (Hospital USM)
Published 2013“…End Stage Renal Failure (ESRF) is a chronic kidney disease that requires for Renal Replacement Therapies (RRT) due to irreversible loss of almost total renal function. Renal replacement therapy is important to avoid life-threatening complication such as uremia and heart failure as well as to prolong patients' quality of life by slowing down the disease progress. …”
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